Wednesday May 1 2024 Forecast (7:42AM)

DAYS 1-5 (MAY 1-5)

May you have a happy May, which starts today! The weather might not make too many people happy though, as it looks rather grey. That said, we will see a little bit of improvement while a wave of low pressure to our southeast moves away and a little drier air moves in from the north today. But the clouds in place may be stubborn to break, in some areas anyway. While we sit on the cool side of a frontal boundary, more clouds and a shower chance will be with us as a disturbance moves through Thursday. Some partial clearing can occur as high pressure in Atlantic Canada noses its way southwestward into our region during Friday and Saturday. Showers chances are absent from my forecast those two days as triggers and disturbances stay away. Sunday, however, the arrival of a frontal system from the west renews that chance, as the high pressure area gives way.

TODAY: Cloudy with lingering light rain/drizzle possible early, then clouds dominate but may break at times. Highs 53-60, warmest inland. Wind E up to 10 MPH.

TONIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Lows 45-52. Wind E under 10 MPH.

THURSDAY: Mostly cloudy. A few showers possible. Highs 52-59, coolest coast. Wind SE up to 10 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. A possible shower in the evening. Lows 45-52. Wind SE to variable up to 10 MPH.

FRIDAY: Mostly cloudy to partly sunny. Highs 53-60 coast, 60-67 inland. Wind variable up to 10 MPH with coastal sea breezes.

FRIDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Lows 45-52. Wind E-SE under 10 MPH.

SATURDAY: Partly sunny. Highs 54-61 coast, 61-68 inland. Wind SE up to 10 MPH.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Lows 48-55. Wind SE-S up to 10 MPH.

SUNDAY: Mostly cloudy. Chance of showers. Highs 58-65. Wind S-SW 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (MAY 6-10)

While there will be rain-free / fair weather times, this period is vulnerable to unsettled weather with a frontal boundary in the region and a couple/few disturbances to traverse the region. Temperatures fairly close to normal.

DAYS 11-15 (MAY 11-15)

Similar pattern continues heading into mid May. No major storminess, but a couple disturbances to threaten unsettled weather and varying the temperature pattern, also cooling influences from the Atlantic in play.

56 thoughts on “Wednesday May 1 2024 Forecast (7:42AM)”

  1. Let’s see who notices (hint: read the discussion at the top). ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Guess I missed it. The only thing I can see is a continuation
      of YUCKY Spring weather. very typical for around these parts.

        1. “…Just stay out of my way. Or you’ll pay listen to what I say how about I just go eat some hay. I can make things out of clay and lay by the bay I just may what do you say. …”

            1. Ahh, Happy Gilmore. Still NEVER would have made that connection as I don’t even remember that scene, even though I have seen the movie at least twice. ๐Ÿ™‚
              Oh well.

            1. Agree. Well done. I Never would have gotten that. My past editor self was going with a bit of a tongue twister of showers chances.

  2. Thanks TK. Did I miss it or are you planning to have a summer forecast in the weeks ahead?

  3. Thanks, TK.

    I’m well over 60 hours with my article (editors want so many changes my head is spinning and computer keeps freezing). Still working on it. Soon I’ll be writing this one for free. Now I know why they call it freelance.

    By the way, because of the controversial topic which the article discusses it will not lead to a civil debate. Alas, this is where we are as a nation: Polarized and unable to dispassionately assess a policy. I try to do dispassionate and evidence-based evaluation as best I can, but then the arrows start flying from both ends of the political spectrum. [The topic I’m writing about is NOT political but has been politicized] I’ve learned that politicians on both sides of the aisle in 2024 are not into evidence. They LOVE grandstanding or cherry-picking data. But if something doesn’t fit into their neatly pigeon-holed paradigm they ignore it or claim it’s biased (they’ll even start hurling epithets aimed to undermine the other side).

    1. I could not agree more with your last paragraph. We are in a very sad place. We are going through an interesting issue in sutton and I have never seen so many disrespectful comments in my lifetime and I have seen a lot.

