Tuesday July 9 2024 Forecast (6:55AM)

DAYS 1-5 (JULY 9-13)

Very warm to hot and humid weather will continue to be the rule as we head through the middle of this week, with the classic Bermuda High in place. A weak disturbance moving through from the west later today will trigger a few showers and thunderstorms, greatest chance interior mountains / hills with the help of orography, and coverage will be somewhat limited. Next to watch are the remains of Beryl as they track north and northeast through the Mississippi Valley into the Great Lakes and interior Northeast. The trends on reliable guidance have been to shift the bulk of the moisture from this system to our west, and I do feel this will be the case, with Wednesday afternoon just bringing the chance of a shower or thunderstorm to some interior areas while most of the rain and thunderstorm activity occurs further west in NY State and into the mountains of northern New England Wednesday night. Isolated activity could occur a bit further east and south from these areas, which would include western and northwestern portions of the WHW forecast area. A trough trailing from the remnant low can push a few more showers and storms throughout this during Thursday, but it may clear out quickly enough that much of that day is salvaged, and much of Friday too with just very warm and humid weather and a minimal chance of additional pop up showers and storms. Saturday holds a small wildcard as we see a boundary nearby and possibly a disturbance that has to traverse it, enhancing the shower and thunderstorm chance once again. Lower confidence on this part of the forecast.

TODAY: Partly sunny. Isolated to scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms possible. Highs 85-92, cooler some coastal areas and hotter some interior valleys. Dew point upper 60s to middle 70s. Wind S to SW 5-15 MPH.

TONIGHT: Partly cloudy. A shower or thunderstorm possible in the evening. Fog patches redevelop. Lows 68-75. Dew point upper 60s to middle 70s. Wind SW under 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Variably cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms, may favor areas mainly well west and north of Boston. Highs 83-90, except a little cooler South Coast. Dew point upper 60s to middle 70s. Wind SW to S 5-15 MPH.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. Patchy fog. A chance of showers and thunderstorms mainly far west and northwest of Boston. Lows 67-74. Dew point 65+. Wind S up to 10 MPH.

THURSDAY: Variably cloudy. Showers and thunderstorms most likely during the first 2/3 of the day, may diminish later. Highs 82-89, except a little cooler South Coast. Dew point 70+. Wind SW to S 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Areas of fog. Lows 68-75. Dew point upper 60s to middle 70s. Wind S up to 10 MPH.

FRIDAY: Partly sunny. A pop up shower or thunderstorm possible. Highs 82-89. Dew point 70+. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

FRIDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows 68-75. Dew point upper 60s to lower 70s. Wind SW up to 10 MPH.

SATURDAY: Variably cloudy. A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs 82-89. Dew point 65+. Wind variable 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (JULY 14-18)

Slightly drier air and fair weather July 14, but the overall pattern remains warm to hot, fairly humid, and additional showers and thunderstorms are possible at times – though not an excessively wet pattern.

DAYS 11-15 (JULY 19-23)

General pattern – westerly flow aloft, low amplitude high pressure western Atlantic, weak trough Great Lakes to Upper Midwest. Warm pattern here, no persistent high heat, a few shower and thunderstorm chances.

102 thoughts on “Tuesday July 9 2024 Forecast (6:55AM)”

  1. Thanks, TK–I’ll be at Fenway Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday this week. Looks like we’ll likely stay dry from rain but still drenched in sweat…

    1. I actually think your highest chance of seeing anything rainfall related there is today, believe it or not.

        1. Well, she did just leave a heatwave in the West that was definitely hotter. 🙂

          1. Ok, you got me. But to be fair, I don’t know where in CA she resides. 🙂 🙂

            She will NOT like the humidity, though. 🙂

            1. I live in San Jose- temps have been in high 90s to low 100s- not quite as hot as my inland neighbors but still toasty (but dew points in the low 60s)… I’ll let you know how I handle the humidity lol… but I did grow up here so I know what I’m in for….

  2. Good morning and thank you TK

    made 92 yesterday with dp briefly as low as 64, but by early evening was back up to 72.

    74 overnight, 77 currently.

    ocean temo: 64.9 (Boston buoy)

    Pete was Dusgusted last night basically saying that the heat and himidity woould be with us for a very llong tine.


  3. Thanks, TK!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday!!

    I wonder if Paul McCartney ever thought he’d live to see 82 when he wrote “When I’m 64”. 🙂


    Joshua, what are your thoughts on today’s and tomorrow’s semis in the Euros? I think this afternoon’s Spanish-France game will be a classic.

    Happy vacation, Julie!

  4. CF, both games feature European powerhouses. I think Spain wins today. It has looked the most consistently good from the start of the tournament. I think England wins opportunistically tomorrow. While I’m rooting for Holland they play an open game which could allow England chances, especially towards the end of the game.

    1. I would take snow any day of the year. Not necessarily because it means colder weather although I suppose that enters into it, but because I love snow

  5. This summer – thus far – follows the script I remember from the 1980s when I would visit home (Brookline) from the Netherlands. Just like it’s been this summer, in the Netherlands there would be periodic light rain almost daily, temps in the 60s/low 70s (dewpoints in the low 50s). I’d get on an airplane and fly home to be greeted outside Terminal E at Logan with a blast of hot and humid air that you can’t really imagine if you’ve been accustomed to Northwestern European summer air. Then, I kind of enjoyed it. It also meant I was on vacation. I was young and could handle the heat and humidity much better.

