40 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – September 10 2021”

  1. Symptoms of “Long COVID range from severe fatigue and lightheadedness to anxiety and, in extreme cases, psychosis. Patients report shortness of breath, fever, difficulty concentrating and skin conditions. Some patients experience hearing loss and now need to wear hearing aids. There is no diagnostic test for long COVID and brain MRI scans fail to yield results.

    Studies indicate that 3 out of 10 infected with COVID-19 may experience long COVID. One study of hospitalized COVID-19 patients found 80% experience lingering aftereffects six months after discharge.

    Almost all studies of long COVID focus on its effects of the unvaccinated. Very little research has been done on those “breakthrough infections”. Preliminary research in Israel suggest that symptoms of COVID can last up to six weeks in breakthrough cases.

  2. Don’t think Biden can think in layers. Trump certainly couldn’t. And we’ve had plenty of Presidents who can’t. But, it’s really important to be nuanced. Vaccines work very well. The rate of severe illness and death is between 8 and 12 times lower for vaccinated people. But this doesn’t mean they’re foolproof. When someone implies that no fully vaccinated person has died, or every few have, it actually provides ammunition to the opposition. They then cite numbers which discredit the greatly exaggerated position.

    1. I also totally agree. I can’t say enough about the presidents plan. We need this desperately. But the delivery was poor at best. When it needed to reassure legitimate hesitancy, it failed. We need simple, honest transparency.

      1. Perhaps a speech on “long term COVID” especially among the unvaccinated as mentioned above might wake some up. Even if the side effects subside they can return again and remain for months. COVID-19 doesn’t just go away within a week to 10 days like the traditional flu.

        1. Perhaps the long term aspect from those who “recover” from COVID should be more emphasized as opposed to just the ICU/death aspect. After all, the anti-vaxxers keep harping on the “side effects” of the vaccine. Let’s hear about the side effects following the so-called “recovery” after getting the virus.

          The article I posted sure got my attention even more.

          1. Philip – I think I missed the article? Can you repost? Or where did the info you wrote above come from? That’s incredibly powerful data and I’d like to push it out to my friends etc… thank you for posting it.

            1. Mama – It’s the very first post of the day! See way above. The original article was in Wednesday’s Boston Herald.

    2. So what would be your recommendation, I mean I mask when I am indoors but life has moved on for me. As soon as the kids are eligible they will get jabs. It’s time for the unvaccinated to get jabbed or deal with the consequences of not doing so. The greater good of our society is more important than people’s individual rights. The republicans have done everything possible to sabotage Biden’s plan bc they want to use it as ammunition in 2022. They are more than ok with several hundred thousand dead so they can gain control. You want to place the blame it’s squarely on the republicans, and the right wing media.

      1. I agree a portion of the folks are responding to right wing nonsense. I also know many are simply unsure of the safety of the vaccines. I have always tried not to judge a group by a few, which you made a very good case for elsewhere today.

        The messaging lies with Biden. So what I would suggest is simple….

        honesty and a start to removing the wedge that has created us vs them. If a person is looking for reassurance and straightforward information…..which is sadly missing….targeting and belittling that person is not a very wise choice.

        My eyes were just dilated so I can’t follow the thread. I am sure you are not just asking me so will let others respond.

  3. Data from the CDC found that as of August 30th (so, almost two weeks ago), there have been 12,908 cases of Covid-19 resulting in hospitalization or death among vaccinated Americans.

    Doesn’t break it down further. So, for example, when did these cases occur? We can do some inferring. It would appear that the Delta variant is a driver. In late June, CDC published a report that said that ~4,000 cases had resulted in hospitalization or death. Delta wasn’t dominant in late June, but became so in July.

  4. Death toll among teachers is mounting. Here are just a few recent stories – I’ve bookmarked dozens from just the past 10 days:



    One thing to keep in mind, the Delta variant is different from the original “wild type” in terms of being more impactful among a younger population, from pediatric to pregnant women to the 20 – 50 age group. We were forewarned in April when Delta struck India.

    1. I feel sick…..truly , literally, sick. This is one of the most obvious and avoidable places where we have failed horrifically. We saw this coming.

