Friday May 24 2024 Forecast (7:43AM)


The “unofficial” start to summer aka Memorial Day Weekend is upon us. Weatherwise, it’s very much still springtime here in New England, but many people think of this weekend as the season opener and Labor Day Weekend being the closer. So be it, and we treat the forecast with the scrutiny of a mid summer one, keeping in mind that it’s not mid summer. But we should also not forget, going into this long weekend, that Memorial Day itself is an important day to remember those who served who did not come home. I feel it’s important to not lose sight of this, and remember them.

DAYS 1-5 (MAY 24-28)

High pressure will control the weather today and Saturday with fair weather, lower humidity, and above normal temperatures. The position of the high to the southwest of our region today, combined with a low pressure area moving across southeastern Canada, means a warm southwesterly to westerly air flow for all, with a cooling influence confined mainly to the South Coast, especially Cape Cod. The high center shifts more over our region on Saturday, allowing a more widespread sea breeze to develop. Some filaments of high clouds will be around today and a few fair weather clouds can pop up today and again mainly away from the coast Saturday, otherwise sunshine will be fairly abundant for both days. Saturday night, a weak disturbance will slide across New England from northwest to southeast, and this will bring some clouds in, and may produce a couple isolated showers, maybe even a thunderstorm, sometime from late evening to overnight (early Sunday) favoring areas north of I-90. During the day on Sunday a weak boundary associated with this feature will hang around mainly south of I-90 where some pop up showers can occur. But for the most part, the region will have a rain-free day on Sunday with just some varying cloud cover. On Memorial Day Monday, expect more substantial cloudiness as upper and surface low pressure move into the Great Lakes, and a warm front approaches and moves through our region. We’ll have to watch for a swath of light rain accompanying the warm front, but some indications are that this will stay mainly to the west and north, and a cold front following it will hang back long enough that much of the area gets through most of Monday either free of rain, or with just a few quick passing showers, with a more widespread shower area arriving at night. This system will be over the region Tuesday, which looks unsettled, with showers and thunderstorms around.

TODAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 77-84, cooler Cape Cod. Wind W to SW 5-15 MPH.

TONIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows 54-61. Wind SW under 10 MPH becoming variable.

SATURDAY: Sunny to partly cloudy. Highs 75-82 except noticeably cooler in all coastal areas. Wind variable up to 10 MPH with coastal sea breezes.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Partly to mostly cloudy. An isolated shower or thunderstorm possible late evening / overnight, mainly north of I-90. Lows 55-62. Wind S to SW up to 10 MPH.

SUNDAY: Variably cloudy. A few showers are possible, mainly I-95 southward. Highs 68-75, cooler some coastal areas. Wind variable up to 10 MPH with coastal sea breezes.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. Lows 53-60. Wind S up to 10 MPH.

MONDAY (MEMORIAL DAY): Mostly cloudy. Brief rain possible mainly north and west of Boston through midday. Isolated afternoon showers possible. Highs 65-72. Wind SE to S 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Showers likely. Chance of thunderstorms. Lows 55-62. Wind S to SW 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY: Variably cloudy. Chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs 65-72. Wind SW to variable 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (MAY 29 – JUNE 2)

Weaker upper level through around can still produce a few showers, but drier more often than not, during the May 29-31 period. Cautiously optimistic for a fair weather weekend on June 1-2. Temperatures near to slightly below normal.

DAYS 11-15 (JUNE 3-7)

Fair weather early period. Better chance of unsettled weather mid to late period. Temperatures near normal.

51 thoughts on “Friday May 24 2024 Forecast (7:43AM)”

  1. Good morning and thank you TK.

    58 for an overnight low, currently 69 here.

    Ocean temperature: 56.3 (Boston Buoy)

    Today has the makings of a top 10 day!

    1. Not for nothing, but I remember a year way back where
      the Boston Buoy water temp was 46 on Memorial Day!

      I also remember a day over the 4th of July many years ago where that buoy temperature was ONLY 53!!!!!

      So, I think that 56.3 is likely several degrees above average
      and those others were many degrees below. 🙂

        1. Right, but is the average for May 24th?
          I am guessing around 52 or so, but that is a guess.

          1. Ah. I wasn’t in Boston back then. I just remember 7/4/92 being quite chilly relative to the usual July temps.

  2. Water temperature from New Jersey south to Virginia above 60 degrees. Probably slightly above normal.

  3. What’s happened to the NWS site? I am unable to locate any climate data. Many of their “products” are gone as far as I can tell.

