7 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – June 18 2022”

  1. With Covid numbers continuing to plummet, are we now getting into the “endemic” stage?

    As for Long Covid, I heard on the radio this morning that experience is more likely with the Delta variant than the current Omicron.

    Joshua, are both statements correct?

    1. Oddly I had read yesterday that revisiting long Covid was due to omicron’s influence. I sure hope you are right

      There is a lot of study going into long Covid and a mystery hepatitis in kids also.

  2. Philip, Omicron’s relative rate of producing long Covid is significantly lower than Delta. However, Omicron is much more transmissible, leading to more numbers of people who contract the virus. This likely offsets.

    As far as endemic is concerned, we’re headed in the right direction nationwide but it’s a slower process than I envisioned. We’re not there yet. I hope that the latest sub-variants don’t throw us for a loop.

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