11 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – September 15 2020”

    1. It’s beginning to appear more and more that the vaccine will not be available for this year at all and that EVERYONE will have to wait until 2021, no matter their position or status. It’s probably going to be a matter of “early, mid or late” 2021. Oh well.

  1. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will be mostly virtual with the balloons tied to automobiles along the route. I believe no spectators either. It will be shown on NBC-TV as usual.

    At least Santa will make his usual appearance if I understand correctly! 😀

    1. No cases of coronavirus reported in his part of the world; say, the Nunavut province and points north.

      I heard he has ordered lots of hand sanitizer from Amazon for him and the reindeer.

      Greenland has only had 14 cases. Even Labrador and Newfoundland have only had a handful of cases.

  2. I am willing to bet that the Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting will be “virtual” as well.

    Not to mention Times Square dropping the ball on New Year’s Eve.

    2020 is going to end a lot quieter than it began, no doubt.

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