Friday April 28 2023 Forecast (7:21AM)

DAYS 1-5 (APRIL 28 – MAY 2)

A clearing sky and light wind allowed it to chill off significantly overnight, but with moisture lingering in the air from previous rain showers, and not a strong delivery of dry air areas of fog formed, especially in Boston’s northern suburbs, southeastern MA, and valley, swamp, and bog areas. This fog will burn off and sunshine will dominate, filtered at times by some advancing high clouds today – so a nice day overall. But the nice weather is short-lived, because our next long-lasting bout of springtime unsettled weather is on the way and will arrive in 2 stages this weekend. An initial weakening low will approach and get shunted to the south with a weakening shield of rain struggling to get into the region Saturday, being held off until mostly late-day and nighttime, lingering into Sunday as areas of light rain, drizzle, and some resultant fog. A stronger low will be heading northeastward and send a swath of heavier rain and shower activity into the region later Sunday and Sunday night. As this low wraps up and moves into southeastern Canada Monday via the eastern Great Lakes and northern Appalachians, it will send drier air in so that Monday after possibly starting wet, will feature a sun/cloud mix, a gusty wind, but milder air. By Tuesday, upper level low will drift into the region (similar to the recent occurrence), and we’ll end up cooler with an additional shower threat.

TODAY: Areas of fog until mid morning, otherwise sun, filtered at times by high clouds. Highs 53-60. Wind N up to 10 MPH shifting to E.

TONIGHT: High clouds increase. Lows 36-43. Wind E under 10 MPH.

SATURDAY: Clouds thicken. Light rain possible CT, RI, central MA, and southwestern NH later in the day. Highs 53-60, coolest coast. Wind E 5-15 MPH.

SATURDAY NIGHT / SUNDAY: Cloudy. Periods of rain. Areas of fog. Temperatures generally 45-52. Wind E-SE 5-15 MPH inland, 10-20 MPH coast, higher gusts possible at times.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Cloudy. Showers likely. Slight chance of thunderstorms. Temperature rise slowly into 50s. Wind SE-S 10-20 MPH with higher gusts.

MONDAY: Variably cloudy. Chance of showers, especially early in the day. Highs 60-67, coolest South Coast. Wind S-SW 10-20 MPH, higher gusts.

MONDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. Lows 45-52. Wind SW-W 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY: Variably cloudy. Chance of showers. Highs 55-62. Wind W 10-20 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (MAY 3-7)

Upper level low pressure lingers with additional showers possible May 3-4. Next low pressure area moves in during mid to late period with additional unsettled weather. Temperatures below normal.

DAYS 11-15 (MAY 8-12)

Low pressure trough dominates the pattern but with a trend to the east of this feature we should end up drier. Temperatures below to near normal.

38 thoughts on “Friday April 28 2023 Forecast (7:21AM)”

  1. Thanks TK. :mrgreen:

    Since the Celtics FINALLY put the series away last night, “mr. green” can return. :mrgreen:

      1. I’d say Monday in the middle to upper 60s even at the coast (except the South Coast) will be quite comfortable, despite the gusty breeze.

    1. Nope, not for another week or 2.
      I rarely ever fish in Jamaica Pond, even though I could practically throw a stone into the pond from my house (not quite, but you get the idea. It is just down the street.)
      Not sure why? Perhaps it is too city for me having grown up in the sticks. I dunno. I did fish there several years ago
      and almost caught a sizeable large mouth bass.\

      Those stocker trout this year are rainbows and most of them are “about” 12 inches long give or take. personally, I like
      BIGGER fish. 🙂 Spoiled in my old age, although with the light gear I use, small fish can be fun as well. 🙂

      1. I understand. An 11 or 12 year old kid, for example, would probably get a big kick out of it though catching a relatively small fish. 🙂

        1. Oh for sure!!! 12 inches is about the point where one
          starts to really feel the weight of the fish on the line.
          When I was young, the stocked fish were like 8 or9 inches long. NO fun catching those. 🙂 12 inches is much much better.

  2. I really enjoy days like today. It was 35 this morning. Now it’s 57. Looks like we’ll be in the lower 60’s this afternoon.

  3. JP Dave, I can sort of understand some words or phrases in Norwegian (knowing Dutch helps). It’s many of the Asian languages that I marvel at in terms of not knowing what the hell anyone is saying, and I mean not a word. When I was in the Chinese supermarket in Chinatown, I heard lots of Chinese (well, Cantonese). I really have no clue what they’re saying.
    Maybe they were talking about the weather.

    大暴风雪在 6800 小时时投射到实验性 GFS 模型上
    Dà bàofēngxuě zài 6800 xiǎoshí shí tóushè dào shíyàn xìng GFS móxíng shàng

    1. The only 2 languages that I can understand some of it are
      French and Spanish. I had 4 years of French and 3 years of Spanish. I have forgotten most of the french, but have retained far more of the Spanish.

      My wife and I visited Tulum, Mexico several years back.
      I was actually able to communicate with the proprietor
      of a souvenir stand. 🙂

  4. Seems the late Sunday system is pretty strong, in terms of pressure of the low.

    For several hours given the track, may have the raw, chilly edge taken off, featuring mild, briefly humid (relatively speaking) conditions with showery rains from time to time.

  5. Right now the Panthers are better than the Bruins. Plain and simple. And I don’t have a good feeling about the series, going forward. Bruins look gassed. They can’t control the puck, either. Too many turnovers.

    But there’s something really off about having a Game 6 playoff game in which the arena is 25% empty.

    1. Well, it’s 2-2. Reverse psychology works, I guess. They really did look out of sorts. We’ll see what happens going forward.

      While the Panthers deserve all the credit in the world, their fan base not showing up is appalling, in my view.

          1. They didn’t. That was definitely a hand pass.
            The only officiating mistake in this game so far is a blown icing call.

  6. I agree Tk on the hand pass call, and I’m a die hard Bruins fan. That call did not lose the game for us. The bruins lack of energy, execution , and puck control lost the game. With that said I have all of the confidence in the world, in this Presidents cup winning team to take game 7 in the Garden on Sunday.

    1. Same here. I’ll hand the Panthers the credit they deserve, but this series is not over, and I have confidence it will be the Boston Bruins moving on to round 2.

      1. And if they don’t take the series, it would be the most devastating ever in Boston sports history. It would easily replace Red Sox 1986 (game 6, Bill Buckner) 2003 leaving Pedro Martinez in too long, Patriots undefeated season last minute SB loss to Giants, Bucky Dent 1978, etc. etc.

        1. I actually think it would rank behind all of those losses, even still.

          One game losses like that are always more impactful than losing a hard fought, 7 game series to a team that just outlasted you, unless maybe gave 7 was lost on a really bad mistake that gave a gift to the opponent.

  7. 100% they take this Saturday. The place will be going nuts. They should feed off that energy and win this one going away. If not, oh boy watch out.

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