Wednesday May 29 2024 Forecast (7:51AM)

DAYS 1-5 (MAY 29 โ€“ JUNE 2)

A little bit of unsettled weather is coming our way as we head through the next couple days. Today starts out nice with abundant sunshine, but a trough of low pressure and weak frontal boundary moving into the region from the west will trigger the development of clouds as the day goes on, and some of these will build into isolated to scattered showers and thunderstorms this afternoon, which will fade with the lower sun by evening. After that, a wave of low pressure will form and move up along the frontal boundary as it is heading through the region, and this will thicken the cloud canopy and produce a period of rain later tonight and Thursday morning, which ends as the wave of low pressure pulls away. Clouds may hang on into if not through much of Thursday evening with a northeasterly wind for several hours behind the departing low pressure area. During Friday, as this pulls further away and surface high pressure builds our way from the Great Lakes while upper level low pressure starts to exit to the east, clouds will give way to more sunshine. Thursday and Friday will be cooler than normal days, especially Thursday with the thicker cloud cover and rainfall with northeasterly wind, with a bit of a recovery on Friday. Many outdoor graduations are scheduled for Friday afternoon and/or evening and the weather looks ideal for these. What about the first 2 days of June, which also happen to be the weekend? Looking good! High pressure controls the weather with fair, dry conditions. Sunniest weather will likely be Saturday as the remains of a trough to our west sends some cloud patches into the sky on Sunday, but that day looks dry as well. And for graduation ceremonies that take place on those days, and other outdoor activities, the weather looks ideal for both days… Yay!

TODAY: Sunny start, then clouds pop up midday through afternoon. Potential for isolated to scattered showers and thunderstorms mid to late afternoon, a few of which could be briefly strong with small hail possible. Highs 72-79. Wind NW 5-15 MPH, can be briefly variable and stronger near any heavier showers/storms.

TONIGHT: Becoming cloudy. Rain likely overnight. Lows 53-60. Wind N to NE 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY: Overcast with rain until midday. Clouds may break later in the day. Highs 60-67. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Clouds linger. Lows 50-57. Wind N 5-15 MPH.

FRIDAY: Increasing sun. Highs 65-72. Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

FRIDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows 50-57. Wind N up to 10 MPH.

SATURDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 68-75, coolest coast. Wind N up to 10 MPH with developing coastal sea breezes.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows 51-58. Wind variable up to 10 MPH.

SUNDAY: Partly cloudy. Highs 72-79, cooler South Coast. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (JUNE 3-7)

Fair, warmer weather early in the period as high pressure dominates. Trending cooler and more unsettled thereafter with a low pressure trough moving in and a series of disturbances accompanying it.

DAYS 11-15 (JUNE 8-12)

This period will be dominated by fair weather with maybe an interruption around mid period with a passing disturbance in a west to east flow. Temperatures near to slightly above normal.

46 thoughts on “Wednesday May 29 2024 Forecast (7:51AM)”

  1. Thanks TK !

    I think this time of year (late May – mid June) is my favorite.

    Very long days with light, late into the evening.

    Warmth but the highest humidity hasn’t arrived yet.

  2. Good morning and thank you TK.

    82 yesterday, 61 overnight. Currently 67

    Ocean temperature: 57.2 (Boston buoy)

    A bit of a typo at the top ๐Ÿ™‚

    A little bit of unsettled weather is coming out way

  3. Thank you TK. Weekend weather looking good. Might be hiking time. Lots of reports say the trails are looking quite okay though there are muddy spots and fast flowing streams.

    1. I remember the Great Barrington one. If I recall correctly, it was completely missed by the SPC (ie no mention of tornadoes and certainly no tornado watch)

    2. Thank you JJ. I remember this. Iโ€™ve mentioned before that my daughter and an equestrian friend were grooming for their trainer at a show in that area. They were camping. News really scared us as that was before cell phones. We didnโ€™t know for a while if they were ok.

      1. moving the cursor around those precip totals, there are a couple 1.5-2 inch amounts in there.

          1. Yes !

            Its always green in spring, but, this year, I have observed, if one does not cut their grass once a week, it gets so long !! Like those blades of grass that sway in the breeze.

    1. And a record high CO2 record. Yay for us
      Highest 1-year increase in CO2 on record: 4.7 ppm

      The global average concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in March 2024 was 4.7 parts per million (ppm) higher than in March 2023. This is the highest one-year increase in CO2 levels ever recorded. The previous record was a 4.1 ppm increase from June 2015 to June 2016. In both cases, strong El Niรฑo conditions influenced global weather patterns, helping cause a temporary boost in CO2 levels. However, the primary cause of the CO2 increase is human activities such as fossil fuel burning, deforestation, and agriculture.

      1. For the week beginning May 19th, 2024, Mauna Loa measured 426.68 ppm for CO2.

        About to begin its approximate 6 ppm drop from now until Sept in the northern Hemisphere due to all the greenery trying to absorb some of the CO2

  4. My students are taking a year end math diagnostic today, so I have some time on my hands.

    I understand this means nothing and nothing can be drawn from it …….

    Per Wikipedia, in Jan of 1938, there was a major geomagnetic storm with the aurora borealis seen all over in the mid latitudes. (2024, check !!)

    Then from , May-June-July and June-July-August periods in the late spring and summer of 1938 had the 12th ranked La Nina (2024, La Nina settling in as we proceed thru late Spring)

    We’re quite due ……

      1. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

        Yup. Well 1938 had an active sun and some kind of la nina phase and we have that for the sun and headed that way on la nina.

        2 million other variables though ….. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Still Magnificent out there. Some showers out by the Berks.
      Will they traverse Eastward? Hope not till much later.

    1. What a find. Thank you. This is truly incredible. We can learn so much from native peoples. Heck, out native chiefs warned us decades ago.

  5. JPD. I just started watching wildfire and think Iโ€™m going to really like it. I was hooked from the start

    1. I’m almost done with season 2. I’m loving it. I wish some of the acting was better, but I still love it.

      This series started in 2005. Heartland started in 2007.
      I think Heartland ripped off this series as they are pretty similar. ๐Ÿ™‚


      1. My granddaughters are hooked on heartland. The older has figured how to get the seasons released in Canada here rather than wait a few months. Howโ€™s it seem for a 12 year old?

        And Dennis Weaver. I was always a fan

  6. I reported on some of the cold spots the other day, including parts of Russia.

    Now for a check on the many more hot spots worldwide. India and Nepal have been experiencing absolutely brutal heat for several weeks. The heat is expanding from Northern Africa into Southwestern Europe. What’s really interesting is that while Finland has been on the cool side, Norway has been quite warm (well above average).

    The Mexican heat dome is quite something and it is unprecedented in terms of there not being a recorded heat dome of this magnitude in the weather history of the country.

    Several States have reported 45C (113F) or higher.

    And in Oaxaca State it was 48C (118F) at Valle Nacional, which is the hottest day ever recorded there. Similarly, 48C in Veracruz State, very close to a record.

  7. The 5th and deciding game of the PWHL final is ongoing now. Minnesota at Boston.

    The game is being televised on NESN+ (Sox are on regular NESN).

    1. According to ESPN, Bostonโ€™s goalie had 41 saves last night. Unfortunately, they lost 3-0.

      I wish the league well moving forward.

      1. There was back and forth in the series. Boston looked dominant in 2 games and Minnesota in 2 others. For the decider, it was just going to come down to who made the plays, and Minnesota did.

        But Boston needs not hang their heads. They were great. I hope this league is very successful.

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