Sunday October 15 2023 Forecast (7:56AM)

DAYS 1-5 (OCTOBER 15-19)

Intensifying low pressure southeast of New England moves out to sea today with some partial sun developing while considerable clouds also linger. Lingering light rainfall near Cape Cod and the Islands will move out early. Winds will pick up behind the departing low pressure area today and that will add to the coolness of the air. Monday and Tuesday will be governed by upper level low pressure, and with surface low pressure to our east and high pressure to our west we’ll see a cool northerly air flow. There is the possibility of showers both days. Monday’s greatest shower threat is in the afternoon. A few of these could even contain hail due to the cold air aloft. Anything on Tuesday should be more of the sprinkles of rain variety and favor the first half of the day. High pressure builds in with fair weather and a milder trend during midweek.

TODAY: Limited sun. Highs 54-61. Wind NE-N 10-20 MPH, gusts 25-35 MPH, strongest Cape Cod / Islands.

TONIGHT: Lots of clouds. Lows 45-52. Wind N-NE 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY: Mostly cloudy. Passing rain showers, especially midday and afternoon, a few of which can be mixed with hail. Highs 52-59. Wind NE-N 5-15 MPH, higher gusts along the coast.

MONDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Chance of a rain shower. Lows 45-52. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY: Mostly cloudy. A passing rain shower possible, especially in the morning and midday hours. Highs 52-59. Wind NE-N 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Clouds decrease. Patchy fog. Lows 45-52. Wind N-NW under 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Sun/cloud mix. Highs 57-64. Wind W up to 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Clear. Patchy ground fog in lower elevations. Lows 42-49. Wind variable under 10 MPH.

THURSDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 62-69. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (OCTOBER 20-24)

A southerly air flow brings more humid air and more clouds by October 20, and a trough moving into the Northeast brings the next round of wet weather as we enter the October 21-22 weekend, but the evolution and movement of this system may be quick enough that the balance of the weekend is breezy, cooler, and drier, with just a few lingering showers. Fine-tuning of this forecast will take place in the coming days. High pressure returns with dry and more tranquil weather for later in the period.

DAYS 11-15 (OCTOBER 25-29)

Overall pattern looks dry with day to day temperature variation into late month.

44 thoughts on “Sunday October 15 2023 Forecast (7:56AM)”

  1. Thanks TK.

    The tv mets actually have the showers tomorrow focused more for the morning than afternoon. Not doubting you, just an observation.

  2. We will see what happens today against the raiders.
    What I want to see
    1. Our defense going back to what it can be in the run and pass game.
    2. Long sucessfull offensive drives to give the defense enough breaks.
    3. Improve Oline play. More time for who ever the QB is to throw. No qb or running back would be good behind that line.
    4. I need to see major improvement on the offensive coaching. Lets Bill O’Brian call the plays he wants.
    5. if they lose this game because of Mac Jones bad play, the Patriots need to look at Cunningham and see what he can do. Zappe and Grier is certainly not it if Mac isn’t.
    6. Start looking for first round real talent in the receivers this year. upcoming draft and get rid of JUJU he is a no body.
    7. The run game being so bad is not due to the running backs, its due to Oline.

    1. I have a bit of a different perspective. After watching his first season, we know Jones is or was a talented QB. We then saw Belichick systematically destroy his confidence last season through . And he continued to pit Jones against Zappe in pregames this season. I believe he got into Mac’s head, and I honestly am not sure mac can get him out. I am not sure I can even watch. An arrogant head coach ruining a talented young player and hanging him out to be held responsible for his own inability to draft and coach upsets me to no end.

      Mac Jones is not the reason for the team losing. The players are not the reason. Jones has been Sacked 9 times (I believe) and May hold the lead for this season. Your number 3 says just it all.

      BB has to go. My dream plan is for Brady to move into the head coach position. I know it is a pipe dream but and I think it may be too late for Jones, but I can dream.

      I respect your views as always, Matt. This only mine. I am heartened to see others turning toward BB as the cause.

  3. While the current drive is at least something resembling an offense, it’s taking far too long – 9 minutes and counting.

    1. BB and Mac Jones need to go. Now. Delay of game (inexcusable). Safety (also inexcusable). The sloppiness. The awfulness of the play. Good lord they’re horrible.

  4. I’ll agree BB needs to go. Every bit of this comes back to him as head coach . I will agree Jones needs to go as it may be the only hope he has of coming back. It’s a shame he and the other players take the blame for BBs ineptness

    1. Unfortunately, in my humble opinion, Mac Jones doesn’t have the decision-making skills for a starting NFL QB. He makes way too many fundamental mistakes. Sure, he lacks an O-line and receivers. But I am talking about his decision-making, which is really bad and not improving.

  5. Highest wind I recorded here was 18.8. But that was only during the time we were on deck for a bagel breakfast with my son and DIL late morning. We just hit 60 before backing off. A spectacular autumn day.

