Saturday October 28 2023 Forecast (8:28AM)


November has made it into the 5-day forecast! And when we get there, it’ll feel like it! In fact, it’ll start to feel a bit like that even before we get there. But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. Before that happens, we have one more feel-of-summer days to enjoy today. This is the day that Boston can top a record high, because today’s is a few degrees lower than the previous couple that they fell shy of. A high of 82 at Logan today will establish a new record, and I figure they may get close at least, likely tie it, and possibly break it. The chance goes up as a west wind picks up speed and helps enhance the down slope effect which warms the air heading from the hills to the coastal plain. We’ll see how it goes. Otherwise our warmer than normal day will be punctuated by plenty of sun, but later in the day you’ll notice some clouds heading across the sky from west northwest to east southeast, and a couple of these, particularly in southern NH and/or northern MA, may produce a few light rain showers, albeit brief wherever they may occur. This is a cold front, and it opens the door to a different feel. Considering today’s high temps around 80 for many, after that front goes by tonight we’ll see quite the temperature fall as many areas land in the 40s by morning. And Sunday, we don’t see a whole lot of temperature recovery, so my previous overly-optimistic temperature forecast will have to be adjusted quite a bit. Sorry! And once the cool air is in, it’s hanging around for a while. We also have a wave of low pressure to come along the front after it goes by, and brings us some wet weather later Sunday through Monday. Initially the rain will struggle to overcome some dry air so a good portion of Sunday will stay rain-free, with just patches of light rain moving into the region during the afternoon. A more saturated atmosphere Sunday night and Monday will allow for occasional to frequent periods of rainfall, which will taper off later Monday as the low pressure wave starts to move beyond the region. This will allow dry weather to return for Tuesday – Halloween – but with the arrival of a reinforcing shot of polar air, it’s going to be a chilly trick-or-treat on Tuesday evening. We’ll already be watching another wave of low pressure moving up along the front that still sits not far to the south, so while I do think any precipitation will hold off for All Hallow’s Eve activities, the overnight hours into Wednesday look overcast and wet with more rain, and it can be cold enough for some mix/frozen precipitation to occur for a period of time over interior higher elevations – just a little memo from mother nature about winter drawing closer. Either way, with that system around, the high temps Wednesday will feel more like late November rather than the first of the month.

TODAY: Mostly sunny, but some late-day clouds may produce a sprinkle of rain southern NH and/or northern MA. Highs 76-83 except cooler South Coast. Wind SW 5-15 MPH, higher gusts, shifting to W.

TONIGHT: Partly cloudy early, then clearing. Lows 45-52. Wind W 5-15 MPH, a few higher gusts, shifting to NW.

SUNDAY: Clouding up. Patchy light rain in the afternoon. Highs 48-55. Wind NW 5-15 MPH shifting to NE.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Cloudy. Periods of rain. Lows 42-49. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY: Cloudy. Periods of rain, ending late. Highs 52-59. Wind NE-N 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY NIGHT: Clearing. Lows 33-40. Wind N-NW 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY: Sunshine, late clouds. Highs 47-54. Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Clouding over. Overnight rain arriving, may be mixed with sleet and/or snow over interior higher elevations of MA and southwestern NH. Lows 35-42. Wind N-NE up to 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Cloudy. Rain likely, may be mixed with some frozen precipitation for a while interior higher elevations mainly north central MA and southwestern NH. Highs 42-49. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (NOVEMBER 2-6)

Dry weather returns with below normal temperatures early in the period. Moderating temperature mid period but a warm front may bring clouds followed by a cold front bringing a brief rain chance before dry, cooler weather returns at the very end of the period, based on current timing.

DAYS 11-15 (NOVEMBER 7-11)

A weak weather system coming through early in the period with some unsettled weather, then a return to dry weather and a cool-down followed by another warm-up.

56 thoughts on “Saturday October 28 2023 Forecast (8:28AM)”

  1. Thanks TK
    This will probably the last time I will be wearing shorts in 2023. The first Saturday in CT without rain since September 16th.

  2. Thank you TK. My grandkids are used to warmer halloweens so this will be interesting. I’m
    Not sure any of their costumes will do a whole lot to keep them warm.

  3. I could remember plenty of chilly Halloween nights when I was kid. Amazingly it never rained. I trick or treated in fog chilly temps and warm temps but never any rain.

    1. JJ, u and I are about the same age. I remember a rainy Halloween in the early 90s. I wore a poncho over my costume.

  4. October 31 weather highlights for Boston…

    These stats are not specifically for trick or treating hours but you can get an idea of what those may have been like…

    The wettest stretch came from 1989 through 1994 when 5 out of six Halloweens had measurable rainfall, including a soaking 1.54 in 1991, a lot of it falling during that evening.

    From 1955 through 1962 5 out of 8 of those years had measurable rainfall on October 31.

    The driest long-term stretch has been in this century. We had a couple of minor measurable rainfall events in 2000 and 2001, also a few hundredths in 2009, 2012, 2013, and 2019. 2021 was a little wetter with 0.42 and all of the rest of the 21st century Halloweens have recorded dry conditions. Although very much in competition, there were 11 years in a row with no precipitation at all in Boston from 1977 through 1988.