        1. Yes and as you know I have been in complete agreement with Mrs OS. We are still not allowed to put remote learning into place. That simple fact disgusts me.

        1. It will be interesting as to the numbers of cases that occur in the coming weeks within the Boston School System. There are still some neighborhoods with very low vaccination rates. Not certain if teachers and students 12+ are required to vaccinate. And from what I understand there are absolutely NO intentions of setting up any remote learning. It’s “in person” all the way for BPS.

          1. Off the top of my head, I believe that school bus drivers for BPS are not required to vaccinate. Not totally certain though.

    1. I don’t think so, unless the school employs more than 100 persons, teachers and support staff. I suppose many schools would come under that mandate. And if any schools received any federal funding, they would also come under the mandate.

  5. Mattapan has a low vaccination rate, as do several communities north of Boston, including Everett. The reasons for lower vaccination rates there are complex. Regardless, it’s an issue. I must say I’m not entirely sure why all the mass vaccination sites were closed. I would have thought, for example, that the Reggie Lewis Center would remain open, at least a few days a week, and then have the city post signs everywhere in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan telling people where they can get vaccinated.

    I never see public signs these days for Covid-19 vaccines, at least not signs on public sidewalks, above roadways, etc … When you enter a CVS it will tell you whether they offer a vaccine, but that’s not the same thing as a large public sign on public property – not sponsored by anyone, except the local, state, or federal government. I really liked this aspect of being in the UK. There were signs for vaccines, testing, hygiene, distancing, masks, everywhere. You couldn’t avoid them; at virtually every street corner. I’m not saying they always work. But they cost hardly anything, and it’s good to see reminders everywhere.

    1. The one in Uxbridge at an unused school opened late. The town worked hard to open it as there were limited locations out this way. It had planned to join with Hannaford Supermarket but the state wouldn’t allow. I believe it was where Dr S went. And then it closed. I never understood why as there are many folks out this way who are unsure with regard to the vaccine.

    1. Indeed he does. mRNA has been around what? 30 years? Tested what? Half of that. I’m 72. It was a huge factor in my decision to be vaccinated. Not as much due to covid risk (it played a part) and I hope I have many years to go, but in Side effects. But how about my kids. And even more, how about their kids. For one…There are legitimate questions about young girls and what happens later in their reproductive cycles. We don’t know.

      We are being convinced we need boosters. But there is considerable concern about that from highly respected physicians…..an increase in myocarditis or pericarditis (sp?) for instance and not just younger folks. Dr Wen said put them out there without data and let people decide. Yikes.

      Oh dear……see what you did SClarke…..I’m back to watching Virgin River now where all the problems are theirs
      In this country.

      1. My comment is a bit of tongue in cheek but then we don’t have answers to more questions than I would like I will add if the folks from the 1800s we’re alive, there would be way more overcrowding than now

  6. In the same line as your article, I was at dr today. They’d had a call asking covid protocol. When told the entire office was fully vaccinated, the person said he did not want to be seen by fully vaccinated. I know there is a fringe group that has little to do with politics. But there are legitimate questions. I listed them above. Why aren’t they being brought out in the open and addressed

    1. Legitimate questions about the vaccines?

      5.5 billion doses world wide have been give and the side effects are extremely low. That what we need to know. The mRNA has been around long enough to know the impacts. This is a safe vaccine, period. Arguing with someone who refuses to take a vaccine that we know it be safe is not worth arguing with b

      1. First, I said my comment was mostly tongue in cheek. I have said repeatedly on here that I understand the hesitancy of many…not all. But then the messaging of the admin contributes to that. Second, I do know that for some, what I listed are very legitimate concerns.

        The vaccine has certainly been pretty effective short term. RNA is a relatively new science….maybe 15ish years for actual use. How can anyone be criticized for wondering what it will bring in 30 for the young children now being vaccinated.

        For boosters,,,..the use and timing, etc remains to be seen…..that, my friend, is the word of experts.

      2. Hadi, I’m not going to argue with you. I have always tried to understand both sides ….although I can often be furious initially so it can take a bit far me too settle down . I know that is not a popular trait. But it is far too late for me to change now. My best suggestion to you is to grin and bear it.

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