20 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 21 2020”

  1. Graph below is one I frequently return to. See link. It shows how inadequate the U.S. `response’ has been. The implications are devastating. By the way, U.S. test positivity is close to 12% nationwide.

    What’s lost in the shuffle of positive news regarding the vaccines is that in the coming months the vaccines’ impact will be limited, in fact, painfully so. By the end of March, a recently published extensive analysis suggests that the vaccines will have saved 25,000 lives in the U.S. More frequent usage of masks, physical distancing, and gathering size limits could save 56,000 lives over that same period. Yet, our federal government does next to nothing to promote mitigation measures.


    1. Thanks for sharing this graph Joshua.

      Amazing how flat Japan has been for several months now with no sign of an increase. Even Mexico and Canada isn’t half bad either.

      Have the Japanese citizens even come out of their homes since the spring?


      1. Japanese have definitely come out of their homes. Japan hasn’t even had a stay-at-home order. But, masking is universal, as well as distancing, hygiene, and strict limits on indoor gatherings. Japan is an exceptionally obedient culture and VERY hygienic.

        You had asked about what we did 100 years ago. I believe I sent a link to a National Geographic article describing measures taken during the Spanish Flu.

        Here’s a picture of a poster from that period: https://twitter.com/marciacastrorj/status/1340996481130647552/photo/1

        1. And after 102 years, many of us still don’t get it. Amazing though how they were actually ahead of the curve way back then. I just hope it doesn’t take more than 2 years for this second pandemic to be over.

  2. I listened to Baker. It is bad when I use the same not nice language when I listen to him as I do when I listen to trump

    He is “begging” people to do what they should. If they do not, our hospitals will be overwhelmed. I so want someone to ask how that approach worked out for him before thanksgiving

    Meanwhile comments on the video of his press conference on social media basically said…you won’t keep me from my family for Christmas. I understand social media doesn’t represent a fraction. Sadly, thanksgiving showed that far too many believe that as an individual they come before the common good.

    1. He hinted at more to come but I doubt it . When things are out of control after the Holidays & Mark my word they will be , it’s on Him . He is not a leader right now at all . All of this begging & projected really bad days after the holidays & he does Jack shit !!!

      1. He did hint. Fat lot of good it will do a day before Christmas. He needed to give people notice ….many do not need it but then far too many do

  3. Joshua, regarding that new “variant”, is it now more likely that even those who follow the basic guidelines (mask, washing, distancing etc.) contract the virus anyway?

    This is my new concern.

    1. Love both artists. Not happy with this pseudo protest song. Globally, we’ve got major issues to protest having to do with governments cracking down violently on people’s liberties, and certainly not with any kind of benevolent purpose. I’m speaking of places like Turkey, Hungary, Russia, Belarus, Cuba, Venezuela, and many others. Also, at home we’ve got plenty of injustices to protest that go far beyond limits on individual liberty for the sake of public health.

      I’m okay with the anti-lockdown argument – even if I don’t share it – but I sincerely don’t believe it merits a protest song.

  4. Philip, it’s likely the new variant is easier to transmit. But, precautions will still be mostly effective. Of the precautions distancing and indoor gathering size limits are probably the most effective, regardless of the variant of novel coronavirus. Masks have some efficacy, but in close quarters indoors even the masked can get the virus. So, while I’m in favor of masks, I do NOT view them as the most important tool. I think distancing, hygiene, and not gathering indoors with people outside your household are the most effective tools.

    1. I bet at least half of those attendees will be in ICU’s come next month only adding to the Covid-19 caseload. Happy New Year 2021! 🙁

    2. This is repulsive. And frankly anyone who believes it isn’t is a huge contributor to the continuation of the virus. I’m tired of these self serving people

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