Saturday May 18 2024 Forecast (9:39AM)

DAYS 1-5 (MAY 18-22)

A little weather toll booth stop today – a day that I thought would remain dry just a couple days ago, but for most places won’t be 100% dry after all. That said, we’re not looking at a Saturday wash-out either, just some scattered showers and patches of drizzle as low pressure offshore sends some moisture back our way via the Atlantic. This threat will last into tonight and even the very early portion of Sunday before it’s gone again, but there will also be plenty of precipitation-free time during this as well. It’ll remain on the cool side with the air flow off the Atlantic this weekend. The first few days of the upcoming week we will see a transition to fair, warmer weather as high pressure becomes established to our south and the next frontal boundary stays well to the west and north of our region.

TODAY: Cloudy. Patchy drizzle / isolated to scattered showers. Highs 56-63, coolest coast. Wind E 5-15 MPH.

TONIGHT: Cloudy. Patchy drizzle / chance of a shower. Lows 48-55. Wind E to SE 5-15 MPH.

SUNDAY: Mostly cloudy to partly sunny. A shower or patch of drizzle early. Highs 60-67, coolest coast. Wind SE 5-15 MPH.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows 51-58. Wind S up to 10 MPH.

MONDAY: Variably cloudy South Coast to MA South Shore / more sun elsewhere. Highs 62-69 South Coast to MA South Shore, 70-77 elsewhere. Wind S to SW 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows 51-58. Wind S to SW up to 10 MPH.

TUESDAY: Sunny. Highs 78-85 except 70-77 South Coast / Cape Cod. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Clear. Lows 52-59. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Sunny. High s78-85 except 70-77 South Coast / Cape Cod. Wind SW 10-20 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (MAY 23-27)

Not high confidence on any details, but the general idea is that a cold front brings a shower or thunderstorm chance May 23, a follow up low pressure area brings a chance of rain May 24, then fair weather follows for the first couple days of the Memorial Day Weekend (May 25-26) before a trough brings a shower threat sometime on Memorial Day itself (May 27).

DAYS 11-15 (MAY 28 – JUNE 1)

Unsettled weather early period, then a progressive pattern brings drier weather back, but watch for another front with shower / t-storm chance later in the period.

64 thoughts on “Saturday May 18 2024 Forecast (9:39AM)”

  1. Good morning and thank you TK

    58 here after overnight low of 56.

    Ocean temperature: 52.5 (Boston buoy)

    1. Thanks Vicki.

      The ongoing problem will be, how long to restore power as it’s generally very warm to hot and humid

      1. They are saying weeks. Just a nasty storm. I hadn’t realized how prime Houston is to severe weather. Guess I should.have been since I’ve said more than once that Mother Nature was relying to remove Texas from the US

  2. Thanks, TK.

    With the Bruins out, Sox fading fast and Patriots looking subpar talent-wise, it’s going to be a harder time ahead for fans. Boston was spoiled for a couple of decades.

    By the way, win or lose I still very much root 100% for all 3 teams.

    1. We have been super spoiled !

      Celtics, I think, with health, have a championship window of this year plus four more seasons to come. This would be Jayson Tatum’s age 26-30 seasons. This current core this season and next year, then maybe a new supporting cast starting in 25-26.

      Gives the 3 other teams a few years to improve their rosters.

  3. Houston is not helped by the fact that decades of poor planning and development have made that city about as vulnerable as possible to maximum impact by any natural occurrence. We just saw a good example of it, unfortunately.

    1. Not sure it is a “fun” fact but interesting.

      Eric fisher …”Fun fact…RI has had more rain than anyone east of Mississippi this year”

    1. Enjoy that upcoming Rangers/Panthers series. My initial instinct is the Rangers are a little deeper than the Panthers and might be slightly favored.

      1. Tom I am thinking this is going to be a six seven game series. Win the first two at home then split in Florida and win game five at home and on to the Stanley Cup Finals which hopefully results in a championship which has not happened since 1994.

      1. You are too close to the RAIN.

        Btw, for some reason, my FIreFox Browser cannot open your links. If I use Edge, I can open it. 🙂

  4. Worcester Airport has received 1.4 inches of rain in the last 24 hours.

    Boston: 0,02


  5. Pepperell has been in that band of rain since noon. Now I’m in Burlington and no sign of any rain.

  6. Thank you TK.
    We’ll talk about an over achiever here, with 2.56” in the rain bucket and counting! The rain band has been stationary over this area for the last 7 hours. Thank God the Eagle Scout court of honor we held for my son was indoors today.

      1. Thank you Vicki, we are very proud of his achievement. For anyone who has been involved in scouting knows the amount of work and dedication it takes to obtain that rank.

  7. If I can recall correctly, we had a band like this during winter storm Nemo I think it was, where Mark and I got dumped on, always a much more fun event in winter.

  8. Practically no rain here and so much across parts of Central Massachusetts. Weather can be an enigma at times.

  9. South central.
    I want to congratulate your son on Achieving the rank of Eagle. It is a huge accomplishment. Well done!
    My son had is Eagle board of review and passed it just this last Thursday evening so we will be having his COH soon. I’ve been involved during his journey as Assistant Scout Master and ran 2 hikes to Philmont New Mexico. So many wonderful memories!

    1. Thank you very much Diamond, and a huge congratulations to your son and your family. I wish for a fantastic COH for you. I also commend your commitment to the leadership of the troop, as It is a very big commitment on your part. My son went to Philmont this past summer with the troop and said that it was the experience of a lifetime.

      1. We were there on a 12 day trek from around July 25- Aug 6 or so last summer. Small world as perhaps we passed by on the trail. Scouting is such a great program and so beneficial in preparing youth for their future. Im a huge believer in it and get so much joy watching them develop into leaders. Oh and of course I have just as much fun as they do!

      2. Thank you for the kind words and I must congratulate yourself also as it takes a family to raise an Eagle!

    2. Congratulations to your son. We have several Eagle Scouts in church. It truly is an amazing accomplishment And congratulations to you for also being involved.

  10. This is a guess.

    I think a system moving in from the west and one blocked to our east for a few days now, we’re competing today and set up a convergence zone in central New England which produced a rain area that was far more productive than the models simulated.

  11. It’s currently 78 degrees and absolutely pouring here in Waikiki. Eating lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe right now (my 31st different HRC). We’re going to a luau this evening then flying home tomorrow. Went to Pearl Harbor after we got off the ship this morning. Absolutely amazing week. I’m already over 1000 pictures and will post them to my online album when we’re home Monday.

    1. I was watching the radar for a bit late night. You found the sky fountain for a while! Sounds like a pretty amazing trip overall though. Of course for you watching the downpour was probably more fun than many people would have felt… haha

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