Wednesday July 24 2024 Forecast (7:00AM)

DAYS 1-5 (JULY 24-28)

We stay in a mild and humid air mass today as a frontal boundary sits near the South Coast but loses identity as a final weak wave of low pressure moves by, with a weak easterly air flow here and very limited shower activity. Thursday, the wind turns around to the southwest ahead of a slightly stronger cold front that will approach from the northwest. But even with the warmer, more humid air, and a more defined front, the atmosphere won’t support much more than a few showers and potentially heavier thunderstorms firing up during the day. Any of these exit in the evening, and we see a warm but drier air mass move in for Friday and the weekend, courtesy high pressure building through the Great Lakes into the Northeast.

TODAY: Mostly cloudy but occasional breaks of sun here and there as well. Isolated to scattered showers, favoring the morning to midday hours. Highs 72-79, coolest coast. Dew point 65+. Wind variable up to 10 MPH, mostly SE to E.

TONIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Patchy fog. Lows 65-72. Dew point 60s. Wind variable up to 10 MPH.

THURSDAY: Variably cloudy. Isolated to scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly in the afternoon. Highs 78-85, coolest South Coast. Dew point around 70. Wind variable up to 10 MPH becoming SW 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Lots of clouds and a lingering shower or thunderstorm possible early, especially east of I-95 and south of I-90, then a clearing trend. Patchy fog forms in lower elevations. Lows 65-72. Dew point lowers through 60s. Wind SW up to 10 MPH shifting to NW, a few higher gusts possible.

FRIDAY: Sun and passing clouds. Highs 80-87. Dew point falling to 60 or lower. Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

FRIDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows 61-68. Dew point 60 or lower. Wind NW to variable under 10 MPH.

SATURDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 80-87, coolest coastal areas. Dew point sub-60. Wind N to E up to 10 MPH.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows 61-68. Dew point sub-60. Wind N under 10 MPH.

SUNDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 82-89 but cooler in some coastal locations. Dew point rising to lower 60s. Wind variable up to 10 MPH with coastal sea breezes developing.

DAYS 6-10 (JULY 29 – AUGUST 2)

High pressure shifts offshore with somewhat higher humidity, fair weather, and above normal temperatures July 29-31. Additional moisture introduces the chance of showers and thunderstorms as we welcome August later next week.

DAYS 11-15 (AUGUST 3-7)

A couple episodes where showers and thunderstorms can occur, but the overall pattern will be rain-free and seasonably warm / moderately humid with a westerly flow aloft and high pressure in control much of the time.

48 thoughts on “Wednesday July 24 2024 Forecast (7:00AM)”

  1. Good morning and thank you TK

    Made 77 yesterday, with dp up to 66
    overnight low 68
    currently 69

    ocean temp: 65.1 (Boston buoy)

  2. Not for nothing, BUT even though the dew point is only
    64, sitting here at my computer next to an open window,
    And I can’t stand anymore of this BULLSHIT!!!!!!!

    1. We’ve still largely had the AC on.

      It’s gotten a lot more breaks without the sun blasting down and also combating temps in the 90s. But, we’re keeping it on for that damp, clamminess feeling.

      1. Ditto!!! My wife can’t stand it. It literally makes her ill.
        It never really bothered me until the last few years and now
        it really bothers me as well, although I do tolerate it much
        better than my poor wife does.

        And I did NOT like Pete’s forecast for next week.
        He had FIVE(5), YES! 5 straight days of 90+ with high humidity!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

        1. I hope though it’s humid, the back off in temps has helped her some.

          Next week looks pretty warm to hot. Inland, that signal is strong.

          Looks like a dp break Friday and Saturday, at least.

          1. Yes, let us hope so.
            I hope August is more like September than July. We shall see. It can go either way.

  3. Sunday and Monday were the hottest days on earth in recorded history. Keep in mind, detailed records from around the globe generally don’t go back further than 100 years or so. Nonetheless, it’s concerning. The Copernicus website features a lot of data and reports for those interested.

    1. It’s important to note that the agency basically “tossed out ” the likely effects of a massive volcanic eruption.

      I continue to strongly believe this is an extremely poor scientific process. And I stand by it. We have a decade (estimated) to go before we learn the full extent of the impact.

      1. That is a definite and I believe HH-HT adds some but sadly we have been seeing yearly high worldwide temps long before HH-HT

  4. JPD. Not sure if you saw my movie recommendation last night. The Long Game on Netflix is based on a true story. I loved it.

  5. Reiterating … a lot more rain-free time than rain time during this unsettled stretch.

    Starting to see some abnormally dry patches show up on the Drought Monitor.

  6. Well, I stupidly thought we would get at least 0.25” of rain in one sitting so I applied some products to my struggling lawn that needed to be watered in. I am now irrigating, lol

      1. My wife and in-laws finally tested negative today but still have lingering symptoms. Now, strangely enough, our dog has COVID!

      1. Those few days of extreme heat, even with irrigation, cooked parts of my lawn. Trying to recover it some

      1. It’s a good thing, then, if the miniscule chance that map is actually right, the upper pattern would likely change quite a bit between that date and the date it would make it to the East Coast, if it did … if it even exists. 🙂

    1. Unlikely it’ll still be there. While the GFS is far worse, the ECMWF still has a tendency to create tropicals out around 200+ hours.

  7. Hampton Beach just contacted me to check on the weather. Fireworks will be a go this evening. I was pretty sure this one would get in. Fog is a slight concern but I don’t even think that’s going to be a problem now.

    1. So Hampton Beach now has their own weather consultant?
      Pretty cool. You should be getting PAID for your service! 🙂

  8. Sox getting demolished by a subpar team. Ugly.

    I was – past tense – excited about the team. Right now, I’m troubled by the way they look. A mess. It’s only 6 games since the break. Teams do go 1 and 5 throughout the season. BUT, they’re reverting to 2022 and 2023 form.

    By the way, there were signs of this in the week before the All Star break. They didn’t look convincing against the dregs of the league, the A’s, or their closest competitor the Royals. Came away with some victories, but there were signs of decline.

    We’ll see how it unfolds.

    If they have a bad weekend series and a few more games after that, I think that buying would be imprudent. They have pieces to sell like O’Neill and Jansen. They have SO many holes to fill.

  9. Ace…..your dog? How did you know? I can’t recall if this is the first actual case in a dog that I have heard of.

    I’m glad all others are negative but sad about co tinged symptoms.

  10. Someday maybe in my lifetime we’ll revert to having a lot more political leaders like moderate Republican Phil Scott of Vermont (he’s the Green Mountain state’s governor). I’d vote for him. He’s a big time environmentalist, like many Republicans of old. Republicans I liked. Republicans I voted for like William Weld.

    He’s got a 81% approval rating, which is highest in the nation. I wonder why I say sarcastically. We know. It’s because he’s sane and moderate. I hate the word suck, but I think it’s apt when describing polarization. It sucks. Most people don’t want extremes, but that’s where the country’s at in terms of many of the high-profile politicians.

    1. Ditto. Weld was past the time I was actively campaigning but both Mac (who was more liberal than my then right of center) voted for him. Those of my time…especially Ed Brooke …..were impressive. My belief has been for a very long time that we need a centrist true Republican as president. We have had as many (as of my last count several years ago) years of Republican senators and governors in MA as democrats since 1900. And every one of them worked well across the aisle

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