Wednesday August 28 2024 Forecast (7:42AM)


Today is going to be our warmest and most humid day of the next several, aided by the passage of a warm front early this morning with nothing more than a few spot sprinkles of rain which exited the North Shore of MA about 7:00 a.m. Between this front and the approach and passage of a cold front during from northwest to southeast during midday and this afternoon, we spike “heat” and humidity, and I quote the word heat because it’ll be relatively hot in comparison to many recent August days (Boston is running a small negative temperature departure for the month). While I few spots may make it to 90 – something we haven’t seen for quite some time – most high temps will be in the 80s today, along with dew points in the 60s, certainly not oppressive, but noticeably humid. Big thunderstorms with the front? Nope. The support is just not really there, and the timing is also a couple hours early to maximize what does exist, so I only expect a few isolated showers and possibly a heavier thunderstorm somewhere, and this will favor the I-90 belt southward in the mid afternoon hours where the front’s position and maximum heating coincide. Tonight, a cooler air mass arrives behind the front. Thursday and Friday will feature fair weather and lower than normal temperatures with a general northeasterly air flow, with high pressure stretching from Quebec to Atlantic Canada. Some coastal clouds may be somewhat abundant for several hours on Thursday, but for the most part I just expect a sun / cloud mix both days, with more sun Friday. Heading into the Labor Day Weekend, we’ll see a modest warm-up, but a cold front has to cross the region at some point, bringing a shower threat. My current thinking is the timing of this front will be late Saturday night and Sunday morning to cross the region, with the greatest shower threat from northwest to southeast occurring during the first 12 hours of Sunday’s calendar day (midnight to noon). I’ll watch shorter range guidance trends as we get closer and tweak these forecast details as needed.

TODAY: Sun/cloud mix. A passing brief shower or thunderstorm is possible midday to mid afternoon favoring the I-90 belt to the South Coast region. Highs 83-90. Dew point in the 60s. Wind SW 5-15 MPH, shifting to NW.

TONIGHT: Partly cloudy early, then clearing, but patchy ground fog possible, mainly over interior lower elevations. Lows 56-63. Dew point falls into and through the 50s. Wind N up to 10 MPH.

THURSDAY: Partly sunny – more clouds along the coast than inland. Highs 70-77. Dew point in the 50s. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy to mostly clear. Patchy ground fog interior lower elevation areas. Lows 51-58. Dew point lower 50s. Wind NE under 10 MPH.

FRIDAY: Mostly sunny to partly cloudy. Highs 68-75. Dew point in 50s. Wind E up to 10 MPH.

FRIDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Patchy ground fog. Lows 55-62. Dew point in 50s. Wind variable to SE under 10 MPH.

SATURDAY: Partly sunny. A shower possible mainly far western areas late in the day. Highs 75-82. Dew point rising toward 60. Wind S 5-15 MPH.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. Possible showers and a chance of thunderstorms mainly overnight. Patchy fog overnight. Lows 62-69. Dew point 60+. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

SUNDAY: Partly sunny. A shower possible mainly far eastern areas early in the day. Highs 71-78. Dew point falls below 60. Wind W 5-15 MPH.


A cold front is expected to cross the region on Labor Day, September 2, with a brief shower possible. Fair weather follows with near to below normal temperatures much of next week.

DAYS 11-15 (SEPTEMBER 7-11)

Dry weather may last into if not through the September 7-8 weekend with a warming trend before unsettled weather becomes more possible later in the period.

34 thoughts on “Wednesday August 28 2024 Forecast (7:42AM)”

    1. Thinking about a climb in the Berkshires … Mount Greylock, but I would have to beat the rain. I have been caught in rain on more treacherous climbs and it is not fun. Greylock is a little easier.

  1. Thanks TK! Hope u are doing well. Heading to the Cape (Hyannis) this weekend. What are ur thoughts on sunshine %’s each day. Trying to plan the beach days. Thanks!

  2. Been entertained with fireworks (hopefully) and reading comments on EEE spraying in the area. And cannot believe I just got to say thank you.

    Thank you!!

    1. As I understand it, my county, Essex, is at some potential risk. But there has been no spraying here yet.

      1. It’s a tough decision. Is your area seeing positive EEE in test areas?

        I’ve talked to Audubon and read papers on the pesticide used. It’s a lot to digest. The extremes on FB are mind boggling. I wish more people would work with information from legitimate sources.


    It was to our advantage in August to have that omega block in north central Canada and then a very suppressed jet stream across the continental US

    Longer term signal hint at maybe a jet stream that looks a little more August like with most of it being north of the continental US

    For sure, I see the cool airmass coming in tomorrow/Friday and again after Labor Day.

    Sun angle decreasing and rapidly lengthening nights are another aide. But, I think some shots of at least 80s and dps in the 60s are probably likely in September with the jet lifting north, if it does.

    I also think with the jet lifting north, we’re 7-10 days away from something developing off the SE US coast or the gulf on a washed out cold front.

      1. With half an eye open and fingers crossed. 🙂

        Though the euro has it too. The jet lifting north in the longer term.

      1. With the wind direction today and the location of the warmest air above, eastern and southeastern mass were warmest.

        May have been one of the warmer air temp days on the cape this summer, though they’ve had much higher humidity.

  4. Thanks, TK.

    Just arrived back in Boston at Logan at around 3:54pm and it yes it felt hot coming out of Terminal E.

    I know that it’s been cooler while I was away. But when I left to fly to London it was a warm and humid day in Boston, around 86F (not brutal, but still) and when I returned it was hot at the airport. Believe me, it hits you hard when you’ve not experienced it at all for several weeks. It’s still 80F at 7:50pm! That’s probably physically impossible in London in late August. Even on their hot days, say, 75F, it began to cool fairly dramatically by late afternoon. By 7:50pm it was invariably in the low 60s or considerably lower.

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