    The two warmest Halloweens…
    1946: 81 high
    1896: 76 high

    The two coldest Halloweens…
    1904: 27 low
    2020: 28 low

    The most notable warm stretch…
    1945 through 1957 when the high temperatures were 61° to 81° with the exception of highs in the 50s in 1947, 1953, and 1954.

    Another notable warm stretch…
    2003 through 2009 when high temperatures ranged from 63° to 73°.

    Other notables….
    Seasonably cool every year from 2010 through 2018 with high temperatures 52° to 58° except 2013 when it was 63°. This was also a very dry stretch with all zeroes for rainfall except 0.02 in 2012 and 0.03 in 2013.

    Before there were really any nighttime celebrations there was a chilly stretch starting with that 27° low temperature in 1904 that lasted through 1908 when the high temperature at Boston was below 50° on all but one of those years.

    The coldest Halloween high temperature: 42° just 3 years ago in 2020. Brrr! Temperatures were in the middle 30s during that evening. Of course that particular Halloween was very muted due to COVID.

    1. Thanks, TK.

      And that is why my grandkids do not recall 2020. We created a haunted house in the garage and they did not trick or treat. My daughter thought 2016 might have been a bit colder than the typically warmer ones

      As for rain, we had only one with significant rain in Framingham when my kids were still trick or treating. We loaded the kids inthe back of the minivan and drove them door to door.

  5. Yep I checked the archives and 2016 was chilly.

    But what really caught my interest was a football discussion. I said BB was greatest coach ever. Well that came back to bite me. How wrong I was. Especially not listening to Ace who had some excellent reasons why he might not be….even then.

  6. Was just out and about.

    Last few days warm but this feels a lot warmer.

    I see the dps today are close to 60F.

    Feels strange but great !!

    1. Feels warmer here too. I’ve been absolutely fine with ceiling fan and slider and windows open. Not so much this am. Upstairs had AC on for about 30 minutes just before bedtime last two nights to cool bedrooms. I’m thinking it will go on starting early afternoon today.

      1. We ran the AC one of the afternoons, it might have been Thursday, as the inside of the house was really warm. Left the windows open, but running it for an hour or so took the temp down from upper 70s to lower 70s.

        I’ll be trying to turn the heat on in a couple days 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. There’s a few folks doing a legit beach day on the Skaket beach cam in orleans.

    I’m sure that’s true on many beaches.

    I might have tried that but my daughter has activities early to mid afternoon we have to drive her to.

  8. I’d also forgotten that we woke up to snow on Halloween 2020. A lot of that year is surely a blur. I love the archives in whw

    1. I remember that one as well.

      It was a big thing here because we got accumulating snow to the beaches that time, and the ocean is usually still in the 50s.

    1. All Hallows Eve goes way back. But I trick or treating didn’t start here till 1930 from what I’m seeing. All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day are Nov 1 and 2. My younger brother passed on All Souls’ Day

          1. It was 1995. Yes. And thank you. ❤️ You were right that there was no trick or treat in those years.

  9. Thank you TK. First time on computer today. I took advantage
    of the nice weather and decided to give fishing one last
    try before Winter sets in. Fishing was very slow, but
    I did manage a couple of nice Large Mouth Bass that made it

    Meso West says Boston is 81. Latest NWS obs has 80, so we shall see. It will be close either way. I say let’s break the record!!

      1. We will NOT. My daughter and SIL have covid. Just TOO much of it around, even though everyone would have you believe it is all gone.

        1. Oh no. I’m so sorry, JPD. We put bowls out in the steps. But do not hand out. You are right. A ton of Covid. A PA friend at Brigham told me about 2-3 weeks ago that one of every two in ER has Covid

  10. Thanks TK.

    78 and mostly cloudy here in Windsor CT at the last outdoor softball tournament of the year. Have had a few sprinkles. It was downright hot earlier when the sun was out but very comfortable now.

    Bradley hit 84 earlier which is a record high for the day. Previous record was 81.

      1. They did pretty well…won 2 and lost 1. That was good for the 6 seed out of 18 but looking at the bracket that means they play at 8:30am tomorrow. Which means 7:30 arrival and leaving the house by 7. I can’t seem to find a day to sleep in!

          1. If they win the first, they will play again at 11:15. Win that and they will go to the championship and play again. Hoping they get the games in before it gets too nasty.

            We have tickets to the Trail of Terror in Wallingford tomorrow night too. That I’m afraid is going to be a cold and wet walk through the woods. We are going regardless…already bought the tickets and there are no refunds!

            1. Wow what a full day. I will hope that they win both games and both are finished before rain. AND that rain is light to non existent for your spooky nighttime adventure. Sounds fun

  11. JPD was there a tangerini’s when you lived in Millis? My daughter and family had lunch on its outdoor patio today and got pumpkins while there. They all loved it. And the staff was extra special with their 11 year old who has all sorts of food allergies

    1. My daughter just told me. I feel sick. Just 54. He became a friend to all of us who watched and rewatched the show. My heart goes out to his family, friends, and coworkers …also his friends…and all of his fans.

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