Saturday June 29 2024 Forecast (8:24AM)

DAYS 1-5 (JUNE 29 – JULY 3)

The weather will be unsettled for this final weekend of June, but not a weekend “lost to the weather”. While clouds will be dominant, the rainfall that occurs will be limited to a fraction of the time in any given location. Today, a warm front approaches and we’ll spend most of the day under a vast canopy of clouds ahead of it, while most of the warm front generated rainfall will take places on the western and northern outskirts of the WHW forecast area, with just a little light rain getting into central to northeastern MA and southern NH at times and maybe a few stray sprinkles of rain working their way a little further southeast as far as the I-95 belt mainly north of I-90. It is this evening when a more formidable band of showers will push further east and south, mainly late this evening and overnight, while a few embedded heavier showers and possible thunderstorms accompany it. This will mark the arrival of higher dew point air which will then be with us for much of Sunday, until a cold front passes through from northwest to southeast. This front can have a few isolated showers and thunderstorms ahead of it, but seems to want to save most of its action for producing a narrow band of showers and thunderstorms to move through the region from northwest to southeast from mid afternoon to early evening. I believe this band may run a little ahead of the timing of most short range guidance, if you are looking at that, but I’ll monitor trends there. It’s possible that those storms can produce some hail and wind damage, but I don’t think this will be a widespread severe weather outbreak. The greatest chance for this appears to be from I-95 to southeastern MA, RI, and eastern CT late afternoon to early evening Sunday. Regardless of convective activity, the front coming through will break the humidity again Sunday night as we say goodbye to June. Monday’s’ weather will feature lower humidity, but with upper level low pressure crossing the region we will see diurnal cloud development and the potential for showers to pop up along with a slight chance of a thunderstorm. High pressure builds in with great summer weather for Tuesday and Wednesday.

TODAY: Mostly cloudy. A few periods of light rain central MA to southwestern NH, with a few sprinkles of very light rain as far east as I-95. Highs 71-78, coolest coast. Wind S 5-15 MPH, higher gusts.

TONIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Showers and possible thunderstorms become more likely from west to east late evening and overnight. Areas of fog overnight. Lows 63-70. Dew point 60+. Wind S 10-20 MPH, higher gusts.

SUNDAY: Variably cloudy. Showers most likely in the early to mid morning. An additional shower or thunderstorm possible in the afternoon. Highs 78-85. Dew point near 70 much of day, lowering late. Wind SW 10-20 MPH, higher gusts, shifting to NW late-day and evening from northwest to southeast.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Fog patches lower elevations. Lows 55-62. Dew point falls through 50s. Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY: Partly sunny. Pop-up showers possible. Highs 76-83. Dew point sub-60. Wind N 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY NIGHT: Clearing. Lows 51-58. Dew point upper 40s. Wind N under 10 MPH.

TUESDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 78-85, coolest coast. Dew point lower to middle 50s. Wind variable up to 10 MPH with coastal sea breezes.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows 60-67. DP middle to upper 50s. Wind SW up to 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Partly cloudy. Highs 81-88, coolest South Coast. DP near 60. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (JULY 4-8)

A weak frontal boundary may pass by with a shower early on July 4, otherwise fair weather, warm air, and moderate humidity expected. A weak trough of low pressure brings a better chance of showers and thunderstorms at times for the balance of the holiday weekend period and start of the following week, but rain-free much of time. More details to come.

DAYS 11-15 (JULY 9-13)

West to northwest flow at upper levels. A few disturbances pass by with shower / t-storm chances, but otherwise mostly dry and seasonable weather is expected.

58 thoughts on “Saturday June 29 2024 Forecast (8:24AM)”

  1. Thanks TK! Greetings from sunny hot central Italy. We’re about halfway through our vacation and the weather has been fantastic. Just catching up on news from home and saw the reports on tornados. Quite the time there! Hope everyone is well! Heading to the beaches on the Adriatic coast for the final leg.

  2. Quick peak at the latest SREF there is a low tornado risk late tomorrow afternoon for most of SNE with the exception of the South Shore Cape and Islands.

    1. It did, about 12:20 PM, 6 hours after it went out!!! PATHETIC!!!!

      EVERSOURCE SUCKS!!!!!! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!

  3. You got the humidity in place tomorrow and the front coming through which will provide the lift for thunderstorms to form. Hopefully not a lot of sunshine tomorrow as the more sunshine on a day like Sunday will further destabilize the atmosphere.

    1. Color me worried. I’m interested to see what the 1:30 update looks like I sure hope they don’t upgrade to 5%!!!!!

  4. The line of thunderstorms tomorrow will be going from northwest to southeast. On Wednesday night the line went from west to east. Hopefully not a lot of sun tomorrow. Clouds will be everyone’s best friend tomorrow as that will lower the severe weather threat.

  5. Well it looks like Radar Scope had a new recent update and now
    it does not work on my 7 year old Samsung Phone!!!! I can’t win!!!

    I uninstalled it and tried to reinstall it and this is what I get from Google Play store:

    This app won’t work for your device!

    pretty clear they made some significant changes.

    It is available for my desktop at $29.99, so I think I will at least get that. I can’t be without that!!!!

    Anyone have a similar experience?

    Of course I could get a new phone, but this one works fine and I am too cheap to layout another grand for a stupid phone!!!!

    1. Get a Google Pixel 8 or a Galaxy S23 (regular). Won’t be a grand and everything will work great. 🙂

      1. No, but it will still be $700!

        I am really PISSED about this!!!

        Just another way everyone is in bed with the smart phone companies. ALWAYS something to get people to shell out money for a new phone. What a SCAM!!!