    In December, I’d experience a totally different climate shock. I’d leave constantly gray and drizzly (40s) Holland and step out to the curb at Terminal E to a blast of cold air (20s and sometimes colder), often with blue skies above. Again, almost unimaginable if you’ve been living through a 6 to 8 week period of the grays, drizzles and 40s in Northwestern Europe.

  6. 85 here with dp 70!

    How high will it go????

    This is PUTRID!!

    I just finally got a Cisco Secure Client installed on my
    laptop so I can connect to my office computer. Now
    I am leaving this sweatbox and headed to the kitchen table where it is nice and COOL!!


      1. Ahhh Much better, although I can’t stand using a laptop. Call me old school. I need my desktop!!!

    1. Plenty of cooler air around the hemisphere.

      My friend the “Scottish Lass” as she refers to herself is miserable with the coolness.


    I am sure I or other people will think of other ways to describe this weather pattern were in for the foreseeable future

      1. Ok, You are tempting me to respond with a NASTYORAMA!
        But I am restraing myself. 🙂

        Just wait until you get a little older.

        It has only started hitting me over the past 5-10 years or so.
        I am now FIRMLY in Joshua’s Camp with regards to HOT/HUMID weather!!!!!1 As is my wife. It has affected her since her late 20s.

      2. We have very similar views re weather but this may be the exception that proves the rule. I actually never understood that saying. As with JPD, I inky started noticing actual discomfort in the past five or so years. Doesn’t help that I am not a fan of being unable to sit outside for long periods.

  8. Per my note above, this summer reminds me of when I came home from the Netherlands in the summer of 1983. I’m sure there are differences between now and then. In fact, I think 1983 was hotter. But I do recall lots of HHH days then.

    1. 83 was quite hot. At least parts that I recall. July 4 was one of those parts. 84 June had a hot spell. Was it 89 that was a really rough summer.

      We didn’t have AC back in those days.

  9. Just to give you an idea 85 degree with humidity of 70% I wish for down here on St. Thomas. Try 90 to 95 degrees with 80% humidity which is basically what we been dealing with in the lower elevations here in the USVI.

    Today partly to mostly cloudy with a temperature of 86 and humidity 70% it feels amazing haha.

    1. Thanks Matt. I don’t know how to convert humidity to DP but think the numbers are. It far apart. And you are right abiut a bit of a differ3nce feeling amazing. Even at the barn a few days ago with HHH here, a slight breeze made it feels quite nice

  10. Jp Dave, by any chance could I have contact information of your family member that lives in Melbourne Australia ? An opportunity has arisen for me and I am trying to get all the information I need to make a decision. Email is souzamatt12@gmail.com if possible.

      1. got it and sent a response, thank you.
        Also for those wondering, I am contemplating if I am going to accept a 3 year research position with Deakin University down in Victoria Australia.

        1. Oh wow. Mac’s cousins nephew spent time as an intern in Australia years ago. He said it was an invaluable experience.

  11. No seabreeze today in Marshfield.

    Decent S/SW wind and it’s about 90F to the water’s edge, which is chilly.

    Tide’s in.

    It’s green head season. Wind is helping, but if they get ya, it hurts.

  12. VERY open game between France and Spain. I did not expect this. Score is 1-0 for France after 14 minutes.

    1. I thought it would be a wide open game honestly based on the way Spain has played. Should be a terrific 2nd half.

    1. And now, 2-1 for Spain. Spain is dominant. Speed, agility, movement, passing and shooting.

  13. Pool water at the complex where I live at is 85°Im nearTF Greene in Warwick. . Just like my favorite spot in Florida Sarasota.

  14. Block Island Buoy water temperature is 74.8°. Not bad for the first week of July. Could go up a bit more with the warm nights and high dewpoint temps an full sun. Not much up-welling.

  15. Gripe of the day…..

    Company websites search engines are BOGUS Iincluding Amazon!!!!!). They are designed to show you what you are NOT looking for, often more expensive items. It’s like they are throwing SHIT against the wall shoping some of it sticks!!!!

    I AM PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just once I would like to search for something and beeing shown just what I am looking for instead of just about every other item the place has to offer!*#)(*&@*(#&!*(@&#(*)!@&#*(

    Corporate America blows chunks!!!!!!!!!

  16. Not Captain F, but I am huge football fan. Spain is superior to France especially the way they have played. Mbappe is the wildcard for the French.

    What a goal by Yamin, incredible at his age (16) Also love Nico W (19), was fun being in Spain watching these games with the locals.

    England clearly is the most talented in the world, just need them to play together. The Dutch are very strong and solid, should be a great game.

    1. Such a sad mess up there. My heart aches for the people in its path ans for the country

  17. We’ve had a lot of lightning and 0.33″ of rain in the past couple of hours. The temperature has dropped 15 degrees. It’s a nice respite.

    1. About five minutes after posting this, we had lightning right over us. It was the big flash/crackle/boom thing. The power went out for about two seconds and came right back.

      We’re now over 1/2″ of rain and my thermometer reads 67.

  18. We can’t catch a break here in Amesbury. Basically all rain and T-storm activity has been slipping south of us this summer season. We need a boomer!

    1. In sutton also. They are consistently to the north and south of us with us being stuck in the middle. Again

  19. Another day working on my laptop in the kitchen. Slowly getting used to the lap top. But today, I may plug in my mouse. I hate using the damn mouse pad on the lap top. In fact I can’t stand it.

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