Sunday June 2 2024 Forecast (8:18AM)

DAYS 1-5 (JUNE 2-6)

High pressure will remain in control most of the time the next few days, providing more excellent early June weather. A weak disturbance moving into the region tonight brings some additional cloudiness ahead of it late today and tonight, but a lot of the energy from this system will be shunted to our south, and another weak disturbance drifting down from Canada Monday will do the same with some patchy clouds, but overall we have enough influence from surface high pressure to our east to maintain generally nice weather. The high pressure area has even more control by Tuesday with no disturbances around. As we get to midweek, things change a little. We’ll see a broad upper level low pressure area migrating into the Great Lakes from the Upper Midwest, and a series of surface low pressure areas and associated frontal boundaries with it – a late spring conglomeration if you will. The first effect from this on our area will be to increase the cloud cover on Wednesday and bring the chance of some showers / rain into the region as early as Wednesday night as a warm front approaches. This does not look like a particularly potent system at this point, so I’m not looking for a big rain event. But this leads us to a somewhat uncertain forecast for Thursday, 5 days out, with a large upper low just to the west, and a trough and/or cold front to move through our region. Do we get into the warm air fully? Do we have an occlusion move through. How much shower activity will be involved? One band? Two bands? Many bands? Lots of questions to answer leading up to that, so for Thursday’s forecast it’s best to use generic wording and apply the forecast “fine-tune” as we get closer to it. In the mean time, try to enjoy if you can the great early June weather we have now.

TODAY: Sunshine dominant until midday, then lots of high clouds filtering the sun often. Highs 68-75 coast, 76-83 inland. Wind variable up to 10 MPH with developing coastal sea breezes.

TONIGHT: Variably cloudy. Lows 55-62. Wind variable to W up to 10 MPH.

MONDAY: Intervals of clouds and sun. Highs 70-77 coast, 77-84 inland. Wind variable becoming SE to E up to 10 MPH.

MONDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows 54-61. Wind SE up to 10 MPH.

TUESDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 67-74 coast, 74-81 inland. Wind variable up to 10 MPH with coastal sea breezes.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows 53-60. Wind variable under 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Increasing clouds. Highs 65-72 coast, 72-79 inland. Wind SE up to 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Cloudy. Slight chance of rain. Lows 56-63. Wind SE 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY: Variably cloudy. Chance of showers. Highs 71-78. Wind S 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (JUNE 7-11)

Large scale pattern features upper level low pressure Great Lakes to Northeast which is an unsettled pattern, but not a “raining all the time” pattern. Shower chances appear greatest June 7 and 10 and we may get through much of the June 8-9 weekend rain-free. Temperatures near to slightly below normal overall, though somewhat variable day to day.

DAYS 11-15 (JUNE 12-16)

No changes to the outlook heading into mid June with upper level low pressure dominating the Great Lakes region and our area mostly east of it, but under its influence still with a couple episodes of showers and potential thunderstorms, somewhat variable temperatures but no extremes, especially no significant heat.

43 thoughts on “Sunday June 2 2024 Forecast (8:18AM)”

  1. Good morning and thank you.

    80 here yesterday with overnight low of 54 early this morning.

    Currently at 64


    1. Hope it works out for you, SSK !

      On Facebook, I see SSK’s work and it is first rate, top of the line excellent ! I can see why you have a lot of jobs requested of you.

  2. Thanks, TK.

    Was rooting for the Rangers. Alas.

    In defense of the Bruins, both this season and last they unfortunately had to play against Florida in an early round, 1st and 2nd, respectively. Florida is a really good team, now headed to the finals for the 2nd straight year.

    I’ll be rooting for whoever is their next opponent, and I’m hoping it’s the Canadian team. There have only been 3 appearances in the finals of a Canadian team in the past 17 years: Montreal in 2021; Vancouver in 2011; Ottawa in 2007. All 3 teams lost.

    1. Maybe we’ll have 2 perennial 80s championship teams winning the title this year, Celtics and Edmonton Oilers.

  3. Thanks TK! I finally get my prefect Friday to Sunday weather – but the price to pay may be Thursday with rain forcing our graduation indoors – ugh!

  4. JPD. My favorite part of wildfire is that it shows how to look at a problem from the horse’s perspective. Sadly, most in the horse world put themselves first. My daughter was helping to rehab a Grand Prix jumper whose spirit had been broken. My granddaughter worked on the ground with him for weeks. He was very uncomfortable around people. This is him with my granddaughter.

    1. Thank you for the reminder. Am I correct that best viewing is tomorrow am before sunrise and not on the 4tb?

  5. Logan literally just went back to a light east wind, but for a couple hours, the wind went to a land breeze and they hit 82F.

    While it’s not close to records, what a run since about May 21st or so, I think it is. Lots of 70s and low 80s with a couple warmer than that.

    We will take it !

    Makes going back to school tomorrow really difficult.

    All the graduations yesterday and this weather, feels like the school year should be over.

  6. No-one in the AL is catching the Yankees this year. They’re loaded. A Phillies-Yankees World Series would be fun to watch.

    1. Never say never. A few injuries and an ill-timed slump is all it takes.

      There is nothing locked in sports until it’s mathematically impossible.

      1. 🙂 🙂 🙂

        I think we’ll be clearing too, so that June sun and a still mild airmass overhead should help keep the coast relatively mild.

          1. Its warm here, as well.

            The Marshfield airport is reporting 72F, after an overnight low of 64F.

            By comparison, the night before had a low of 50F just prior to sunrise.

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