41 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – August 7 2021”

  1. I heard on the radio news this morning that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is threatening to cut off funding to any school district that institutes a mask mandate for teachers and students.

    I also heard yesterday on the PBS Newshour that DeSantis is already considered a favorite as a Presidential candidate for 2024 if Trump decides not to run. Heaven help us?

    1. He did in fact do just that. Many mayors had to walk back their mask mandate because he threatened funding.

    1. This is INSANITY)!@(&#(&!@)*(#&!)(&#)(!&@#*&@

      Someone better put him in his place! This is out of hand!@!@!!@!@!!@)#*!@#*(!*#(*!(@#*(!*@#(!*@

      OMG, this country is in deep trouble.

      1. This is from The Onion and is not real. But, as you say Vicki, the fact that we have any hesitation about the validity of such a headline says a lot – and it’s not good.

        1. Well that is good to know, however, DeSantis is such an ass, I wouldn’t put it past him.

          I am so sick of people like him that I am about to explode!!

          1. Agree. They should be removed from office. Yet a good portion of the right supports this. We are in serious trouble with more than covid

    2. Haven’t surgeons been wearing masks for quite some time now, like for many decades before this pandemic?

      He is beyond, beyond INSANE!!!

  2. I would be curious as to what specific “science” DeSantis and the other southern Govs. (with the lowest vaccination rates in the nation, if not the WORLD) are following.

    1. I am about 90% better. My cough died down considerably but I am still coughing a few times a day. Enough that I still use extra strength cough drops every other day. So this has kind of stayed with me since last week wednesday night.

        1. Something else. I generally get a bad cold once a year. I didn’t get one last year likely because I was more diligent about wearing a mask. (Caveat: this wasn’t covid.) So because I didn’t get one last year I think this cold hit harder. I’ve heard normal cold and flus are on the rise and earlier than normal.

  3. Moderna’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccines remain at a high of 93% efficacy for six months, but according to company officials, a booster shot will likely be needed by this winter due to the Delta variant and seasonality of the virus. Some countries such as Israel, France and Germany are already offering booster doses.

    WHEN will this ever end??

  4. I took a long walk awhile ago. Except for the smoky skies, I have always loved summer days like this – sunny, warm, a bit humid and a nice breeze. But all I could think of were the summer days of the past. And then now. Wanted to cry. The whole world is a mess. Last summer I had some hope. Now, I am just frightened. I think I will write a book called The Stupidity of So Many People. Unless someone else has written it. Think anybody will buy it? 🙂

    1. I’ll buy it. But right now I’m sending hugs. I’m happy you took a walk. It does help to clear thoughts

  5. Martinez and Duran are battling bad colds, and have been put on the Covid injured list. Wondering what they have. Could be a cold, indeed, but who knows.

    There’s lots of coughing going on in the streets of London. I’m sure most of it’s benign. But, I haven’t been around this many people in a very long time. Crowded streets, mainly. I’m being careful, but you never know. Would be my luck to contract a breakthrough infection and be stuck here for two weeks. Great place to be stuck, but it’ll be an expensive `detour.’

    1. Are Martinez and Duran primier soccer stars over there? No coughing (yet) back here on the streets of Boston, most with no masks walking around enjoying the typical partly sunny, humid, uncomfortable day. 🙂

      I hope that coughing isn’t a bad sign. Stay safe and enjoy your visit Joshua!

        1. Don’t know Jarred Duran. It just shows how much I keep up with the Red Sox these days. All I know is they are blowing a nice first half of the season run. Would be a shame if they missed the postseason altogether. Oh well, it wouldn’t be the first collapse in team history, and likely not the last.

