15 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – October 20 2020”

    1. Thanks Joshua, for reposting. I meant to go back to read but the morning has been filled with nuisances and I forgot.

      May I share on FB or just with friends and family privately?

      I still do not understand the third wave? Did areas already have a First and second in the US?

      Logic says shut down here now, We waited far too long in the spring. How did we not learn from that?

      1. Yes, you can certainly share my posted Forbes articles on Facebook.

        It’s really a third peak we’re ascending to in the U.S. We never got our daily new infections below 20k. Europe got its daily new cases below 3k – and Europe has 500 million inhabitants. So, one can say Europe is in its second wave.

        I think most lockdowns will be smart or targeted ones. We won’t have the kind of shutdown we had in March.

        The problem right now is there is no coherent strategy in the U.S. States that could really use a targeted lockdown right now – Oklahoma, Missouri, Wisconsin, North Dakota – won’t.

        There is more coherence in Europe in terms of a targeted approach, so I suspect they’ll have things under control by late November. The U.S., on the other hand, is just riding it out for the most part, with a few exceptions – Northeast and West coast.

      2. Even Dr. Fauci doesn’t want to talk shutdowns if all possible. That will only devastate more restaurants and other businesses.

        I have noticed more Trump supporters with masks at his rallies lately. Not all but I suppose half is better than none.

        1. Yes, but they’re bunched together like sardines. Masks are certainly not foolproof. You gotta distance, at least a little.

          1. I absolutely agree that social distancing must be done in combo. But perhaps at least if there had been masks at the ACB celebration, fewer would have gotten sick (including POTUS himself).

            It appears that Chris Christie has learned his lesson regarding mask wearing. He was recently interviewed on ABC GMA.

          1. I think Joshua explained and sort of understand

            I heard Fauci say no lockdown. IMO it will do far more harm to lose twice as many as we lost. A sick economy is never going to improve.

  1. Deaths in Europe are mounting. Really alarming data today:

    U.K.: 241 deaths
    France: 262 deaths
    Spain: 218 deaths
    Poland: 107 deaths
    Italy: 89 deaths
    Czech Republic: 87 deaths

    Looking at the ICU usage, the numbers are increasing rapidly across virtually all countries.

    The rather unbelievable thing is that there are still many conspiracy theorists who believe Covid-19 is a hoax.

      1. Our death rate is already fairly high, and has been for many months. Still averaging more than 730 deaths per day. That will likely increase in the coming weeks.

        The European death rate had been significantly below ours for many months, but that has changed in the last 2 weeks.

        I believe our death rate and that of Europe are pretty much equal now. Remember, even though Europe now averages more than 1,000 deaths/day, it’s much larger in terms of population. Death RATE takes that into account.

  2. If I heard correctly this morning, Moderna will have a legitimate vaccine ready by December BUT not for the general public until spring.

    1. That’s in line with what Fauci said in April, July, and this month. No surprise here. I’d say emergency use authorization could be as early as the 1st of December. That’s NOT approval for the public; just for a select group of high risk people. FDA approval would follow some time this winter or early spring. Then we can all get the vaccine.

  3. FLOTUS will not be joining the campaign trail due to persistent cough.

    One has to wonder if Melania Trump is sicker than the WH is letting on.

  4. Basically what I had said yesterday morning, J expanded on, regarding the definition of the 3rd wave. I figured there was a threshold, but wasn’t really. Our “2nd wave” was that spike after too many places re-opened too quickly. One could argue it was an extension of the 1st wave, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter. We’re heading into another wave now, either way. We need to do better to get through this one, and hang on until genuine help arrives. It can be done.

    C-19 for 10-21 is ready.

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