    1. Thank you for sharing. I enjoy your writings. Sad subject though. Part of the world we live in, unfortunately.

  6. Hi all. Busybusy day, got a lot done. So much more to do, but one day at a time.

    Mom’s recovering. Still very sore. Looks a TINY bit better today, but that will be a slow process.

    Weather: No changes really. It’s too soon to get detailed on the late-week storm threat, but let me say that one thing that may end up happening is that it turns into a glorified frontal passage early Saturday, and most of the weekend is NOT wet. Don’t be surprised if things trend that way. I’m just not confident enough to put that in the forecast yet …

    1. Thanks, TK. Prayers that your moms recovery continues.

      It is the third night in a row that we have dipped to 47 and then popped back up to 49. Very interesting. If I were not so lazy, I’d check at least tonight to see if cloud cover is responsible.

  7. Thoughts on this game.
    1. Oline is the number one issue. This needs to be highly addressed & the Oline coach needs to be fired.

    2. The offense can not take advantage of turnovers and creates way to many bone headed ones. Not all on Mac but alot of times it is.

    3. Recievers are able to get open, but Oline doesn’t give enough time and/or mac doesn’t see them or doesn’t have the time to hit them.

    4. KB continues to show you that he should be the top target for the QB he is reliable. Stop with the deep passes to Parker he drops passes right in the bread basket.

    5. Mac Jones is not the only issue obviously, but he continues to show me that he can not win games. He can not bring the team back from being behind. He has negative energy all over him. He is always down on himself/ the team.

    6. SO MANY INJURIES. This season

    7. I want to see Cunningham bench Mac Jones and get the team motivated again.

    I think it is over. I feel that the Patriots need to not look at Bill the coach but Bill the GM. they need to have an offensive mind in this year’s draft and Bill and the offensive mind chooses what draft picks will be for offense and which ones will be for defense and to pick a top receiver and Oline or get these in the off season.
    Get another Rookie QB in the top of the draft depending on draft position maybe have who ever might replace Bill eventually in there and have a say in the QB drafted. This is not to say we are going to get rid of Mac, but we need to see Mac under another year of O’Brian. he has gone through 3 OC’s and one doesn’t count. So if Mac Jones is successful great, if not bench him, let him go and we have a rookie that has had a year under his belt on the pine. like most qbs have done in the pass..

    There looks to be so much wrong with this team and it doesn’t go to just one person or one place. I am not a supporter of getting rid of Bill this year or at the end of the year. Now if the team is this aweful and doesn’t make it to the playoffs next season then we have talk about that. Lets be a bit more patient. We as new England fans have been spoiled for two decades of dominance, we are in the a down period, it will get better again.

    1. Good points Matt . I was literally rooting for Mac jones to throw a pik 6 or more interceptions as I wanted to see this backup QB play so bad . Although it’s not all on Jones but this team needs a big shakeup going against the Bills ( which they will not win ) start by benching Jones next week .

  8. Stop torturing yourselves watching the Patriots.

    What did Nantz and Romo do to get that game ?

    Anyhow, I’m watching any available Eagles, 49ers, Bengals, Ravens, Cowboys, Bills, heck even the Jets games.

    The Patriots are going to need 2-3 years of good drafting, as well as a few free agent hits before their roster is ready to challenge for anything meaningful.

    Bill, the GM has constructed one of the least talented rosters there is out there.

    Buffalo and @Miami next 2 games, LOL !!!!!

    1. With a deep sigh, I agree with you. I did like last year when I had Tampa Bay and Brady. I think I’ll focus on the cowboys since it is JJs team.

      To be clear, I will always be a pats fan. I will never root against them any more than I’d ever root for any player no matter the team to fail. I just cannot watch while BB and the fans put the blame that belongs to all on the shoulders of one

  9. It seems that every year when I watch baseball playoffs I see Aroldis Chapman pitching. Is there a clause in his contract that says “thou shalt be in the post-season.” I think he’s been with 5 different teams in the post-season.

  10. Call me crazy, but I’ll keep right on watching. It’s a process. And in the history of being a fan of a team, you’ll see highs and lows. We just had a 20-year high. Nobody’s ever seen that before. A couple of years low – eh. Trust me, it won’t last 20 years. 😉

    Buffalo is beatable. And don’t be surprised if they are beaten by the Patriots. 🙂

    1. You are not crazy. I have no problem watching if they lose every game. Everyone loses. It is watching at least one career in jeopardy because of ineptness that I can’t watch.

  11. I have been saying for 20+ years that Brady made the pats, great QB take away poor decisions from coaches and GM. I had a lot of people over the years tell me that BB was just as important. Well clearly not. BB has had 2 all pro players drafted since 2013. Totally on him for poor drafting. He’s a relic at this point. His offense is boring and defense is ravaged with injuries.

    1. I have been thinking of you and remember this well. I disagreed with you then, and I was wrong. Everything you say is accurate. One only has to look at his record before and after Brady. My SIL has said the same for a while. BB didn’t coach that team. Brady did. And we stood by and let Brady leave in large part due to him. Sad thing is some turned on Brady. Maybe sadder thing now is in his arrogance BB is destroying careers.

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