13 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – March 14 2021”

  1. In parts of Central and Eastern Europe a pitched battle is also being fought, but the virus is winning. It has breached the porous defenses – the shield representing those who’ve been inoculated is like the Maginot line, easily circumvented. This article asks whether the UK will be in similar trouble. My answer to that is a firm “no,” as the shield now consists of rings of vaccinated age groups, virtually impenetrable, except for the younger cohort, but they’re not susceptible to severe disease. https://twitter.com/Daily_Express/status/1371063307281395714

    1. Thank you, Joshua. Sadly, until we have the world under control, I do not believe we will see this thing continue to rear its ugly head.

    1. Hopefully, Republicans will come around as more Americans get vaccinated. If there wasn’t so much political party division, we may very well have been even closer to herd immunity by now.

  2. The Hynes Convention Center will become a new vaccination site on March 18, eventually replacing Fenway Park.

    1. That is very grim. yet, I’m not sure I fully understand it. The original CARES Act had plenty for small businesses, and even the in-between bill did, and the new Covid relief bill, too. I know 3 restaurant owners in Beacon Hill who have shut down their restaurants – periodically – but are not closed for good. I’ve spoken to 2 of them about the situation, and they say they’re surviving and able to pay rent and utilities with the Covid funds, but have not been able to be fully operational yet (so staff layoffs, etc …).

      1. Maybe some owners were unable to shut down on a periodic basis and just couldn’t wait for the feds to help out. When the feds owe YOU money, they take their sweet time at their own convenience. When the reverse…IMMEDIATELY or else!

        Just my opinion. I know nothing about business whatsoever, let alone the restaurant business.

        1. True. There have been plenty of delays in relief money. Plus, the relief money only helps to allow a restaurant to survive, not to thrive.

  3. Been analyzing the data from Europe. Hospitalizations and ICU usage are increasing steadily in many countries. This includes Austria, France, Italy, and even Germany. I think Switzerland may see a steadier increase this week as well. Much of the increase is regional, meaning that in a country like France certain regions are being hit harder than others. But, it’s cause for concern, so much so that Paris may go into yet another lockdown: https://thehill.com/policy/international/europe/543143-paris-may-head-to-lockdown-amid-icus-filling-up-new-variants

    If the U.S. `escapes’ a new variant wave it will be due to a massive vaccination drive, beginning in mid January.

  4. “Don’t spike the ball at the 5-yard line until you get into the end zone.”

    -Dr. Anthony Fauci

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