13 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 5-11 2022”

  1. Thanks TK.

    I heard on the morning news that children’s cold medicines are flying off store shelves due to the rise in RSV cases. There is no shortage of medicine however. Supplies will be increased in the coming days.

      1. Your article is very timely Joshua. Thanks.

        Would parents making sure that their kids their flu shots help with the RSV spread, or are they totally separate illnesses?

        1. Great article as always, Joshua.

          A major contributor to the problem is that Covid supresses immune systems for up to eight months. This was predictable. Heaven knows I have not shut up about it for nearly three years. I don’t need to repeat what we should have done

          There is no vaccine for RSV. I do think they are working on one. Unrelated to one for kids, I saw something recently about a trial for a vaccine for seniors.

  2. Regardless of what happens to the price of Paxlovid once the product is “commercialized” in 2023, a uniquely American situation will emerge in which a person’s access to a potentially life-saving Covid-19 treatment will likely depend on arbitrary features like insurance status, age, and Medicaid-eligibility.

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