Friday October 13 2023 Forecast (7:25AM)

DAYS 1-5 (OCTOBER 13-17)

A nose-in by Canadian high pressure will bring dry/cool weather today. Low pressure spinning over eastern Canada, along with this high, will be instrumental in keeping a storm system to our southwest from moving into the region, only grazing the region this weekend, which will feature mainly dry weather. The only rain chance appears to come early Sunday for the South Coast as the system makes its closest pass. I’m taking the low level moisture drizzle chance out of the forecast at this point, as I think the dry air will be enough to overcome that. Another coastal low will form early in the week and may bring some wet weather to our region by Tuesday, but it looks like even the bulk of this system will remain to our south.

TODAY: Sunny to partly cloudy. Highs 57-64. Wind W to NW 5-15 MPH with gusts 20-25 MPH.

TONIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows 42-49 except 35-42 in the rural areas. Wind NW 5-15 MPH then diminishing.

SATURDAY: Increasing clouds. Highs 56-63. Wind N up to 10 MPH.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Overnight light rain possible South Coast especially Cape Cod / Islands. Lows 46-54. Wind N-NE 5-15 MPH.

SUNDAY: Partly sunny. Early morning light rain possible South Coast especially Cape Cod / Islands. Highs 54-61. Wind NE 5-15 MPH, higher gusts in coastal areas.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows 45-52. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY: Partly sunny. Highs 55-62. Wind NE-N 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Chance of light rain/drizzle overnight. Lows 45-52. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY: Mostly cloudy. Chance of light rain/drizzle. Highs 52-59. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (OCTOBER 18-22)

Drying trend first part of period. May have to watch low pressure / frontal system toward the October 21-22 weekend. Temperatures near to below normal.

DAYS 11-15 (OCTOBER 23-27)

Next larger scale system with unsettled weather around October 24-25. Temperatures near to below normal.

30 thoughts on “Friday October 13 2023 Forecast (7:25AM)”

  1. Thanks, TK.

    October may turn out drier than normal.

    I’ve always found October to be the best month of the year in Boston. I know there are exceptions to the rule, but generally October features quite a bit of sun, no real heat and also no real cold. It’s often tranquil, the foliage is stunning and the harvest festivals are special. Then there are the Halloween decorations.

    And of course there’s October baseball. While I’m a fan of the Red Sox – who are obviously not in the post-season this year – I’m also a fan of the sport, more than any other except hockey. While there hasn’t been a lot of drama thus far this post-season I expect there to be some fireworks in the pennant and world series.

  2. TK I gotta hand to you again buddy, you were the first one to hint that blocking may at least delay that weekend storm if not push it even further south, good job! This is why I read this every day since the WBZ days


    1. Thanks, DOH boy! Wish you’d check in more often. If you’re who I think you are we had a grand old time on that blog back then. πŸ™‚

      But I know other mets in my circle who were looking at the same general idea at the same time, so there were a few of us. πŸ™‚

  3. Thanks TK.

    I had no idea that low pressure can deflect another low pressure away. I always thought only a high pressure or strong westerlies could do that.

    1. I’ve talked about that many, many times here on the blog. It happens quite often during blocking, especially during the winter & spring, but can happen any time of year.

  4. After review of 12z info, once again no changes. I’m confident in the forecast I made a few days ago and have just tweaked a bit. That’s that.

    In other news, my mother face planted on her hallway floor early this morning, but other than looking like she went a round or two in the boxing ring, she is ok, and maybe has learned a lesson about leaving a vacuum cleaner at the doorway and instead, calling her son to put it away, or in a safe place, even though I reminded her of it while she was cleaning last evening. One word that aptly describes that generation: stubborn. πŸ˜‰ There are other much more complimentary terms, but that one is very fitting at the moment. She’s healing, and already chuckling about the ordeal. Tough lady.

  5. P.S. Arlington MA will finally be able to do their Town Day fireworks, originally scheduled for Sep 23, and twice postponed. So anyone in the area who likes a fireworks display, Spy Pond, Arlington MA, 7:30PM Saturday.

    1. I cannot tell you how often I fished spy pond and little spy pond when quite young. We could walk to it from my house

  6. A quick commentary on the longer term (beyond my blog range)…

    Starting to see more support for stormy weather in the US Southeast and DRY weather but below normal temps in the Northeast as we head from later October into November. This is a critical time frame as a prevailing pattern in this range is often a strong indicator for the upcoming winter.

    As I mentioned previously, there is A LOT OF UNKNOWN about the Hunga Tonga effect. It’s TOO SOON to determine the magnitude, but my hypothesis is it’s a large factor. But we haven’t seen this, so we can’t say definitively. This is what the scientific method is for – tried and true, and we will see what it yields us in the weeks, months, and even couple years ahead. I’m looking forward to finding out what there is to find out.

    1. No problem. She’s ok. Bruised but ok. I know adjusting your limits is hard to do, but she’s over 90 and she needs to realize that there are things that have to be done differently. Anyone else in a similar situation, remind them!

  7. One word of caution if you venture outside of meteorologist land. There are non-met pages out there talking about an early start to snowcover in Canada. Not the case. The early advance is behind average.

  8. Ahhhh hemmm. First I am beyond happy that your mom is all right. How scary for you all. Second and please pay close attention ….that one word is independent. I’m sure you will update your comment accordingly πŸ‘Ώ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

    1. Oh I agree. Independent is definitely a better description. πŸ˜› But I think stubborn won out today. HAHA ..

    1. I did not make that event. I had to take care of some other stuff and also a factor against was attending it was a ticketed event. I’m not sure how close I could have gotten otherwise. πŸ™‚

      I will be at Spy Pond tomorrow though!

      Also, I didn’t mention here but Billerica rescheduled their September fireworks display to be the finale of a special Veteran’s Day celebration there. 11/11 at 6:30PM, Marshall Middle School. I’ll be at that one. πŸ™‚

      1. I love a fireworks display for veterans . I had hoped we’d do the same. 11/11 is also Mac’s angel day.

      2. Also not surprised it was ticketed. They don’t earn enough with tuition πŸ™„ Lots of discussion about a new addition there on fb. I only half paid attention

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