Monday June 24 2024 Forecast (7:48AM)

DAYS 1-5 (JUNE 24-28)

A quick blog update today. A cold front has passed, but we still have an upper low swinging through and some instability which will at least pop clouds and maybe a few showers (extremely low chance of a t-storm), favoring eastern areas midday to evening, otherwise it’s a mainly fair, drier and more comfortable day as the humidity drops, along with a busy breeze. High pressure builds in tonight and Tuesday with spectacular early summer weather, then offshore Wednesday when some heat and humidity return, but a cold front will be moving our way and will bring a shower and thunderstorm chance later Wednesday to early Thursday – timing of front will determine coverage and strength of showers and storms – stay tuned. Improving weather Thursday through Friday with a nice Canadian air mass.

TODAY: Sun/cloud mix. A passing shower, favoring southeastern NH and eastern MA. DP falls through 60s. Wind W 5-15 MPH, higher gusts.

TONIGHT: Partly cloudy. Patchy ground fog in low elevations evening, dissipating overnight. Lows 56-63. DP falls below 60. Wind SW 5-15 MPH shifting to NW.

TUESDAY: Sun and passing clouds. Highs 78-85. DP upper to middle 50s. Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Clear. Patchy ground fog. Lows 57-64. DP under 60. Wind W under 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Partly sunny. Late day showers / thunderstorms possible. Highs 83-90, except cooler South Coast. DP rises back above 60. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Isolated showers and thunderstorms late evening / overnight. Lows 65-72. DP 60+. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY: Variably cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms in the morning. Partly cloudy in the afternoon. Highs 80-87. DP falls below 60 Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Clear. Lows 55-62. Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

FRIDAY: Sunny. Highs 75-82. Wind NW-N 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (JUNE 29 – JULY 3)

High pressure dominates the region during much of this time period, with a frontal boundary to cross somewhere mid period (estimating early July 30) when a shower / thunderstorm threat will be present. Temperatures near to above normal.

DAYS 11-15 (JULY 4-8)

Independence Day forecast period including the “Fourth of July Weekend” looks decent with a west to northwest flow and only 1 or 2 brief potential interruptions from passing disturbances / frontal boundaries in an otherwise mainly dry and seasonably warm pattern.

38 thoughts on “Monday June 24 2024 Forecast (7:48AM)”

  1. A little commentary on yesterday’s event and a chase story to share later (mid afternoon). Have a great day!

  2. Good morning and thank you TK

    86 here yesterday dp to 76!

    overnight low 74

    currently 77
    dp 67

    ocean temp: 59

    quite a drop there. upwelling? interaction with the labrador current?

    Well around here, yesterday was a complete bust. I think I heard the rumble of thunder once.

    Looking at the radial velocities yesterday, imho, the strongest couplet was in the call near manchester, nh yet it appeara to have only produced a funnel cloud. I would have sworn there was a tornado on the ground there. oh well.

    TK will have something to say about that one.

    Will there be nws investigating teams checking the areas in ct, vt and nh?

    I have a feeling that there were no tornadoes in NE yesterday. we shall see.

    1. I saw Matt Noyes commented yesterday morning about the drop in ocean surface temperatures due to the several days of SW winds pushing the warmer surface waters out to sea, and having the colder waters replace it through upwelling.

  3. Thanks TK !

    Around 6pm, no thunder or lightning, I’d say about 0.50 inches of rain fell in 10 mins.

    Then we had some light rain overnight about 3am ??

    It’s cloudy now and 68F.

    Read back comments, glad to see nothing major seemed to take place. I do see some lightning house strikes, some videos of funnels in NH and CT may have gotten into the action a little too ?

    My daughter and I are up at the ofc for our morning wifi otherwise, not a signal to be found up here.

    We have the swift river, behaving as such, down a hill from our site. I love listening to the water flowing against the rocks.

  4. Okie dokie. Now that we are past yesterday, I am still not clear in the watch area maps. And yes I’m a pain in the butt by I hate not understanding something especially when it should be easy

    JMA. I’d forgotten middlesex goes up to the NH border. Thank you for correcting me on that. And for your continued patience on this.

    I checked our county map and neither Hamden or Hampshire touches the red box on the radar scope map. Unless I am reading that incorrectly and I could easily be doing that. But the map shared everywhere with the watch area in yellow did include those two counties.

    I hope I’m making sense. And there is never ever a hurry to respond. This isn’t something I need to know right away or ever really.

  5. Watched another interesting and entertaining movie
    Called SONATA. It is on Netflix and it is Polish, so unless you understand Polish, you’ll have to watch with English Subtitles.

    1. For a time, it sure looked like it was going to drop a tornado, but finally did not. Impressive. Thank you.
      Vicki, please see the above post. 🙂

      1. Not sure which above post but did see the discussion on the Manchester cell I’d that is what you are referring too I’m anxious to hear TKs adventure and noted your comment. And you know I put a ton of weight on your observations.

        My cousin and husband and my DILs cousin both live in the Manchester area

    1. Thank you. Just Posted above before seeing this. I’ll go with your perspective. Not that I’m questioning the Dublin confirmation

  6. Sooooooo another question. Mark, and I may have made this up, I think you said your weather system is mounted on your deck. If so, does it have full shade all day? If not, how do you keep the sun from messing with the temperature?

    I’d appreciate suggestions from anyone.

    Thank you!!

    1. That is correct, it is mounted on my deck railing and does have full shade most of the time but even when exposed to the sun, the temperature sensor probe has a cover that shields it from the sun so as not to impact the temperature readings. It is an Ambient weather station.

      1. Thank you. The kestrl sensor is protected also. The tech person I spoke with says they advise stil shading if possible. I want to attach a tripod to the corner of my deck where I can place a wind vane mount made for kestrel so it will turn. I’ll play with it this week to see how much of any the sun impacts temp.

        Appreciate your answer. Ambient is what JR has. I think I said that elsewhere. Although jr recommended kestrel for handheld

  7. Oilers vs Panthers tonight for the Stanley Cup. Panthers led series 3-0 and now it’s all tied up, 3-3. I know a few teams have come back from a 3-0 deficit to win in the NHL playoffs, but thinking only one team did it for the Stanley Cup. Too tired to look it up, but it had to be the Leafs or Canadiens.

  8. For Vickie or anyone else interested. Re-post from earlier:

    Watched another interesting and entertaining movie
    Called SONATA. It is on Netflix and it is Polish, so unless you understand Polish, you’ll have to watch with English Subtitles.

    1. Oh so sorry. I did see that and meant to respond. I have trouble watching subtitles. But you have yet to steer me wrong, so will try. I still have wonder on my list Thank you

      1. I actually didn’t have any trouble with the subtitles. The story was so compelling, it didn’t even matter about the subtitles.
        The acting was superb!

    1. Indeed. Unbelievable speed, agility, puck control. Both teams giving it everything they have.

  9. Well, the Panthers have their Cup. Congratulations! But I was rooting for Edmonton.

    It’s hard to come back from 3-0 in games. Remember last year when the Celtics almost did it against Miami. In this Stanley Cup Finals Edmonton gave it everything they had, but came up just short. This is a reminder of how impressive the Red Sox comeback was in 2004.

    Sad thing is hockey season is over. It’s the one sport you could wake me up at 3am for and I’d watch. Good thing is pre-season training is only ~11 weeks away.

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