  4. Baseball can be a very unpredictable sport. I really like this aspect. I don’t find it nearly as much in other sports. Take, for example, the Red Sox starting pitching. They’re off to a start the likes of which even Cuellar, Palmer, Dobson and McNally would be envious of. Who would have ever thought this possible?

    1. Anything is possible. That’s why they play the games. Just ask the Toronto Maple Leafs who have extended Jack Edwards’ career by at least one game. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        1. What is the cause of a team coming out flat for a game and staying that way throughout.

          Swayman KEPT them in the game!!!!

          When this crap happens I SMELL A RAT!!!!
          Do I need elaborate?

          1. No you donโ€™t JPD. Canโ€™t say that thought didnโ€™t come to my mind a few times. The lack of effort across the board with the exception of Swayman of course was unexplainable.

            1. imho, it happens all too often. It defies logic, leading to inquiring minds to think something else is a foot. ๐Ÿ™‚

          2. Itโ€™s being lazy & you would think that they would have learned there lesson as they can play 3 periods . They played a stupid game last night & the goalie showed up so itโ€™s not him . Also some unnecessary lineup changes that did not need changing . This is putrid if it goes 7 games , bruins choke in game sevens .

            1. They have had control of this series so if I was the coach & captain of this team I would kick there ass in line until puck drop , end of rant but I am just pissed off today .

  5. Sun angle as I type in Boston: 62.65 degrees above the horizon.

    Air temp: 48F.

    The sun is more than 2/3rds of the way up from the horizon up to being directly overhead and its 48F.

    I don’t like cloudy, NE wind days in spring up here in the arctic.

    1. I’m with you 100%

      Doing just a tad better here at 51, which is essentially the same.

  6. Some blue showing between the puffy white. Temp was up to 64 but now settled at 62. We seem to have overachieved more than once this week.

  7. One of my favorite types of spring days here today. Dominant grey sky, occasional brightening, a chill from onshore wind.

    This is maritime spring here in New England. ๐Ÿ™‚

    What a lot of people don’t realize is that the blooms on trees can look stunning without sunlight and with a grey background.

  8. There’s still an issue with weather-related stories showing up in local social media and I can tell by the wording that meteorologists are not being consulted.

    One outlet talked about May’s warm, wet forecast today, based on CPC’s 30-day issued a couple weeks ago.

    The thing is, they have our region in only a 55% chance of above normal temps for May, which is essentially a forecast of “normal”, and they do NOT have us wet. They have “equal chances”. I believe it’s the responsibility of these agencies to get this information CORRECT if they are going to do it. It’s not difficult to do!

  9. Regarding the Bruins, the rat you smell (JPD) is the fact that coaching made lineup changes to lines that were working fine. We’ve seen it before.

    He needs to stop trying to fix things that are not busted. That was the problem.

    1. Hope that is all it was. Let’s hope for a much better performance next game. I suspect they’ll blow Toronto out of the building!

      1. I have confidence. They came out flat in a new lineup. And Toronto wasn’t showing up to mail it in. They were facing elimination, and this is the NHL playoffs. So, it’s kind of easy to figure out why last night’s game went the way it did.

        It also had nothing to do with refs. That’s the most common go-to for blame, but it’s actually the least-common cause for a team losing. ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. Absolutely noted that. But many, many people do. It’s kind of funny. You can pick ANY sport, ANY city/region, after a loss, go to their social media page where the fans bitch or celebrate, and a whole host of people will be talking about how the refs favor the other team. It’s comical, and somewhat embarrassing.

            1. Do I think there is ref bias. I sure do. And I donโ€™t see it for just the team I support. But I learned at an early ageโ€ฆ.you never argue with the ref.

  10. It’s NEVER the refs or umps.

    Going forward, we’ll see what happens.

    If the Bruins aren’t flat and play 60 minutes of hockey they should win.

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