7 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 19-25 2022”

  1. Thanks TK for keeping this Covid-19 forum going.

    Cases of Covid and flu continue to rise. Will it get worse following the holidays?


  2. Influenza appears to have peaked, though it’s too early to say this for sure.

    Covid-19, on the other hand, is steadily increasing. All three indicators are flashing red: Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. The good news is that hospitalizations and deaths are even more decoupled from cases than they were last year. Why? More natural immunity and more people vaccinated and boosted.

  3. Last week, wrote about the critical situation in China. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2022/12/16/chinas-massive-covid-19-surge-may-overwhelm-healthcare-system-and-negatively-impact-global-economy/?sh=4aaae1e72a1b

    My article didn’t gain much traction, but news out of China today has. https://twitter.com/jenniferzeng97/status/1604654633556840448

    This spells trouble not only with respect to public health in China, but also economically worldwide. I think this will cripple certain supply chains, at least temporarily. It’s altering my forecast of the (global) economy. I think that in the coming months we could see a big rebound in inflation and a deepening recession across Europe (could even come here). Some might say, well, inflation is already high. It is, but it had come down a bit. I think all bets are off regarding what inflation will do next.

    1. I’m surprised that as draconian as China is, their leaders haven’t mandated vaccinations or face harsh punishment for non-compliers.

      1. Agree.
        They have mandated first vaccinations for certain groups like the elderly, but have not mandated boosters for these groups. This is strange, to say the least.

  4. China is once again hiding data. No surprise. It’s a totalitarian state. Xi Jinping is dictator. On his orders, China often doesn’t reveal the truth (not just related to Covid; I don’t believe half of the economic data released in China, or information regarding the Uyghur and Tibetan populations).

    So now that Covid is surging there, China doesn’t reveal data on hospitalizations or deaths. It claims wrongly that Omicron is inherently mild. It is not. Omicron’s milder character here is a function of natural immunity and vaccinations. https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1605297875210194973

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