Friday October 27 2023 Forecast (7:14AM)

DAYS 1-5 (OCTOBER 27-31)

Two more days that feel like summer come to us courtesy a strong ridge of high pressure in the eastern US, and then this ridge weakens and sinks to the south to allow a frontal boundary to slide across the region from northwest to southeast. The front passes by with little fanfare other than a few clouds and a wind shift Saturday evening. After this, we see a cooling trend from Sunday through Tuesday. A wave of low pressure moving along the frontal boundary will bring some wet weather at times later Sunday and Monday. A second low pressure wave approaching may increase the cloud cover later Tuesday, but right now the Halloween outlook is dry, just quite cool.

TODAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 75-82, a little cooler South Coast. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

TONIGHT: Mostly clear. Fog patches in low elevations. Lows 53-60. Wind SW up to 10 MPH.

SATURDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 75-82, a little cooler South Coast. Wind SW 5-15 MPH, higher gusts.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy, then clearing. Lows 48-55. Wind SW 5-15 MPH shifting to NW.

SUNDAY: Increasing clouds. Late-day rain possible. Highs 60-67. Wind NW to N up to 10 MPH.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Cloudy. Periods of rain. Lows 45-52. Wind N-NE 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY: Cloudy. Periods of rain, ending late. Highs 52-59. Wind NE-N 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY NIGHT: Clearing. Lows 33-40. Wind N-NW 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY: Sunshine, late clouds. Highs 50-57. Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (NOVEMBER 1-5)

Watching for a wave of low pressure at the start of the period to bring a period of wet weather, mainly rain but may include some mix/frozen for a brief time somewhere away from the coast. This will be followed by a dry stretch, initially chilly, then with a temperature moderation as high pressure approaches from the west then sinks to the south.

DAYS 11-15 (NOVEMBER 6-10)

A weak weather system coming through early in the period with some unsettled weather, then a return to dry weather and a chill-off followed by another warm-up.

53 thoughts on “Friday October 27 2023 Forecast (7:14AM)”

  1. Good morning and thank you TK.

    Official high at Logan yesterday was 80.
    It was 78 here in JP.

    Pete B. has forecast a record breaking 82 for tomorrow.

    Today’s record, I believe is 85, which is highly likely to be unattainable, but tomorrow’s record is 81 and is attainable and in fact may likely be. We shall see.

  2. Another day and the shooter is still on the loose.
    With his skill level, I wonder IF he will ever be caught.

    He could be in Chicago by now for all we know.
    He also could be dead somewhere from a self inflicted wound.
    We simply do not know and that is frightening.

    1. My exact thoughts this morning when I checked to see if there were any updates. Very frightening indeed

  3. I presume the suspect is still thought to be in that general area of Maine.

    I feel like when authorities in prior instances have believed a suspect has left an area, they somehow find some way to say that.

    It can be to put a lookout for a vehicle or they’ll outright say, the suspect is not believed to be in the area and I haven’t seen anything like that.

    I feel so bad in that I can’t see people being able to fully move to grieve until this guy gets found.

    1. Exactly. The whole area needs some closure and that can’t happen until this slim bucket is apprehended.

  4. I feel like it was about a month or so ago, out in Pennsylvania, a convicted murderer escaped from jail and after 9 days or so, technology from a drone, I believe, sensed the warmth of the human body temp relative to the cool surrounding. They knew he was hiding under a fallen tree. Sent this trained K9 in and that was that.

    1. So, weatherwise, starting Sunday night, its going to be a lot easier to pick up on that temp differential if he is out there in the woods.

      I hope it doesn’t take that long but it will be getting a lot colder in 48 hrs

    2. It was when my kids were headed to Charleston and driving through and overnighting in that area. We followed it closely. I was thinking about the technology and hoping the folks in PA are working with the authorities in ME. I thought I’d seen something about that but can’t find it

  5. Dive teams are now searching the river where he left his
    vehicle. I guess they need to check everything, but with his guns, if he wanted to do himself in, why choose drowning??
    Who knows.

    1. Good questions, JPD. Something seem off to me about the car being crashed at a boat ramp. I’ve thought that all along. Why crash it? I know the Androscoggin is rough around Lewiston, but he knows the area and is very experienced in survival. And we know he planned this thoroughly. At one point they mentioned a possible second person on the scanner. Said he was from Rangeley. The androscoggin watershed is somehow connected to mooslookmeguntic lake (part of the Rangeley lakes). This is I’m remembering correctly from my fishing days there. But that was decades ago. I’ve just had a niggly feeling from the start about the boat dock

        1. I heard that it was a suicide note to his son. When those notes are left they usually mean it and carry it out. He may very well be dead by now.

  6. Just got home from a climb up Mt Major …. Short climb. Foliage was beautiful. Weather perfect. Left early this AM and glad I did. I was car # 5 when I pulled in. There were over 100 when I left.

    Maybe last good weekend for foliage. It will come to an end very soon.

  7. 89° 60° dewpoint down here in Sarasota.
    Breezy east wind under the big high pressure up north of here.

  8. Still a warm day but a touch cooler in many areas than the last 2 days. Boston’s high so far is 76. If they are going to eclipse that they have about 2 hours left.

      1. Yeah it probably did get there. I haven’t had much time to do anything weather beyond updating the blog. Mom has been battling a nose bleed off and on for 24 hours. Second trip to ER likely coming up.

        The bane of bad sinuses, a recent fall, and being on blood thinners…

  9. Unfortunately I have to fly back up tomorrow to enjoy the start of the cold midweek weather. I’m hoping to get back down here for Thanksgiving.

  10. Thanks, TK.

    My daughter and her British boyfriend are visiting. I told them they’d get several different types of weather and to be prepared.

    TK, I hope everything works out with your Mom.

  11. Brother came to relieve me at 12:30 after we’d been there for 3 hours, and they finally got home at 3 a.m. … Mom’s resting now.

    Update to blog will be ready by about 8:30 a.m.

    1. Just awful. I thought when we chatted that two hours was horrible. Glad your brother relieved you but my goodness how difficult for your mom. Did they finally resolve her nosebleed?

      1. Yes, it appears to be resolved and let’s hope it stays that way!

        She just has to take it real easy for a few days while things settle down in there…

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