30 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 11 2020”

  1. As far as vaccine distribution for colleges, my suggestion is for each campus do its own vaccine distribution to students and staff just like it is currently for testing, whether the vaccine itself be mandatory or not.

    1. School cases are getting higher & higher but the Governor doesn’t care & Boston is to open more schools on Monday . I don’t get it how about let’s just send the kids home early statewide for Xmas break with the plan to come back if it’s ok , but that would make too much Sense for this leadership right, I never had a problem with Baker until recently as I’ve lost all confidence in him . He’s putting way to much trust amongst the people vs having the balls to actually do something that may give us a decent shot at possibly getting ahead . I though I heard RI is extending her orders .

      1. It makes no sense SSK. I tuned into our school committee meeting this week and one member mentioned that we’ve only had x number of cases. Well as we’ve seen with the biogen conference that 100 or whatever number of cases it was there initially leads to thousands in the community.

        1. I agree with you both as you know. We are full remote in Sutton as you also know till Jan 4. Other states are closing through to MLK day which makes sense. It will be past the holiday surge. We may well go till then. Our superintendent has been excellent. Risking even one life is not worth the alternative. We worry about how kids adapt to remote. Why? Parents can make it a positive or negative based on their views. But what is the impact on a child when a friend or teacher or bus driver or staff gets covid?

          1. For some, in person learning is vital. Not to mention that most of the medical community also pushing in person for ALL students regardless of Covid cases. I don’t get the reasoning for that but every time the subject comes up during an interview, that’s their response.

            1. It is absolutely necessary for some. And absolutely no one wishes for the kids to not be in school. But it simply is too big a risk. And frankly, I’m seeing lessons learned by kids that have nothing to do with academics but life lessons they may not have leaned otherwise. It is up to parents to guide their children.

  2. One bit of good news is that since Boston hospitals are not overwhelmed at this time, no shutdowns are expected for the city, for now anyway.

  3. MBTA Commuter Rail will be cutting their weekday schedule in half due to so many employees testing positive for Covid-19.

    Interesting though that weekend schedule remains the same.

  4. I’m unsure why the Governor, Mayor, or any person would declare that all schools will reopen in January. This needs to be a science- and pandemic-driven process, not strictly a function of the calendar.

    I also believe many in the U.S. see the vaccine as all-powerful – an elixir to ban the pandemic. Well, it will definitely help to get rid of the pandemic. But, it’s going to take some time. In the meantime, we’re undergoing the worst of the pandemic: Extremely high levels of cases that have plateaued but at over 200k per day, record number of hospitalized patients almost every day (107k), record numbers of new daily deaths (3k). The coming weeks will be the most difficult the nation has faced. Even though I am in favor of kids being in school and having in-person classes, I do not think many systems should (re)open in early January, at the peak of the 3rd wave.

    My latest Forbes piece is on something completely different, but relevant to healthcare: durability and reimbursement challenges related to promising gene therapies: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2020/12/11/though-promising-gene-therapies-face-durability-and-reimbursement-headwinds/?sh=2c3fa1024f86

  5. The more people that get the vaccine, the more likely we get to herd immunity and can remove our masks for good.

    Is that correct Joshua?

  6. As some on here have been kind with the well wishes update : I had stitches out today , will start physical therapy next week & I will see the Doctor on January 11th & more then likely get cleared for work on Tuesday the 12th . Appreciate all the well wishes now I need a big snow storm ( wrong blog I know )

    1. Very good to hear, John.

      I’m awaiting test results. They said 2-3 days, so I’ll probably hear by Sunday.

  7. John, when I refer to the 3rd wave in the U.S. it’s the 3rd peak in transmissions. We had the 1st one back in March/April, the second one (sunbelt) in June/July, and the 3rd one November/December.

      1. Wastewater analysis – hopefully you’ve had your dinner – is looking very bad for Boston. That is, there’s a lot of coronavirus in the sewage, as much as during the 1st peak in April. This suggests we’ll be seeing a lot more cases next week, I’m afraid.

        1. Yes one of my friends posted this on Facebook today or yesterday. This is amazing & it’s pretty accurate Joshua

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