12 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – March 19 2022”

  1. Joshua, I copied this from yesterday’s covid page. I jumped the gun and didn’t notice I was not on todays covid page. Sorry

    Joshua, the lack of a lag between positives and hospitalizations concerns me. Do you know if those hospitalized are mostly seniors who are not vaccinated? Or do hospitalizations span age groups and vaccine status?

  2. Vicki, wouldn’t cases actually go “down”following February vacation due to the fact that students, teachers and other staff weren’t around each other for that timeframe?

    Now that I think about it, back when I was a school kid, a number of my classmates (including myself) would be out due to colds, flu etc. but after the Christmas and/or February breaks, no more absences.

    1. Cases have increased a great deal after all vacations and holidays. People get together or travel. Removing masks right after vacation was the concern of all health experts I follow.

  3. From what I’m seeing here in the UK, hospital admissions are way up among the >75 group. Higher than the levels since with BA.1 The vast majority of hospital admissions are vaccinated (in the UK practically all over 75 are vaccinated to begin with) but NOT boosted. This suggests diminished immunity over time. Hospital admits are rising fast among the 65 to 75 group as well. I don’t know about younger groups. Will look into this.

      1. Thanks.

        Yes, it’s been a good trip. Lots of walking. Spring is Britain’s season. Tranquil. No oscillating temperatures. The spring flowers, daffodils, tulips, magnolia’s, and blossoms on almost every flowering tree are spectacular. Everything is verdant, too. Farmer’s markets already have some spring produce. It’s a totally different world here in terms of climate, especially pronounced in March and April. I loved spring when I was in the Netherlands and UK. I do not like spring in Boston.

        This said, summers can be quite dreary at times in the UK and the temperature isn’t all that much warmer than it is now. Last August when I was here it was in the mid to upper 50s. Now it’s in the low to middle 50s. This is actually kind of typical. Fall here isn’t grand like it is in New England. And winter is a continuation of fall.

        1. I’m so happy to hear you are enjoying your trip. Is is sure well deserved and special

          When our kids were little, Mac’s sister lived in London. When we were at Humarock, we’d have the kids wave across the ocean at Auntie Jenny. It wasn’t until recently, that I learned my youngest thought her aunt lived in the ocean!

          In his 20s, Mac had knee surgery in London. The surgeon first cut the wrong leg. During recovery, Mac all his Mac’s nurses brought him home to meet their daughters.

          As you can see the family I married into loved and enjoyed England as much as you.

          1. Thanks for the update Joshua. Interesting that spring is actually the best season out of the four over there. I agree, here in Boston spring is pretty much YUCK!!

            But I have to say the other three seasons in Boston are the best all around most years! 🙂

            1. I guess it’s no wonder the Pilgrims came over in search of a better “climate” if nothing else. 😉

              Continue to enjoy your trip Joshua! 🙂

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