16 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 15 2020”

  1. Just what we DON’T need!

    I heard this morning that there is a new strain of Covid-19 reported in the U.K. and there is no word yet as to the current vaccine’s effects on it.

    Joshua, have you heard about this?

  2. Same old same old from our very weak Governor. So he goes on & on about how bad things are & how bad it’s got since after thanksgiving. The experts have clearly said folks who go on like business as usual with the upcoming holidays will prove to be very , very bad & thanksgiving proved that a lot of folks never listened . They are begging you on tv to stay home just celebrate with who is in your house only , a doctor just spoke from I believe mass General just begged folks to stay home . So I do not get it why is the Governor not making a drastic change Shame on you Governor . Doctor on tv saying now if w hat happened on thanksgiving Happens again the Hospital will be in grave danger . Do something Baker

    1. What more can Baker do? If people won’t listen, it’s no longer in his hands. It’s probably going to be a bad January after Christmas travel much like it is now after Thanksgiving.

      1. Philip he should put I don’t know even more restrictions. Did you watch today & the Nurse they had on they were literally begging people to pass on the holidays stay home with the people in your house only . I’ve giving up all of my holidays, I can’t go to Maine on 12/27to see my patents new place for the people that don’t Shame on them . He needs to do more & people are telling him that . He goes on & on the same old tune .

        1. I absolutely agree. He can do what other governors have done.

          Ssk, I cried as I listened to the nursing director from MGH, Melissa Jocelyn. You are right. She literally begged.

          1. Absolutely Vicki and she said I’m begging you . He was told what would happen if people don’t stay home for thanksgiving & they did not & what the experts said would happen & is . The nurse said if this happens for the next couple of holidays the situation will be grave & hospitals may not be able to handle it & her exact word I’m watching now she said I am gravely concerned. I ask why he is not shutting things down for awhile I mean he is saying how bad it is & still he just says please don’t go out . Again I have said all along I never had a problem with him but I have absolutely 0 respect for this guy & excuse my language ladies but the only way to say it is this guy has no balls !!!!

            1. I’m in absolute agreement. I was sure today when he said how much the numbers he escalated after thanksgiving that he would move back in phases. I had such confidence when we went from one of the worst to one of the best states that he would do it again. Bottom line is we are on our own and I this state that is as sad as it gets

    1. As you know I do not support percents. Numbers mean far more. In Sutton as well as other communities covid IS spreading IN SCHOOLS. Framingham has been vocal about that also. . We have 30 special needs students infected. With special needs both masks and distancing are impossible. Some schools have controlled it. We did for a whole also

      How many are then infected by the children? I would really like an answer as to how many risks we are willing to take? If remote learning takes a toll on kids….how does the constant threat of covid or seeing a friend or teacher that is positive?

      Sutton put its focus on remote and my grands and others they know are doing well…some excelling. Are there problems? Sure are. But then they have ALWAYS existed.

      My niece as I have said is a speech pathologist in CA working on her doctorate. She was in a hospital setting. She was hired by a school but the hospital didn’t want to lose her so kept her on a per diem basis. She has said she felt safer in the hospital than school. Hospitals have well established disaster plans. Schools are barely figuring it out…in great part they are hindered by parents so they cannot perfect remote.

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