13 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – October 16 2020”

  1. I heard this morning on ABC’s GMA that this country is now in its THIRD phase of Covid-19?? I could have sworn that we are just starting the SECOND phase!!!


  2. Boston Mayor Walsh is now threatening S-H-U-T-D-O-W-N if gatherings don’t stop.

    It seems that cases are rising all over the world, but I have to wonder if it’s really anyone’s fault per se, that most are doing all they can to prevent the spread. Maybe, maybe not?

    1. I think there are a lot of gatherings. Baker said the other day that it is the 20-30 somethings that seem to want to gather and where they are seeing numbers go up.

      And third phase? They must have misspoken.

      1. I have also noticed some folk not wearing their masks, and starting to see a number of masks laying down on the sidewalk.

        And I am not just talking young folk. I am also seeing a number of adults walking around sans masks, especially seniors (mostly men) no less. They of all should be setting the example. Too many of all groups with their masks around their necks and not on their faces.

        1. I had the same thought when baker mentioned younger folks. I also see or hear a good number of older folks who won’t wear masks

  3. A colleague of mine was banned from LinkedIn for holding contrarian and controversial views on Covid-19. He and I had had vehement disagreements. But, I’m utterly appalled at LinkedIn for banning him. I wrote this in a LinkedIn post. I also reached out to the person to tell him that our strong disagreement and his contrarian views should in no way justify his being censored. He wrote back just now to say that his dean is trying to fire him for his views. He’s tenured, but still.

    This is wrong. I hate cancel culture on the left and right. I can’t stand the fact that a civil debate just can’t be had anymore. The intolerance on both sides is deplorable. our republic is suffering as a result.

    1. Your comment is all to accurate and all too true. Frankly, I’d like to have some trump supporters here to express their views. You cannot learn if all you hear echoes your views.

  4. The European second wave bears resemblance to our sunbelt wave in June and July. More positive cases are a function of two things: 1. contagion spread intensity (as measured by test positivity, which has become quite high across Europe – it is currently much higher than the U.S. in many jurisdictions ); 2. more testing.

    The 3 curves – cases, hospitalizations, and ICU usage – have very different slopes. The first is steepest, followed by hospitalizations, followed by ICU usage.

    Deaths are increasing. France had nearly 200 reported deaths today. But, the numbers are not what they were in March and April. There are local reports across Europe of healthcare system capacity issues. But, so far not the widespread issues that were reported in March and April.

    The Netherlands and Belgium have closed all bars and restaurants for at least two weeks. There are also bans on gatherings of more than 4 people indoors, with socializing outside the household strongly discouraged, and very hefty fines for anyone violating the 4 person rule. In what is termed a “partial lockdown” they hope to limit the spread.

    In the U.S. the Midwest and Northern Plains surge is translating into significant increases in hospitalizations and deaths. I’d say that with the exception of a few deep south states, the states being hit hard now have some of the least healthy populations. Very high obesity and diabetes rates, for example.

  5. Vicki, I totally agree. While not a fan of Trump I don’t exclude people because they support Trump. I might try to convince them not to support the guy. But, ultimately it’s their choice. We need an open debate, not a closed one. Too many people on the left and right are demonizing each other and in some cases canceling the other.

    Latest data in Massachusetts is not encouraging. However, it’s not nearly as bad here as it is in parts of the Midwest and Northern Plains.


  6. Joshua. I’ll repost tomorrow because it is late

    I was talking with Macs cousin in Brookline tonight who is a brilliant woman in her own right. It is her son who is in Chile, who had covid and whose new bride is an ICU physician. She did not get covid. She did not take precautions as their apartment is small. She did not get covid. She thought she must have antibodies. After being tested, she did not.

    This is true for my son whose now fiancé did not get covid from him. Nor did my grandson. It is also true of multiple couples Macs cousin knows…..one being a cancer patient on chemo who lost his wife to covid but did not get it

    So the question She asked is .,,.rather than look at those who did not get covid and wonder why, do we look at those who have covid but do not spread it.

    There are some articles out there with the same question. I wondered if you had seen any of this in your research

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