Saturday May 25 2024 Forecast (8:14AM)

DAYS 1-5 (MAY 25-29)

Memorial Day Weekend is upon us and the weather these 3 days will be different daily, but the weekend as a whole will be largely rain-free for any given location. Today is the slam dunk for the pick of the 3 days in terms of favorable weather for outdoor activity. Governed by high pressure, we’ll see plenty of sun, filtered at times by filaments of high clouds. A little bit of thin high altitude smoke from western US fires can add a hazier look to the sky. But it will be a nice day – quite warm / not too hot / and manageable humidity. Also, the active post-frontal breeze we saw yesterday will be less so today as high pressure builds over the region, diminishing the northwesterly air flow we have and making for a lighter, variable wind. This will, however, allow for the development of coastal sea breezes, which will keep it cooler in those locations versus inland areas. Toward day’s end, if you’re watching the sky you’ll see high and mid level clouds starting to be more obvious, and as we get into tonight, these will increase from west to east as a disturbance approaches, via the Great Lakes. Once triggering numerous showers and thunderstorms, this system will be much weaker as it crosses our region during the overnight hours, with just the chance for a few isolated / widely scattered showers and a low risk of a thunderstorm. Sunday, we’ll develop a more southerly air flow as a weak low pressure area crosses northern New England with a trough extending southward. Eastern coastal areas can develop more of a southeasterly sea breeze due to a weak pressure gradient, and this air flow will already be an ocean breeze for the South Coast, so all coastal areas will again be cooler than inland areas on Sunday. With the weak trough and a bit more moisture, solar heating can help trigger a few showers popping up, mainly away from the coast, during the afternoon and early evening hours. During Sunday night and certainly on Monday (Memorial Day), with upper level and surface low pressure moving into the Great Lakes and a warm front moving into the region, we’ll see a more regionwide southeasterly air flow and it will become mainly cloudy. I do think that rainfall generated by the approaching / passing warm front will be limited to just patches of light rainfall, favoring areas north and west of Boston, and that the cold front associated with the low, while approaching from the west, is slow enough that its associated shower and thunderstorm activity holds off until night. This front can produce a fairly healthy amount of rain in just a handful of hours as it goes by with widespread showers and embedded thunderstorms mainly in the overnight hours, but should exit early in the morning Tuesday, leaving us with a sun/cloud mix and a warm day as there is not much cool air to be delivered by the front itself, which will be washing out. A narrow area of high pressure provides dry weather for us Wednesday, but expect some fair weather clouds to pop up in response to a cooling trend aloft as upper level low pressure to the north has us in its influence.

TODAY: Sunshine, filtered at times by high clouds and high altitude smoke, then interrupted at times later in the day by a few thicker cloud patches. Highs 75-82 except cooler coastal areas. Wind NW to N up to 10 MPH morning, becoming variable with coastal sea breezes midday on.

TONIGHT: Partly to mostly cloudy. Isolated to widely scattered showers and a slight chance of a thunderstorm, mainly north of I-90, late evening / overnight. Lows 55-62. Wind variable up to 10 MPH becoming S.

SUNDAY: Variably cloudy. An isolated shower possible early morning I-95 and I-90 east and south. Isolated afternoon showers and a slight chance of a thunderstorm mainly west of I-95. Highs 68-75 coast, 75-82 inland, but coastal areas will cool down during the afternoon. Wind S to SE up to 10 MPH.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Fog patch potential South Coast. Lows 55-62. Wind SE up to 10 MPH.

MONDAY (MEMORIAL DAY): Mostly cloudy. Brief rain possible mainly north and west of Boston through midday. Isolated afternoon showers possible mainly west of I-495. Highs 65-72. Wind SE to S 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Showers likely. Chance of thunderstorms. Lows 55-62. Wind S to SW 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY: Beginning-of-day clouds with showers and thunderstorms exiting west to east, then a sun/cloud mix. Highs 75-82. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Clearing. Lows 52-59. Wind W 5-15 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Sunny start, then a sun/cloud mix. Highs 66-73. Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (MAY 30 – JUNE 3)

A trough will swing through the region May 30 bringing scattered showers. Fair weather is expected to return behind this system for the final day of May, which should then extend into and just beyond the first weekend of June as we see high pressure in control. Temperatures near to below normal early in the period return to near normal later in the period.

DAYS 11-15 (JUNE 4-8)

High pressure gives way to a low pressure trough bringing a few episodes of unsettled weather early to middle portion of this period. Temperatures variable, averaging fairly close to normal.

48 thoughts on “Saturday May 25 2024 Forecast (8:14AM)”

  1. Thanks TK
    Excellent start to the Memorial Day Weekend. A good day to go over to my mom and stepdad’s and help my mom plant flowers today.

