Friday August 23 2024 Forecast (6:51AM)

DAYS 1-5 (AUGUST 23-27)

High pressure builds in and brings us a stretch of fair weather through the weekend with a gradual warm up and increase in humidity taking place. There will be some diurnal cloud development each day today and Saturday, with more on Saturday than today. Clouds will also start to increase later on Sunday as a trough of low pressure approaches from the west. This trough will combine with higher humidity to bring a shower and thunderstorm chance Monday, which lingers as well into Tuesday, with a slight cooling trend early next week.

TODAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 73-80. Dew point lower 50s. Wind W 5-15 MPH.

TONIGHT: Clear. Fog patches interior lower elevations. Lows 55-62. Dew point lower 50s. Wind W to SW up to 10 MPH.

SATURDAY: Partly sunny. Highs 79-86. Dew point middle 50s. Wind W to SW 5-15 MPH.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows 57-64. Dew point middle 50s.

SUNDAY: Sunny morning. Partly cloudy afternoon. Highs 80-87. Dew point breaks 60. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. A possible shower overnight. Patchy fog. Lows 61-68. Dew point 60+. Wind S up to 10 MPH.

MONDAY: Variably cloudy. Potential showers and thunderstorms. Highs 75-82. Dew point 60+. Wind S 5-15 MPH shifting to W.

MONDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. Possible showers and thunderstorms early. Patchy fog. Lows 61-68. Dew point 60+. Wind W up to 10 MPH shifting to N.

TUESDAY: Partly sunny. Chance of showers. Highs 73-80. Dew point near 60. Wind N up to 10 MPH shifting to E.


High pressure brings fair weather much of the time during the final days of August and into the Labor Day Weekend but watch for a passing front and shower threat about August 30. Temperatures briefly cooler, then warming back up again.

DAYS 11-15 (SEPTEMBER 2-6)

Watch for a couple frontal boundaries to bring shower chances around Labor Day and later in the period. Temperatures near to slightly above normal.

26 thoughts on “Friday August 23 2024 Forecast (6:51AM)”

  1. Current Ocean temps

    boston buoy: 65.8
    block island: 68.9

    and so it begins. temps could tick up a bit with warmer weather, but Not like it would with higher sun angle. down down they will go.

    1. Still a summer sun. It’s out now and the temp jumped from 67F to 72F. Did my run in Highgate Wood where foxes, magpies and rats (yes, rats) flourish. The cricket field adjacent to the woods has a batting cage, similar to what you see in baseball. A father was bowling (pitching on one bounce) to his son who was in full cricket gear. He whacked a ball out of the cage, through a hole in the netting, which I retrieved.

            1. Baseball and softball, I hit the like.
              Squash, I can take it or leave it.
              Cricket, well it will be interesting to watch and then
              I’ll decide if yeah or nah. I might be surprised. 🙂

  2. Three years ago this period we had TS Henri. My son and DILs wedding was in North Hampton. First vows in the summit of mount greylock. (it was moved up a day). Second a dinner on the patio at their favorite pizza restaurant which is upscale but still very down to earth like the couple themselves. Rain stopped just as we all arrived and restarted as we left.

    I’ve never been sure whether to credit my dad (Henri) or Mac so decided to credit both

  3. Cricket is slow. Slower than baseball. But it’s interesting. I remember watching test matches in the 80s on the BBC – I was living in Holland at the time – and I sort of got into it. I then went to a match at the famous Oval in London.

    I love the history of sports. Baseball is clearly derived from rounders, which was an English game in the 18th and 19th centuries. It’s still played, though usually as a beach game (they sell rounders bats and balls next to beach chairs). There are also some aspects in cricket that are similar to baseball.

    Then you’ve got the connection between rugby and football.

    I bought a Wilson (American) football for my daughter and her British boyfriend. We threw it around in the park. I punted it a few times to show that it can truly be a football.

  4. A lot of near to below normal temps showing up on medium / long range guidance, not just in this area, but in much of N.A.

    It’s very very early, but I’ve noticed a couple patterns that remind me of the 1980s lately, when the AMO was negative. I wonder if the recent emergence of the Atlantic Nina is causing a -AMO like mood to the large scale pattern. Lots to observe and learn between that and the ongoing impact of the Hunga Tonga volcano, which will be with us for at least a few more years, and possibly up to 8 more.

    Again I reiterate, importantly, that disregarding these potentially major factors is poor science and I completely disagree with any scientist who does so, and we have an amazing scientific opportunity before us. It’s time to take advantage of it. 🙂

    1. So, “could” this possibly mean a snowy Winter for us coming up.
      I emphasize “could”?

      Thank you

      1. Well, it remains to be seen if that becomes a factor in influencing the North American winter pattern, but it’s certainly something to keep in mind going forward.

      2. Wellllll the occasional cool august nights went into the 90s. It’s when we got smart and switched our Humarock week to August. And we know how the 90s were when it comes to snow.

        Disclaimer….i know nothing means snow. But I can dream

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