    1. Ugh. It’s off again. It was several days ago. Oddly it corrected for Tom before it corrected for me. Not sure what’s going on. Anyone know how to access the information another way?

      1. Yes, its been frustrating.

        As you say, now our locale NWS is having times where obs, the discussions aren’t available. You click on them and it sends you to a national NWS image.

        Technology is good to a point, but I find people like to try to upgrade it too often and end up messing it up.

        I can’t tell you how often something works well on our computers and everyone knows how to do the previous change and then they change it again and everyone is lost.


        1. Like when they upgraded the GFS and the EURO. Much earlier versions worked so much better.

          But they had to have version 536.0 when 534 worked just fine.

        2. Well said and something I’ve struggled with since my introduction to computers/word processing in the mid 70s. We started with an exceptional program ….word perfect….but some (and I’ll leave it vaguely at that) who really didn’t need to learn its intricacies found it frustrating. So we migrated to Microsoft word which is an inferior product.

  4. I find this particular May interesting because ……

    I believe it had one of the fewest number of 70F+ readings at Logan up to last week, but now ……

    we’re on a 4 day summer run (Tue/Wed: warm, Thurs: warm and humid w/storms, today: warm ….. Sat and Sun look warm, Mon: some rain maybe, but not a cool or cold rain but a mild/turning humid rain)

    I don’t remember too many 7 consecutive day summer stretches in New England much before mid June, let alone late May.

  5. Vicki,

    There is another series available on Netflx called
    Wildfire. It is about horses, so I think you might like it. 🙂

    1. Ohhhh yay. I will check it out. Thank you. My granddaughter caught up on heartland so it might work for her too.

      1. Didn’t know who he was. I see that he had a tune called Wild Fire. I listened a bit. Not sure if is/was featured in this show.
        I have watched 3 episodes. 🙂

  6. Ok, interesting ….

    The 12z GFS looks a little like the 00z EURO about 7-9 days from now.

    Classic New England yuck.

    Cut off 500 mb low nearby, sfc low stuck near or even south of us. Easterly flow with some rain and 50s, maybe 60F.

    Now that is late New England spring weather I can’t stand but know so well.

    1. Why am I NOT surprised by that. 🙂
      We just take it as it comes. Not much we can do about it.

      1. Indeed !

        I just can’t believe the run we have been on since Tuesday.

        It actually feels like summer. 🙂

    2. Likely overdone. I expect the impact from low pressure to last less than what is depicted.

  7. I visited Boston for a few weeks in May/June of 1991. Was living overseas at the time. As I recall it got quite hot in late May, especially as we drove south to visit my siblings in New York, Philadelphia and DC. The entire period that I was here felt like mid summer, as I remember it.

    1. We’ve had plenty of those as I recall in the past. I’d have to check records, but I think the very warm / hot spells in the spring were a little more common in the 1970s and 1980s, during the time of the negative phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.

      Since being int he positive phase, those spells are more common in the autumn and less common in the spring. I believe there is a direct correlation.

  8. Beautiful outside, but quite warm for my 6 miler. BP is way down, pulse rate is way up. Running like I do – every day between 3 and 7 miles for >8 years – is hardest in summer. And in this respect, I’m not alone. A lot of runners say this.

  9. Nice day today – healthy breeze though!

    We’re in for a mostly rain-free 3-day weekend.

    I was a little disappointed with WBZ radio this morning, having called hurricane season 2024 the most active on record, BEFORE IT STARTS. Nope. That’s pure twisting of words in a FORECAST. And I might add, a forecast that hasn’t verified yet, and may not. There’s more to this than what NOAA’s outlook is. They start with the basics, which point to active season, yes. But there are other factors yet to be determined that may work against that. The process of SCIENCE must be fairly applied here, and I will continue to do it, true to its definition, while many others ignore it in the name of headlines and hype. Disappointing.

    Other than that little batch of ruffled feathers of mine, I’m quite happy to enter a 3-day no-work stretch.

    My autoimmune flare is nearing the end of peak, and by the way I feel today compared to the start of the week, it’s following along where I expected it to. That’s not a bad thing.

    Mom is back in the hospital for 3 to 5 days, but it is NOT emergency. It’s a routine IV procedure to reduce fluid retention in the legs as a result of CHF. Otherwise, she’s doing quite well!

    Have a great weekend! Remember those who didn’t come home.

    I’ll check in as often as possible and provide regular updates, of course.

  10. Tough to beat a day like this in NE! Must say it was breezier than I thought it would be.

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