Monday June 10 2024 Forecast (7:49AM)

DAYS 1-5 (JUNE 10-14)

As we enter mid June, we find ourselves with a stretch of pretty nice weather, despite an upper low and a cold front in this 5-day forecast. Starting out the week, we have upper level low pressure still spinning around across the US Northeast and adjacent southeastern Canada. Gradually, this system weakens and drifts eastward, but will still have an impact on our weather in terms of keeping temperatures from being too warm, and also providing enough instability for the possibility of pop-up showers, triggered by daytime heating, both today and Tuesday. Coverage will be isolated to scattered at best though, and many areas will stay dry. High pressure builds in with “top 10 day” kind of weather on Wednesday – mild to warm, low humidity, abundant sun, fairly light wind. Any coastal areas can be a little cooler the next 3 days with sea breeze development. Thursday, high pressure ridging overtakes the East Coast and surface high pressure builds offshore, providing us with lots of sun and a warm-up, with a slight up-tick in the humidity that won’t be all that noticeable. It will become more noticeable on Friday as dew points reach the 60s regionwide as we’ll have a stronger southwesterly air flow ahead of an approaching cold front. The southwest winds we’ll see Thursday and Friday are of course a direct ocean breeze for the South Coast and Cape Cod, which will have accordingly modified temperatures – cooler than other areas in our region. Friday’s weather will start with sun, though there can be some low level clouds coming in from the southwest off the waters south of New England, limiting the sun closer to the South Coast. If the air flow is more southerly, these clouds can be more extensive and limit the temperature rise, but I don’t think this is going to be the case. In addition, the approach and arrival of a cold front will bring the chance of showers and thunderstorms sometime Friday afternoon or evening, and the timing of this front’s arrival will determine both the ability to heat up, as well as the strength of any thunderstorms. This is something I’ll focus on as we go through the week.

TODAY: Abundant sun to start. An area of high clouds moves across the northern sky this morning to early afternoon. Diurnal clouds pop up late morning through afternoon, with a few isolated showers possible mainly mid afternoon to early evening. Highs 71-78. Wind W 5-15 MPH, but immediate coastal areas can see a couple hours of a sea breeze.

TONIGHT: Partly cloudy early, then clear. A few fog patches interior valleys. Lows 52-59. Wind variable under 10 MPH.

TUESDAY: Sun to start, then a sun/cloud mix except may stay sunnier in coastal areas. Isolated afternoon showers possible. Highs 70-77, coolest coast. Wind variable up to 10 MPH with coastal sea breezes developing.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Clearing. A few fog patches may form again interior lower elevations. Lows 54-61. Wind variable to S up to 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 68-75 coast, 75-82 inland. Wind variable, becoming mostly SE to S up to 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows 56-63. Wind S up to 10 MPH.

THURSDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 81-88 except 73-80 South Coast / Cape Cod. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear except partly to mostly cloudy South Coast. Patchy fog. Lows 58-65. Wind SW up to 10 MPH.

FRIDAY: Partly sunny. Afternoon and/or evening showers/thunderstorms likely. Highs 75-82 South Coast, 83-90 elsewhere. Dew point 60+. Wind SW 10-20 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (JUNE 15-19)

June 15-16 weekend will be fair, seasonable, and dry with high pressure in control. The high slips offshore early to middle portion of next week with some clouds and maybe some showers leading warmer air back into the region.

DAYS 11-15 (JUNE 20-24)

The Summer Solstice occurs on June 20. The large scale pattern is expected to feature high pressure at upper levels in the Midwest and Ohio Valley retrograding toward the Plains. This pattern is usually a warm one for us, but more significant heat stays to the west or only visits briefly, with a couple disturbances offering opportunities for passing showers and thunderstorms in an overall drier pattern.

32 thoughts on “Monday June 10 2024 Forecast (7:49AM)”

  1. If I’m reading your long term pattern correctly, I think that pattern is also what ch 5 guessed when Harvey came on a few weeks ago to present their thoughts on the summer ahead.

    Trof in the northwest, big ridge in the central USA and a broad WNW to NW flow over the northeast.

  2. Good morning and thank you TK.

    Made 70 yesterday, but not until about 6PM

    57 overnight and currently 64

    Ocean Temperature: 61.3 (Boston Buoy)

    1. Based on this map, I am skeptical. WHY on earth would Eastern MA be placed in a minor heat related area for today?
      Makes ZERO sense to me!