        Corporate America, what a Bunch of crooks!!!!

        1. Indeed they are. You may well be able to add your power outage to that list. Test intervals for the electric utilities began to be further and further apart in the late 90s early 2000s. I know this for fact since the company Mac and I worked for (he for 40+ years/me for 30+) not only developed the equipment but worked with the electric utilities for testing.

          All in the name of corporate greed

          1. Agree 100%!!

            They diverted maintenance funds to investor dividend checks! Plain and simple!!!!

      1. I purchased mine on 7/31/2017. 7 years old next month.
        And then this CRAP!!!! I am infuriated!!!!!!

        1. Here is what I just sent these creeps;

          I have a Samsung Galaxy 9 phone purchased on 7/31/2017.
          With Radar Scope’s latest update, my radar scope app has stopped working.
          I keep getting a download error!
          When I go to Google Play store, it now says that the app will NOT work on my device.

          What on earth is going on. Your update was not backwards compatible
          How much is Samsung paying you to do this!!! I love that app and NEED it, But NOT
          at the expense of a new phone.

          How do you explain this?

          Please advise

  6. NHC has Beryl pass close to Barbados tomorrow night as a Category 2 or 3 Hurricane. There have been 13 storms that were Category 2 or stronger when they passed within 100 miles of Barbados in the past 173 years. All 13 did so after August 1.

    1. Well, our fairly consistent almost summer like weather kicked in May 20th, seemingly 4-6 weeks ahead, Hudson Bay ice melt has been running weeks ahead and now the Atlantic basin has an atmosphere that’s about 6 weeks ahead of average.

    1. I notice a tornado watch for parts of Ohio and Pennsylvania
      now. Will that translate Eastward for tomorrow?

      SPC thinks not as they only put us in the 2% category, but we shall see.

      1. Latest SREF is about ready to start running. I think will still see that low tornado risk for most of SNE tomorrow afternoon.

  7. Marc I saw you are going on the Icon of the Seas. That is an impressive size cruise ship. When it docked here on St. Thomas I got to see it. I also got to see some of the halls as they are trying to get some naturalist excursions going. (snorkel/hiking/dive tours). Its impressive have fun :).

    Two Hurricane Beryl is impressive for this time of year usually dry air and shear keep things at bay its going to be bad for those islands down there. If it wasn’t for the strong High pressure that thing would travel right on up to me here in the USVI. The water is so dam warm that when I went swimming yesterday the air felt colder than the water. Air temperature a toast 93 degrees and thats not including the heat index. It is extremely saddening to me that we have our branches of government not willing to do shit to try and curve climate change and do more to try and restore these ecosystems. They are so easily willing to send weapons to kill people but not willing to spend that money on medical and natural sciences and infrastructure to better peoples lives. I lean left on many things but both sides have been ticking me off as of late. In terms of power outages, I pretty much have one every week this time of year. You would think the USVI was a developing nation when it comes to our one power company called WAPA. Got a bunch of money after Irma and Maria and used it on some fancy cars to get around for the higher ups and can not pay for the correct fuel for the generators they have.

    1. Thanks Matt. I knew there was a risk when I booked this trip that we’d be dodging hurricanes and that looks to be the case with Beryl and probably the next system right behind it. It’s certainly not the end of the world with this ship if we have to divert to a different route and miss a location or spend an extra day at sea 🙂

      Glad these storms are missing you to the south and hope that trend continues through the season.

    2. Matt. Is it ALWAYS special to see you here. I value your views as you know and agree with every word. Will you visit home this summer? I hope your mom is doing well.

  8. Steady rain has arrived up here as we wait for the campground barbecue at 4pm.

    The town was planning fireworks tonight around 9pm, but I don’t know if that’s going to happen.

    Temp has fallen to 58F.

    That’s ok, we’ve camped in colder with even heavier rain 🙂 🙂 🙂

    That Memorial Day weekend in southern New England about 3-4 years ago comes to mind.

  9. Quick look at the latest SREF still showing that low tornado risk for most of SNE with the exception South Shore Cape and Islands.

    1. Thanks TK for posting that loop. That was quite the line that came through. Mother Nature going to do an encore performance tomorrow?

      1. Tomorrow’s setup is quite different from that one and we should not be seeing a complex like that one.

        There’s a good swath of showers to come through the area this evening and tonight, most of it overnight and we might have to watch for a couple of isolated showers and storms ahead of what looks to me like a fairly thin squall line later tomorrow.. Some of the short-range guidance has had it transitioning to outflow dominated very quickly too before it really gets to the cities like Boston and Providence. Obviously I will monitor the trends on that and then we will watch it in real time tomorrow…

  10. Beryl is a tiny system and is, by chance, in the perfect narrow lane for intensification. We’ll see if that continues with some changing conditions in its path. I’m not sure I buy the longer range forecast on this thing, but time will tell…

    Meanwhile, let’s look at 2 even earlier major hurricanes that have occurred in the Atlantic Basin via Wikipedia…

    Hurricane Audrey, 1957 (June 25-29):

    Hurricane Alma, 1966 (June 4-14):

  11. So, even though I was pissed about Radar Scope not working on my phone, I NEEDED it badly, especially with today’s threat, so
    I purchased it from the MicroSoft Store to run on my Desktop
    Computer. So, at least I have it now.

    btw, have not heard back from them yet.

    Don’t know why it was $29.99 for this and only $9.99 for smart phones? Hope I get more features.

  12. Sun out where I am and the high humidity is place along with a front coming through later. Now wait and see what develops. SPC has been very consistent with their outlooks.

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