Saturday September 7 2024 Forecast (8:12AM)


There is only one bout of unsettled weather for us to deal with during the next 5 days and it is sandwiching itself in between the daytime hours of the weekend. While a pretty potent storm tracks northward, passing east of our region and heading into Atlantic Canada, a trough from the west will push a front west to east through the region tonight. The impacts from these systems are rough surf and rip currents along the coast today from the offshore storm, and about a 6 to 8 hour window-of-chance for showers from west to east tonight (generally 8 p.m. to 4 a.m.). Sunday, we return to low humidity and pleasant, though breezy weather as low pressure from the west passes to our north. High pressure then controls the weather with fair weather and a warming trend early to mid next week.

TODAY: Variably cloudy. Highs 70-77. Wind variable up to 10 MPH.

TONIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Showers likely 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. from west to east. Fog patches form overnight. Lows 58-65. Wind S 5-15 MPH shifting to west.

SUNDAY: Sun and passing clouds. Highs 68-75. Wind W 5-15 MPH, gusty.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Clear. Lows 47-54. Wind W 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 68-75. Wind W 5-15 MPH.

MONDAY NIGHT: Clear. Lows 51-58. Wind W up to 10 MPH.

TUESDAY: Sunny. Highs 74-81. Wind W 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Clear. Lows 52-59. Wind SW up to 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Sunny. Highs 76-83. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (SEPTEMBER 12-16)

High pressure brings fair and mild to warm weather much of this period but may yield to unsettled weather briefly by late period.

DAYS 11-15 (SEPTEMBER 17-21)

The final 5 full days of summer will feature a generally dry pattern overall with temperatures near to mostly above normal. A minor interruption or two can occur with passing weak systems but no major storminess indicated.

55 thoughts on “Saturday September 7 2024 Forecast (8:12AM)”

  1. That “pretty potent storm” is creating a lovely morning here in Halifax. Rain, fog, 30mph winds. We’re still going to have fun.

  2. Glorious stretch of San Diego weather continues.

    It’s too bad I can’t enjoy it. Sick yet again. This time with Covid. Cough from hell plus some asthma. My body is disintegrating. I feel like I’m 59 turning 90. It’s very frustrating given that I exercise daily, eat healthily, don’t drink or smoke. None of it matters. Nor does weather play much of a role, if any. My body just ATTRACTS viruses.

    1. That is horrible. Get well soon and watch out for pneumonia.
      My son had covid recently and a week or 2 after recovery came down with pneumonia. I think post-covid pneumonia is around
      with the current covid variant.

  3. Thanks TK.

    Came back from Aruba and of course got sick. Not covid this time but an awful cough, runny nose etc… feel like I hit by a truck. So frustrating to get sick again, so many people traveling.

    Sorry Joshua, hope you are improving.

  4. Matt (if you’re reading) .. a quick look at Ireland heading through mid toward late month, first hint is a bit of a cool start then pretty much seasonable. Does not look particularly stormy, but a general west to southwest flow with occasional systems to produce showers while fair weather otherwise dominates. I’ll take a closer look again in a few days.

  5. Pretty wet in Halifax today, windy too (sustained 20-30mph, gusts to 45mph), but we had fun. Took a walk along the harbor visited the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic (well worth it!) then over to Tim Hortons for coffee and a snack. A little shopping, now we’re back on board, departing in about an hour. Next stop – Sydney, on Cape Breton Island.

    1. Nice! That type of weather wouldn’t bother me either. Just forge on and enjoy. Hope the next stop at least gives you some fair weather to enjoy!

    1. Its awful over there. A friend of mine has family in that area and she is worried, the population wasn’t really worried about it and there was no evacuations orders issued

      1. There was an interesting idea on the reason I shared a bit ago. Not sure if you saw it. We sure are setting record after rectors.

        1. Oldest got her wedding cake from there in 2007. For years. It’s daughters drove to Veronica’s did all of the kids birthday cakes. I think they stopped with Covid

          Best darn cakes there are

  6. Sorry Joshua and Hadi.

    I am seeing a lot of pneumonia in the community. It is more prevalent than it has been in recent years. Anyone with a persistent cough, especially if accompanied by fatigue, sweats, appetite suppression and/or fever should consider having a chest x-ray to exclude community acquired pneumonia. It’s not just COVID and viral illness out there.

      1. Hi Vicki! See below. RSV is only trending because the wrong people allow it to trend. TK and SAK would understand this from a meteorological standpoint.

  7. RSV is a common respiratory virus. It’s been around for many years and is no more prevalent than it has always been. Just like meteorological phenomen can be hyped by those that don’t understand meteorology, so can viruses like RSV, especially by the media. While RSV can be quite problematic for neonates, the immunocompromised, and the elderly, most adults get RSV yearly since it is a virus that causes the common cold in children and adults. In fact, you and I have had RSV a number of times. You just never knew it. It’s the media that stirs up so much panic related to a virus that is no more relevant than it has been for years.

    1. Thank you. I am interested because I’m at high risk. I didn’t get the vaccine last year because I was not going anywhere. I’m going more places this year as are my grandkids. That promoted my question. I do not typically like getting a vaccine in its first year but am thinking of getting vaccine this year. I do understand it is not new but also my lung specialist said they saw more cases last year so was wondering what you are seeing

  8. Weather Class is still in session!

    I’m glad someone is bringing up how the Atlantic Nino is mimicking what a -AMO is like… Science is way better than just taking the most popular cause label and slapping it on something with no actual scientific practice. That’s why I like this guy (and the one I posted before). They perform actual science. In the meantime, many in mainstream media will ignore the full science in the name of pushing a narrative, which is BAD practice. As soon as you leave anything out, you’re on the wrong road. Period. This is why I am in extreme disagreement with anybody who just discounts a factor known to impact weather and/or climate, whether we know the degree of impact or not. In most cases, we’re still learning all of those degrees of impact. That’s just how it is.

    1. Thank you. Both very interesting. Oddly I have seen only one discussion of a possible why. There has been next to no discussion that attributes the lack of storms to anything.

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