  6. I am at 6 months since I have gotten my second dose, Phizier said protection decreases drastically after the 6 months period and will need a booster shot. The WHO have asked countries not to do boosters until the end of September so everyone can get vaccinated. I am pretty sure everyone that wants a vaccine here in the USA has already done so and is more at risk for break through cases because of idiots not wanting it. So I say protect those that want the vaccine. Though I support the governemnt supporting the international community the vaccines are being paid by tax dollars in terms of the USA. So please open it up for boosters like other countries are. Let people get a booster to protect themselves and their love ones from those that are not getting a vaccine. I heard they are going to be requiring international travelers to be vaccinated and required covid test before they step foot in the USA which I hope stands. The VIrgin Islands have seen a soar in cases, the most it has seen in the entire pandemic and they are still allowing the petri dishes called cruiseships to dock.

      1. But will you be glad to get another booster 6 months after that? and so on and so on…I don’t want to be a pin cushion the rest of my life. 😉

    1. Hey Matt. Nice to hear from you. Your family must be very happy you will be home for the holidays.

  7. Just putting a collection of my thoughts here. Kind of a take a penny leave a penny type of exchange since I read all the covid posts but rarely ever chime in.

    Regarding booster shots: This will indeed likely require a yearly booster shot. But eventually the need for a booster will wane in the future for most groups. Why do I say that? Scientists still liken this pandemic to the spanish flu of 1918. What feels different is hearing about different variants. But our technology now is leagues ahead – because of course it is! So the scientists of then didn’t know about variants and things of that nature like they do now. It is highly likely according to modern scientists that the spanish flu did go through variants. Eventually one variant will win out and become the dominant one to exist now and forever. One variant won out with the spanish flu and that’s why every year towards cold and flu season you see a push for shots because it is still with us to this day. A lot of people still die yearly from it. Just not in the numbers from back then. And only certain groups are more susceptible to it than others. Sound familiar?

    So we will have boosters, essentially. Unless covid randomly dies off (unlikely) it will be bundled together with the flu shot too. And you’ll be recommended to get it. I don’t see it as a negative. Merely as an additional necessity. It has been said from the start of the pandemic this will likely never end – much like the spanish flu technically never ended. You can and will enjoy life normally again. Especially once the variants die down and one becomes the dominant factor we protect against.

    I recall pointing out that the initial first wave of 1918 affected primarily the elderly, disabled and those with preexisting conditions. The much more magnified second and third waves affected younger people in their 20s and 30s. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it and boy is this not a prime example.

    1. Just to add a supplemental here is a newspaper from 1919: https://i.ibb.co/fn6mFQD/98610-F43-8-B1-A-4636-9832-1-D5795-C01036.jpg

      Read the left hand column. It’s basically an old version of everything happening today. Posting of case numbers. Proof of mask effectiveness. News of an anti mask meeting. The more things change the more they stay the same.

      So please, take heart. The cautious had to endure about twoish years of waves. Hold tight through the approaching cold and flu season. Get a booster when it’s available and know this won’t occupy your mind forever. I hope some of what I said is of comfort.

      1. Thanks Dr. S! See my response above, get that flu shot sometime this fall.

        Still remains to be seen if this pandemic will truly be over by March 2022. If it wasn’t for so many unvaccinated, we could have been back at or close to “2019” levels right now. Instead it’s back to “2020” (masks) at least indoors. Let’s just hope lockdowns don’t return too.

      2. Excellent comment, Dr S. I’ve read a lot re 1918 flu and I think you are right. As far as booster. It sure isn’t difficult to do. We get a flu every fall; and as you said, it may become combined. Even if it’s two….I don’t mind

  8. Lashing rains continue. It’s hard to describe to someone who hasn’t experienced this kind of variable weather. Boston really never has this weather type, and certainly not in summer.

    And, of course this weather causes people to go indoors. I’ve tried to stay outside as much as possible, but simply can’t, often. Now my anxiety is at a fever pitch, as all I hear around me is coughing. I’m serious, colds and other more nefarious things are everywhere. So, I’m 100% convinced I have a breakthrough. Will know tomorrow, as I take my 3rd Covid test.

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