Saturday October 7 2023 Forecast (8:38AM)

DAYS 1-5 (OCTOBER 7-12)

Things are on track in our weather world as we begin another holiday weekend in which 1 out of the 3 days will be unsettled. That is today. However we are largely being spared a heavy rain event in most of the region as the post-tropical remains of TS Philippe pass just to our east – the low center heading for the coast of Maine, Down East, and a cold front approaches from the west. Its parent low and Philippe’s low will merge north of our region, and the action of this will pivot the cold front’s shower area and start to weaken it. Between the two we just see areas of scattered showers today, and the main shower area from the front will swing through on its pivot later tonight. The entire system sits and spins north of us on Sunday and Monday, producing breezy, cooler, but dry weather here for the balance of the extended weekend. If you’re heading north for leaf-peeping, both days can see a few scattered showers, but largely will be breezy and cool with a cloud/sun mix, though clouds will probably be more dominating in the mountains than they will be the further south you head in New England, for the most part. A trough swinging through the region from west to east in the late-night Sunday to early-morning hours Monday may trigger a brief shower. A more potent disturbance will enter the circulation from the west on Tuesday. While it will impact our area briefly, a heavier shower or even a thunderstorm can’t be ruled out. Fair weather is ours for Wednesday with a southwesterly breeze as low pressure still spins to our north and northwest and a small high pressure area gets closer to the region from the south.

TODAY: Cloudy. Scattered showers. A period of steadier rain may clip Outer Cape Cod and Nantucket midday into afternoon. Temperatures steady 60-67. Wind E 5-15 MPH, higher gusts especially near the coast.

TONIGHT: Cloudy through late evening with scattered showers and pockets of drizzle at first, then more widespread showers moving through the region from southwest to northeast. Breaking clouds but patchy fog overnight. Lows 56-63. Wind E 5-15 MPH evening, variable for a while, then SW 5-15 MPH and gusty overnight.

SUNDAY: Sun/cloud mix. Temperatures steady 60-67 through early afternoon then falling slowly. Wind SW 10-20 MPH with higher gusts.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. A brief passing shower possible overnight. Lows 50-57. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY: Partly sunny. Highs 58-65. Wind SW 5-15 MPH, higher gusts.

MONDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows 45-52. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY: Variably cloudy. Passing showers likely. Chance of a thunderstorm. Highs 57-64. Wind SW 5-15 MPH, higher gusts.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows 47-54. Wind W 5-15 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Sun and passing clouds. Highs 60-67. Wind SW 10-20 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (OCTOBER 12-16)

Of course there are differences in medium range guidance regarding the arrival of the next chance of wet weather, but after a fair weather start to the period I’m looking at around the October 14-15 weekend for wet weather. Plenty of time to fine-tune the details of this.

DAYS 11-15 (OCTOBER 17-21)

Overall drier weather expected but still a mean trough position in the Northeast leaves the region vulnerable to a couple more passing wet weather chances. Temperatures not far from normal, somewhat variable.

71 thoughts on “Saturday October 7 2023 Forecast (8:38AM)”

    1. Yeah I heard that. I’ve never known that part of the world to have peace and I don’t think we ever will until nobody is left there. As much as I hate to say it, it’s just so.

  1. For soccer fans or even not, Netflix has a wonderful 4 part docu series on the life of David Beckham. Very well done!

    1. My grand niece is a very involved soccer player. She travels throughout NY and NE and often to other states. I’ll let her dad know. Thank you.

    1. I can see how many would agree, but I don’t. Weather like today, knowing what’s behind it, is fascinating to me. πŸ™‚

  2. Thanks TK.

    How many more wet weekends are we going to have to endure? The rest of this year? Sigh.

    1. NWS made an analysis boo-boo on their post this morning. They identified ONE low pressure area by symbol and description and there are clearly two of them there. The northernmost one which is the post-tropical Philippe, and the one to its south, moving ESE, that is a smaller synoptic low being absorbed by the former. There should be two L’s on the map they put out that only has one, right in between them. That’s incorrect analysis. My synoptic meteorology professor would be VERY disappointed. πŸ˜‰

          1. What browser are you using? I use Firefox and hitting the back arrow after following that link to Google Photos works OK.

            I usually open links in a new tab or private browser to make getting back easier.

    1. The way we look at heat in the house is that it is there for a reason: to keep us comfortable
      I NEVER join the I can keep the heat off the longest contest.
      If we are cold, the HEAT goes on. I don’t care if its AUGUST!!!

      Plus we are OLD and need to stay warm.

      I see neighbors wearing SKI hats in the house all Winer long,
      THAT IS SICK!!!!

      My Brother who lives pretty far North in NH, has his house
      at 56 during the WINTER! INSANITY!!!!)(@#*!@()*#)(*

      BUT, to each his own. I prefer to be comfortable. SCREW the cost!!!

      1. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

        My daughter is going up to the HS campus soon for the 2pm football game and I was curious if anything had developed on radar.

        1. Thanks Tom! He has been up since 7:00 am waiting for game time. :-). His team is struggling but still fun to watch none the less.

  3. Looks like a line of convection is moving NW from the South Shore. Some pretty heavy rain in Plymouth.

  4. That line of showers expanded and now is moving in on the north shore. At the rate it is moving, it should make it all the way to Boston as well.

  5. Meteorological Fact (Maybe?): Philippe has lasted longer as a tropical storm without becoming a hurricane than any other Atlantic tropical storm in the past.

    I am not sure the above words are right or even if the fact is right. I think I read/heard that it has lasted from from August 23rd to October 6th. Somehow I think I may have stated this incorrectly. Revisions / corrections welcomed.

      1. I do not know where I saw this. I think it was on the Internet. I am still not sure I have it right.

          1. You are welcome. And Thank you for asking. United Healthcare notified us Friday they would discharge my brother Sunday. His son appealed and we heard maybe 20 minutes ago that we won the appeal. They won’t say when they will try again. Only that they will. Meanwhile he is slowly improving. Just sadly and understandably depressed.

            1. Vicki, glad that your brother is improving and things are at least moving in the right direction. πŸ™‚

              Longshot, wherever you saw that info on Philippe probably doesn’t matter now as it’s obviously all over various media (tv, radio, internet). πŸ™‚

  6. The two most reliable medium range global models say next weekend looks quite stormy, this time with possibly quite a bit of wind.

    Something to follow closely.

  7. Being Saturday it is a repeat but one question tonight was the town in Ohio where Goodyear is headquartered

  8. In my undergrad, I got an anthropology minor and with that I took a course about Israel. I feel for the people of Israel. That part of the world has never really known peace since the beginning. Be it due to religion or resources. All of those innocent lives being impacted by this on both sides. You had it under a non-religious control groups in which you had many groups living in the area, then you had the Jewish, Muslim and Christians having control of the area. Every group has committed atrocities against one group or another which is why I think there will never be real solid piece in the area. I would love to see piece in this area, there are some absolutely beautiful places in that region of southwest Asia and North Africa ( which is the correct name for the area not the middle east which is a western society name given to that region). Unfortunately, since the formation of Israel, there continues to be hate between the different groups and unfortunately, I believe that Russia might be behind this attack directly and or indirectly as it now has been said by Hamas spoke person that Iran helped them. Putin would love us to start paying attention more to the SW Asia area than Ukraine.

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