Monday September 30 2024 Forecast (7:13AM)


The same pattern we had over the weekend holds today as we say bye to September and Tuesday as we welcome October, and that is high pressure to the north – stretch out low pressure to the south, and generally light easterly flow here, with dry weather, but plenty of clouds and limited sun, though we will see more sunshine today than we are likely to see on Tuesday. This pattern will break down at midweek. A cold front will move through from west to east late Wednesday, but only with limited rain shower threat as it won’t have a lot of moisture to work with. High pressure builds in with dry and seasonable weather Thursday, followed by a Friday warm-up.

TODAY: Variably cloudy. Highs 66-73. Wind NE to E up to 10 MPH.

TONIGHT: Variably cloudy. Patchy fog. Lows 50-57. Wind E under 10 MPH.

TUESDAY: Considerably cloudy. Highs 62-69. Wind E up to 10 MPH.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Patchy fog. Lows 50-57. Wind SE up to 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Partly sunny. Chance of a rain shower. Highs 65-72. Wind S 5-15 MPH.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. Patchy fog in lowest elevations. Lows 48-55. Wind W 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY: Partly cloudy. Highs 60-67. Wind NW 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Patchy fog. Lows 45-52. Wind W under 10 MPH.

FRIDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 70-77. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (OCTOBER 5-9)

Frontal system / trough moves through early in the October 5-6 weekend with a rain shower threat followed by dry and seasonable weather. Another disturbance brings a rain shower chance October 7 before fair weather returns, as a west to east flow becomes more established. Temperatures variable but no extremes indicated.

DAYS 11-15 (OCTOBER 10-14)

Brief interruptions from passing disturbances in an otherwise mostly dry pattern with a westerly flow more dominant. No temperature extremes.

37 thoughts on “Monday September 30 2024 Forecast (7:13AM)”

  1. Goid morning and thank you TK.

    Another month bites the dust.
    I can’t believe how fast time appears to be passing.

  2. Thank you, TK.

    We lose the most daylight in September. And from all reports I’ve been reading this morning, September 2024 replicated the results from 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, ad infinitum, well, back to the big bang.

    1. Don’t forget 1853, known as The Year The Earth Tilted, when the entire northern hemisphere had constant sunlight!

      It did tilt back to normal at the end of the year. By all accounts, it was a bumpy ride.

  3. Thanks TK !

    Maybe October can do October things and be largely quiet across the Country.

    For sure many parts of the Appalachians and Southeast need quiet, dry weather for weeks on end for cleanup and repair.

  4. Warning: I’m seeing some false posts on social media of Helene’s forecast track from last week but being touted as “the next storm”. If you see these, report them.

  5. I watched the 9ers and Pats game yesterday, every week its getting worst.
    1. Oline beat up and was not good in the first place.
    2. Oline coaching needs to be replaced/fixed its aweful
    3. Wide Receivers are not the problem, they are getting open, Brisett not throwing the ball. Pop and Polk were open constantly even when he wasn’t under pressure. KB returning hopefully in the next two weeks and thorton gets his Back side benched.
    4. Discipline is no longer on the field for the Patriots
    5. Fundamentals sloppy.
    6. Defense is banged up but also giving up. ( only so much you can take when your offense is Horse manure
    7. The coaching in general just stinks, terrible, maybe they should stop talking to the darn media and get to coaching. Stop pampering the beat reporters. I know they are new but its just not working.

    1. Now everyone who’s a pats fan knows what it feels like to have a crappy team, I have been used to it for decades. Hopefully you don’t have to wait that long.

      JJ can’t be happy with the Cowboys, I on the other hand for once feel optimistic.

      Thanks TK.

        1. Let’s hope, only 4 games in. I’ll reserve full
          Judgment by end of season.

          As far as the Pats, as Vicki said fan no matter what. I stayed a Washington living in NE. What’s interesting about BB right now is he is all over ESPN etc… and actually sounds like a reasonable person. Still doesn’t take away that Brady was the reason they won and BB still sucks without Brady.

      1. I don’t mind not winning. I never have. i did mind watching BB destroy a player who showed talent because he was frustrated with his own weaknesses. I was concerned that Mayo might struggle. He’s groomed by BB. But I am happy to give him a chance.

        That said, I don’t believe Brady gets all of the credit for the run we had. But I do believe he gets the lions share. Along with his clear talent on the field, he did a lot of coaching off the field. Remember, BB did not do well before or after Brady.

        A shame Brady couldn’t have become the coach. But we have also seen a great player does not always make a great coach.

        Bottom line, we had one hell of a run. Time to sit back and just enjoy.

        1. I think any fan of a team rather them winning than losing. Mayo being groomed by BB is not a negative on him. Everything so far has showed most of the problems we have had was due to the Krafts and Bill and Brady where hiding these issues. I really do not think Bill had as much power about selecting players and signing the last 3 years

          1. To me a fan is a fan no matter whether a team wins or loses. I love when the team wins but I learned often a team or player who is losing needs his or her fans even more.

  6. Thanks, TK

    Quite the fog show this morning.

    I expected KISS or Elton John to appear from behind the clouds!:-)

      1. Hahahahaha. Well played.

        And it could have been. It’s why I never check just one source. And always bias check sources.

  7. One positive note on the Patriots so far this season is Special Teams especially kicking. This kid Slye has been nearly perfect and has quite a leg. 63 yards so easily, made it look like a 33 yarder. 🙂

    1. I believe his only miss was when it was blocked at the home opener with Seattle. Of course that’s yet another OL issue.

    1. That’s fair. Never necessarily looked like “the big one” but obviously a real threat. Moved so slow though. You pretty much need to have that “rocket ship” type acceleration up the coast to get big tropical impacts in SNE and Henri was kind of the opposite of that, I remember watching it fizzle on approach over the cold waters.

      I know you like to play these gotcha games SAK 😉 the hurricane models from before Helene formed are still waiting on an apology 😉

  8. Down to 58. May get 40s again tonight. Although if we were to have 90s, there’d be no complaint from me. Far too much tragedy elsewhere

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