3 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – August 27 2020”

  1. I just tweeted the following after CDC Director Redfield “walked back” changes in testing protocol.

    “Is it possible for the CDC and FDA to have consistent messaging on a day-to-day basis? Incompetence is tough to watch. This week Hahn and Redfield had to walk back the grievous error of confusing relative/absolute risk reduction and change in C-19 testing guidelines, respectively.”

    I’m so tired of seeing presumably well-educated, and certainly well-paid people be so incredibly incompetent. To me, any time an official has to walk something back that relates to policy it’s really a bad sign. It points to lack of coordination, inconsistent messaging, confusion, and perhaps political infighting. Not good. I think Congress does a reasonable job in holding these people accountable for lying or being deceitful. But, sometimes I’d prefer the European model which cares as much if not more about competence. If a public official is incompetent, he/she must go. Period. Redfield has displayed gross incompetence again and again, as has Hahn. Perhaps they were under political pressure. But, that’s wrong. Science and politics aren’t best buddies, and shouldn’t be. If a decision that ought to be evidence-based takes a political turn, the person making that decision must go. I’ve always felt that these officials – including the Federal Reserve chairperson – should NOT be political appointees. For example, the FDA commissioner shouldn’t be someone the president appoints. Rather, it should be a bland and boring, rising through the ranks scientist who deserves the job based on merit. Hahn especially, just isn’t up for the job. The previous guy Trump appointed, Gottlieb, was.

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