  2. 68 here and 68 at airport with WNW at 6 mph.
    Just a matter of time before the wind shifts to the EAST. πŸ™‚

  3. Back on the deck with a small fire. Son and family headed here with bagels on their way to camping.

    69.2 and 49.6 DP

      1. Yup, for sure.

        So far, we can’t seem to budge from 69 here. I suspect later we’ll make 71 or 72, but certainly no more. We could even fall back from 69. We shall see. Depends upon how strong that sea breeze gets. So far, NOT very strong.

    1. And yet I’ve heard so many complaints about how hot it is / was, or people doing something that I call “advanced complaining” about how bad the weekend is going to be because it’s going to rain 2 out of the 3 days – which it isn’t, btw – that’s a reaction to weather app icons. πŸ™‚

      We’re in a great pattern, actually.

      1. It was NEVER hot this week, Not in my opinion. Very warm, yes. Hot, NOPE!

        I’d take this week anytime. πŸ™‚

        1. From the news headlines in some outlets, you’d think we were in the midst of a multiple day record heatwave.

          Record high temps were not even approached. That was a typical early-season very warm spell. We get them almost annually.

  4. To me most years we seem to get these very warm stretch of weather within a week or just over a week from Memorial Day. I am suspect of the high at BDL Wednesday which was 93 and just south in Hartford it was 88.

  5. Re hot this week, there was a PSA on FB that announced if you use glass hummingbird feeders the nectar will ferment in one day in hot weather. Hummers will be intoxicated. I’m sure no one will be surprised that I called both local and National Audubon to verify. I explained from the start this was from FB. After the local woman stopped laughing, she said she’d never heard that. The National woman said they’d been asked the same days ago and it would take 4-6 months at absolute steady temps to ferment

    Anyway that is my typically Long way of getting to my point. While they recommend changing nectar twice a week in hot weather, Neither considered the weather we have had here the past week or so to be hot weather.

  6. Thanks TK. Hope your mom’s visit to the hospital goes well this week.

    We are on a brief Memorial Day weekend getaway without the kids. It’s 83F and very humid with wind blown rain showers where I am right now. Unfortunately. But looks like it is going to pass soon.

    Any guesses where this is?

      1. Damn you are good! On the first try too. You must have looked at the radar! Pretty much only area in Florida and the Caribbean where it it rained today. Fortunately it stopped and had brightened up this afternoon.

        1. ha ha I did! I have an app that allows me to scroll all over the world to see radar. I looked at the Caribbean and Barbados looked likely with the Dominican a possible 2d. πŸ™‚
          I thought perhaps Cancun, but there was NO rain in sight there. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

          Looks wonderful! I always wanted to go there, but never made it. We have friends who stayed at Sam Lord’s Castle long ago. Probably doesn’t even exist anymore.

          Have a GREAT TIME!

  7. Thanks TK! 2 for 2 now this weekend – could I finally get my perfect Friday to Sunday that I have been waiting for all year? Sea breeze picking up though as I sit at Anthony Beach along Buzzards Bay.

    I found the CNN link posted by Vicki regarding hurricane season interesting. Not necessarily because of the projections but because of the amount of rain that has already fallen in the Gulf states region and how far ahead of norms they are in precipitation. If the atmosphere is already juiced from HTE that would lean in a favorable direction for these predictions.

    Also I read that Rhode Island has more rain than any state east of the Mississippi so far this year. If that is the case how far ahead of annuals are they? I feel like we have had about 6 inches alone in the past two weeks so I hope Monday nights system moves quickly.

  8. Up to 76 here with dp 52,


    Still 66 with East wind at 13 mph at the airport!

    Water temp at Boston Buoy is 60! Responding to high sun angel
    and wind blowing in warm surface temps.

  9. My SIL is power washing the back of the house and the deck. I forgot the sensor to my weather station hangs under the deck. It recorded thunder, wind and driving rain πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    1. They missed an obstruction call on the catcher at 3rd base. That run should have counted.

  10. As of yesterday (May 24), the snow depth at Mt. Mansfield VT reached zero, ending their snow season.

    This snow season saw 194 days with a snow depth of 1 inch or greater, which is the 7th longest on record.

    The maximum snow depth was 91 inches, 4 inches above the average of 87 inches.

    On April 8, I took some photos of a snow-capped Mount Mansfield. πŸ™‚

    The town of Northfield VT recorded 115 inches of snow this season, which is 20 inches above the average of 95 inches.

    1. And Boston’s snow season never really began, for all practical purposes. πŸ™

      2023-24 = 9.8 inches
      2022-23 = 12.4 inches

      Didn’t some areas in SE MA end up with more snow than Boston for the season?

      1. Might be a couple places that did, but it was pretty sparse down that way. Once again, northern New England did just fine. Last winter, it was almost all of New England with near to above except for southeastern sections. So it’s not as “unsnowy” in the Northeast as many people think. Just happened to take place in the higher populated areas the last couple winters.

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