      To me, the map is OVERCOOKED.

      1. If the parameters were adjusted properly, then I would agree it would be a most useful map, but NOT if it makes people get
        unnecessarily concerned.

      2. Oh, absolutely agree with you !

        I think they picked a heat indice and applied it to a color.

        I think they will definitely have to increase the qualifying temps a bit, but in principle, I like the idea.

        If I recall correctly, its currently experimental.

        1. I love the principle of it for sure. Agree 100%
          As it stands now (experimental phase) the qualifying index
          and colors are out of wack. 🙂

  3. Only 68 here. Very slow rise in temperature today.

    I would have expected a little bit higher by now.

  4. Mark:

    Did not have a chance to send congratulations for your daughter’s team’s big win in the CT softball state tourney!
    She, her team, your family and the town will have that title for life! Such a great feeling to be on top of the world!

    Sending the duckboats down to Coventry! We’ll need ’em back next week for the Celtics! 🙂


  5. One of the hottest days in my life and in my teaching career was 16 years ago today. The max hit 101. I remember being woozy in my unventilated classroom. That was the last of a four-day heat wave (June 7-10, 2008) with maxs of 93, 96, 99 and 101 at the NWS in Taunton.

    June 10, 2008 at 101 is the earliest and the only time in June that Taunton has hit 100 or greater in recorded history. There has only 14 times that Taunton has hit the century mark.

    Maximum High Temperature

    103º, July 22, 2011 (Hottest temperature ever recorded at KBOX)

    100º or higher days:

    100º, July 20, 2013

    102º, July 6, 2010

    101º, June 10, 2008

    101º, August 2, 2006

    100º, August 14, 2002

    100º, July 4, 2002

    100º, July 3, 2002

    101º, August 9, 2001

    100º, July 11, 1993

    100º, July 22, 1991

    102º, August 2, 1975 (Hottest temperature ever recorded at Taunton Water Works)

    100º, July 4, 1949

    101º, August 10, 1949

    Maximum Low Temperature

    78º, July 31, 1917 (Maximum low temperature ever recorded at Taunton Water Works)

    77º, August 9, 2022 (Maximum low temperature ever recorded at KBOX)

    1. Thanks, Captain. And so sorry to hear your memory of this date is scary.

      I remember some. The July 3 and 4, 2002, really sticks out. My daughter was showing in Farmington Ct. She didn’t want to show her horse because of the heat. Her trainer insisted she showed. When a pony collapsed over a jump and died on the course, she pulled her horse. Her trainer screamed at her for all to hear. Needless to say, it was the beginning of the end with that trainer.

    2. That must have been when our Union’s reps were handing us thermometers and telling us to call them when the temp in the classroom hit 88F.

      Back then, we just had window units.

      The Covid positive is a new ventilation system upstairs which has excellent central A/C.

      The hallway is still hot/humid, but the classrooms are frozen.

  6. Slowest start to the tropical cyclone season in 10 years…

    No systems yet. No systems expected in the coming several days. No current areas of interest, and this holds true for the Atlantic and eastern Pacific as well, even the central Pacific if we want to look that far out there.

    Oh yeah, while we’re at it, let’s look at the Western Pacific, the Indian Ocean, AND the southern hemisphere. Nope. Nothing. Not even any disturbances.

    You need more than warm water to cook up tropical cyclones. Eventually, things will happen. Right now though, nothing. It’s library-quiet. 😉

  7. I just noticed my comments from Friday never made the discussion and I am just catching up
    After keeping my dad company all weekend while he in rehab. Slowly improving which is saying a lot for a soon to be 85 year old.

    The graduation at Bishop Stang Thursday went off without a hitch. Another school gave into the hype about a washout for the day and postponed but we at Stang followed TK and WHW crew and remained steadfast and kept it outdoors (when many were screaming to move inside)

    This is a much nicer start than last summer – I am going out on a limb and predicting a big heat wave Fourth of July week. We are due for one that time of year.

    1. Awesome news for your graduation.

      Prayers and positive thoughts for your dad.

      We sure are due for a July 4 heatwave. Two that immediately come to mind are the one in 2002 JJ mentioned and the one in 1983.

    2. I think that was a case of WordPress eating it. Nothing went to moderation…

      Glad the event went well! 🙂

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