Sunday August 25 2024 Forecast (8:29AM)

DAYS 1-5 (AUGUST 25-29)

High pressure hangs on with fair weather today and while a trough approaches from the north and west we will see more clouds later on. Shower activity is expected to remain north and west of the region though. But that changes in a small way tonight when one can wander down as the trough gets closer, and Monday we pop several showers and storms during the day, especially in the afternoon to early evening from north to south, as the low pressure trough passes by. I’ve shifted Tuesday to a drier forecast with a sliver of high pressure in control. Earlier I had pop up showers possible here but that does not look to be the case now. It is Wednesday when the shower and thunderstorm chance returns as we get a shot of warmer air and a frontal boundary approaches. Another high pressure area builds in Thursday with fair weather returning.

TODAY: Lots of sun much of the time, more clouds and less sun later on. Highs 80-87. Dew point near 60. Wind SW up to 10 MPH.

TONIGHT: Variably cloudy. A possible shower overnight. Patchy fog. Lows 61-68. Dew point 60+. Wind S up to 10 MPH.

MONDAY: Variably cloudy. Potential showers and thunderstorms especially during the mid to late afternoon and evening hours. Highs 75-82. Dew point near 65. Wind S 5-15 MPH shifting to W.

MONDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. Possible showers and thunderstorms early, especially south of I-90. Patchy fog. Lows 61-68. Dew point 60+. Wind W up to 10 MPH shifting to N.

TUESDAY: Partly cloudy. Highs 71-78. Dew point near to a little under 60. Wind N up to 10 MPH shifting to E.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Patchy fog. Lows 60-67. Dew point near 60. Wind variable under 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Variably cloudy. Chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs 80-87. Dew point 60+. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. Chance of showers and thunderstorms in the evening. Patchy fog. Lows 56-63. Dew point around to below 60. Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY: Partly cloudy. Highs 70-77. Wind N up to 10 MPH shifting to E.


Labor Day Weekend is August 31 through September 2, and this 5-day period covers anybody extending it a day (or 2) on either side. Pattern looks generally dry but a frontal boundary may be crossing the region to start the period with a shower threat, delivering a pleasant air mass to start the weekend, followed by a trend to warmer and slightly more humid weather.

DAYS 11-15 (SEPTEMBER 4-8)

An unsettled interlude around mid period in an otherwise fairly quiet pattern with near to slightly above normal temperatures.

44 thoughts on “Sunday August 25 2024 Forecast (8:29AM)”

  1. Thanks TK
    Reading the NWS Boston discussion eastern areas have the best chance of strong to severe thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon.
    A part of the discussion
    The severe weather setup is looking very similar to the one we
    saw on Thursday July 15th where a strong cold pool dropped south
    from Northern New England. This event brought severe
    thunderstorms that dropped up to 1.5 inch hail and numerous
    reports of strong to damaging winds. Soundings show an even more
    impressive environment then last time with fat cape profiles
    and moderately steep mid level lapse rates between 6.0-6.5 C/km.
    Low level lapse rates are also very steep in the lowest 2km
    around 9-10C/km, then 8-9 C/km up to 4km. With freezing levels
    around 10kft and elongated straight line hodographs, the primary
    threat appears to be severe hail of 1 inch or greater.

  2. Some viewing information:

    Just finished watching Twisters. Not great, but not bad either.
    Tornadoes depicted were far more realistic looking than in
    the original film.

    Interesting concept portrayed that I have never heard of before. They tried to tame a tornado by releasing polymers into the funnel. Yeah right, like that would work. In theory, perhaps IF one could release enough of them. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Worth a look.

    2 series on Netflix

    Play list – about the creation of Spotify

    Discovering Witches – I generally don’t care for this type of show, but this one is pretty interesting.

    Enjoy another beautiful day here in SNE. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  3. Thanks, JJ, for info on tomorrow. So we miss the acation again? And JPD for movie info. I thought I saw twisters 2024 mentioned and wondered if it is now on Netflix.

    1. Thank you JJ. I was wondering IF they would upgrade the
      risk and they did just that. Could be interesting tomorrow.

  4. I agree tomorrow could be an interesting day where you are. NWS Boston in the morning discussion today was mentioning the possibility of severe hail of one inch in diameter or greater.

    1. They got hammered for August. Media hasn’t really said anything but us mets have been following it. πŸ™‚

      1. Mentioned the possibility to one of my radio stations back on Wednesday. Also read that snow in the highest peaks of the Sierra Nevada is actually rare in August, and hasn’t happened in over 20 years. It makes sense, storm don’t usually dip that far south until September.

    1. Finished. But will just say I agree. So entertaining. But my good grief we adults coild learn so much from these youngsters.

      1. That’s why I didn’t give anything away. πŸ™‚ I wasn’t sure where you were in the game. Very fun to watch!

  5. Great Little League World Series Championship Game. The first time a team from the state of Florida won the Little League World Series. They came from behind to win the U.S. Championship yesterday and again today to win the Little League World Series.

    1. I wish a MA team would win one. Of course the team has to get there first. I don’t recall one ever doing even that much. There may have been a MA team that was one game away a few years back? I don’t keep up with LLWS like I used to.

  6. First hint the emergence of the Atlantic Nina is going to potentially destroy the tropical cyclone forecasts for the Atlantic. The West African monsoon is in a place we haven’t seen for a while, and this makes favorable waves less likely to emerge off the continent.

      1. Well, can’t guarantee that. Even a lean season can produce something big / impactful. 1992 comes to mind…………….

  7. I see the Washington Commanders are wearing their high school style uniforms out there tonight against the Patriots. Maybe they’re trying to make a statement. πŸ˜‰

  8. On the snow in the western mountains, the news stories I am seeing were very brief and only talked about a “dusting” of snow in the high peaks. Wrong. There were a few inches of snow in the highest elevations. I’ve seen the pictures that show it. I’ve seen the snow reports.

    Very under-reported event, which is interesting given how rare it is for August there.

  9. On little League. First TK thank you for not giving winner away

    Certainly the highlight was Florida’s win and I don’t mean to diminish that in any way. But to watch the kids from Florida immediately stop their celebration to comfort the kids from Taipei to me was the shining moment of all that Little League is about.

    But examples are are throughout the series. Gives me hope….

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