C-19 Chat Post – December 12-18 2022

Another week, another C-19 chat post. I’ve nothing much to say here except during the last few days I feel like I have recovered 100% from my bout with it. No more fatigue. No more feeling winded when I walk. None of it. I’m back to 100% and in some ways even stronger than I was before getting it. Anyway, carry on…

8 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 12-18 2022”

  1. Lots of cases recently for 1st timers. Also seeing uptick in my kids school and daycare. My daughter has all the symptoms but continues to stay negative. She also had it in early Oct so hopefully protected

  2. This is remarkable. See tweet below. It also speaks volumes about how to do public health the right way. I’m sorry, the Biden Administration doesn’t do nearly enough to protect the vulnerable. And it shows in the statistics. While we’re still at around 400 deaths a day – the highest per capita death rate BY FAR among our peers – our peers have very, very low death rates. Why? They make sure the vulnerable are vaccinated and boosted. https://twitter.com/JeremyFarrar/status/1604032142480138240

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