16 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – January 14 2021”

  1. Vicki, yes my Dad got the vaccine a few days before X-mas.
    In terms of the 1 vs 2 dose the 1 dose is more traditional but looks to be 70% after 2-3 weeks. Meanwhile the 2 dose it’s at 50% after 3 weeks of first dose and 95% 3-4 weeks after 2 dose. My concern are for those that medically can not get vaccinated. I fear because of those people and the idiot’s that won’t get the vaccine this is going to go into 2022 until we can go into the public with out masks

    1. Matt, I have no doubt that this virus is going to continue until 2022, and it wouldn’t surprise me continuing into early 2023.

  2. Maybe the case, hospitalization, and death numbers have peaked. But, they’re so elevated – we’ll get close to 4,000 more deaths today – that it’s not as if we’re close to being out of the woods.

    Strategic planning has never been a strong suit in America. Just not our thing. The state of Mississippi has run out of coronavirus vaccines. They expect to get a new shipment by mid-February. That, my friends, is called pathetic. I’m being generous. It’s really moronic on the part of the federal government for not shipping enough doses, and the state for not requesting enough. Keep in mind that the overall problem is NOT supply. Many locales have too many doses, or no protocol to administer them (and to whom).

    Some states like Connecticut continue to do very well in their vaccine rollout. Its governor has a brain. On the other hand, I’m doubtful whether the man who calls himself governor of Mississippi was ever issued one.

    UK is very concerned about the Brazil variant, so much so that it is banning all flights from Latin America, including Brazil, and Portugal. The Brazil variant is apparently worse than the UK variant.

    1. I’m really hoping Biden will be proactive.

      Re strategic planning. My business associate of 20 years was considered to be one of top folks among banks and banking associations. I sure learned a ton. Trump had no clue. It was a major failing and why he and all he touched eventually failed. Biden seems to be thinking things through. But you are right. Most in this country do not seem familiar with even a basic SWOT analysis. Do you find this to be different outside of the US, Joshua?

      1. Biden is going to announce his $1.9 trillion Covid relief plan sometime tonight. It includes an additional $1,400.00 stimulus.

  3. MA is dead last in vaccine distribution in all of New England (including NY) and #27 nationally. Disgraceful. 🙁

      1. I agree. Baker has done a terrible job with the vaccine distribution. We’re not even vaccinating people over 65 yet. The nursing homes haven’t completed the 1st dose, either. It’s poor management. Shame on Baker – who I do like – and he should know better. He worked in healthcare.

        1. Baker needs to go & I have always liked him . Walsh had way more balls then he ever will have . The city of Boston is really loosing a good guy in Mayor Walsh . Time for a new Governor.

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