24 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – November 15 2021”

  1. I’m on frequent calls with folks in Europe. One particular call this morning with a colleague in Switzerland was alarming. Her daughter’s school is dealing with a major COVID outbreak. Twelve out of 18 kids just in her class have COVID and are symptomatic. Similar numbers across the school. Rumblings of the same across other EU countries.

    1. Oh dear. How terrifying for parents and children. My prayers will be with them. I know our healthcare “experts” see this.

        1. Exactly.

          Framingham closed a class that also was symptomatic. They started to use test and stay, but too many kids were showing symptoms. It’s here but maybe not to the extent of Other counties. And we are doing nothing. We apparently have decided to simply let kids get the virus……

  2. Even Brazil has now outpaced us in vaccinating the adult population. We’re 55th on the world ranking. This is a multi-faceted problem that isn’t getting any better over time.

      1. Indeed it is. We need to stop blaming the folks who legitimately do not trust the vaccine and place blame where it belongs .,. On those who have repeatedly mixed messages. Also on the many who have used the vaccine as a political pawn.

  3. Ace and others, I mentioned your post to my youngest a bit ago. She said Charleston was seeing this in August. They were planning a vacation to Charleston but cancelled on August 4. They were experiencing many children with symptoms as well as being hospitalized. One person she is online friends with said her son was in the hospital with covid and had developed diabetes….he had never had problems in the past.

    Charleston’s numbers are much lower now. We seem to be literally just at the point now that Charleston was in early August.

  4. Was just boosted with a Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine dose. Also got my 2nd dose of Shingrix. Decided to include an extra influenza shot in today’s vaccine regimen, too, and MMR, DTP, and Hep B boosters. Figured I’ve covered all bases with an mRNA vaccine, a recombinant protein, two subunits, an inactive (toxoid) vaccine, and a live attenuated agent. Asked Ms. Wong, the pharmacist, if I should expect any side effects or vaccine-vaccine interactions. She shrugged her shoulders and said “we shall see, Mr. Cohen, this is new for us.” Not exactly reassuring. So far the only adverse event I’ve experienced is that I am magnetic, so much so that my leg got stuck to a mailbox.

  5. Gottlieb and others keep repeating the mantra “we have the tools.” I agree. But, when it comes to vaccinations the adage applies, you can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink. And, some of the tools, like testing, aren’t as universally available in a timely fashion as they ought to be, which, in turn, negatively impacts the efficacy of the oral tablet treatments. Finally, we can and ought to be doing more to mitigate.

    As Ashish Jha noted yesterday (Vicki tweeted), having no masking in indoor arenas is not good. Nor is having packed indoor arenas, restaurants, and concert venues a good idea.

    We don’t have to be as drastic as several European countries, like the Netherlands, that are not allowing anyone to attend sporting events. But, there is a large gray area, in which we could operate, and that should include green pass systems (proofs of vaccination or negative test).

    Germany is now considering expanding the green pass system to all forms of public transit. This is a sensible move.

  6. Eric Topol’s tweet raises a lot of questions. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1460098163264524294

    The wording is off. The surge is definitely NOT a sign that the vaccines are working. Certainly not as intended. No-one thought the vaccines would be this mediocre at preventing infections. With breakthrough cases everywhere accounting for up to 50% of new cases, this is a major problem.

    What Topol really means to say is that the vaccine’s effectiveness against severe disease is still in tact. Yes, this is more or less true. But, around 48% of currently hospitalized patients in the Netherlands are fully vaccinated. Similar figures across Europe. This suggests that with waning immunity the vaccines aren’t as good as advertised against severe illness. Also, Topol should know not to use statistics from the 13th of November – about 10-14 days after the West European surge began – to indicate how vaccines are preventing deaths. Deaths tend to occur between 3 and 6 weeks following a positive diagnosis. So, he and others should wait a few weeks before reaching definitive conclusions.

    Do vaccines save lives? Absolutely, and it’s much better to have a high rate of vaccinations than a low rate. But are vaccines as good as he and others suggest? No. They simply aren’t. It’s why countries are implementing measures, not only to prevent spread from unvaccinated persons, but also from vaccinated persons. Breaking the chains of transmissions as much as possible is as important as vaccinating.

    1. Great comment. It was clear months ago that saying the vaccines were working was just not accurate. It absolutely astounds me that anyone thinks they are. Worse…..it gives people the idea that all is ok and they can get back to pre covid. And, maybe worse, the untrue statement makes folks who are hesitant, because they don’t trust the message, more hesitant……my complaint above.

  7. From Globe


    A blurb if you don’t have access.

    “ In its first COVID-19 data report since Friday, Massachusetts on Monday reported 5,248 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 24 new confirmed coronavirus deaths. The state also reported 117,870 vaccinations, including booster shots, had been administered, the Department of Public Health said.

    The state also reported that 554 patients with COVID-19 were in the hospital.”

  8. Well, I got nailed by this vaccine combination. Hard to tell which one is causing fever, chills, and some nausea. Felt fine most of the day, and was able to work, cook, eat, and even exercise a little. But then about an hour I ago I woke up shaking. Oh well, it’s the immune system doing its thing.

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