Monday October 14 2024 Forecast (7:11AM)

DAYS 1-5 (OCTOBER 14-18)

Low pressure crosses the region then departs during the day today, bringing an overcast start to the day with pockets of rain showers, even an isolated thunderstorm potential (there were a few around yesterday and last night too). While a drying trend gets underway this afternoon, one more trough can trigger another passing shower or thunderstorm up until early evening. Tonight we see the arrival of the coolest air mass of the season to date, which will be with us into midweek. During this time high pressure extends into our region while upper level low pressure crosses it. This combination is good for a fair amount of diurnal clouds, and quite a few may form Tuesday and Wednesday, with a brief rain shower not to be rule out especially Wednesday midday or afternoon. By Thursday and Friday, the departure of the upper low and continuation of high pressure in control mean fewer clouds Thursday and abundant sunshine by Friday. While mornings will be chilly, you’ll notice a milder trend each daytime.

TODAY: Cloudy with patchy fog and scattered rain showers including a slight chance of a thunderstorm through midday. Breaking clouds and intervals of sun develop west to east this afternoon with an additional rain shower or thunderstorm possible late-day. Highs 54-61 except 61-68 RI and southeastern MA. Wind NE 5-15 MPH except variable to briefly SW in RI and southeastern MA, all shifting to NW 5-15 MPH with higher gusts later.

TONIGHT: An early rain shower potential eastern areas, otherwise clearing. Lows 35-42. Wind NW 5-15 MPH with higher gusts. Wind chill sub-freezing at times.

TUESDAY: Sunny start, then a sun/cloud mix. Highs 51-58. Wind N 5-15 MPH.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows 30-37, except 38-45 urban locations. Wind N 5-15 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Clouds dominate / intervals of sun. Slight rain shower chance. Highs 50-57. Wind N to NE 5-15 MPH.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows 32-39, milder in urban areas. Wind N up to 10 MPH.

THURSDAY: Sun/cloud mix. Highs 52-59. Wind N 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Clearing. Lows 31-38. Wind NW up to 10 MPH.

FRIDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 58-65. Wind W 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (OCTOBER 19-23)

High pressure delivers fair weather and a milder spell through mid period. Watch for a disturbance bringing a rain shower chance later in the period as well as a cooler air mass.

DAYS 11-15 (OCTOBER 24-28)

Inconsistency in day to day weather means a potential disturbance and rain shower threat will be hard to time early or mid period, otherwise the general pattern looks fairly dry with variable day-to-day temperatures averaging close to normal overall.

36 thoughts on “Monday October 14 2024 Forecast (7:11AM)”

  1. Not much happening on the blog today. I guess one can only discuss about rain, drizzle, mist and fog but so much. Hopefully some can get their first frost this week and wipe out the mosquitoes for the season. I know Vicki especially has been concerned about that (EEE).

    1. Hi Philip. True re EEE for our Halloween event on the common followed by fireworks. Good part is mosquitoes don’t fly under 50. I’m sure there are rare exceptions. And our danger rate has decreased as Captain pointed out. I’d like a killing frost.

      Clouds here and cool but surprisingly bright.

      I’m busy doing last minute things as I have my second cataract surgery tomorrow and want to make sure I have all “chores” done for the next couple of days.

        1. Thanks Vicki. That’s good that mosquitoes at least stop buzzing around once it gets under a certain temperature (50F). At least the EEE threat has now greatly diminished. Hope you get your killing frost. East coastal MA is going to be awhile still. Probably not until the end of this month, maybe not even until early November.

        1. Thank you. This eye will be set for near or reading. Fascinating stuff

          I apologize if you posted already. Did your son see the aurora.

          1. I plan to ask him when he gets back. He’s so busy there that his texting time is limited!

            About the surgery, are you saying that you can have one eye for distance and one for near? If so, that is amazing, especially that our brains can handle it!

            1. Good plan for your son.

              Yes on eye. I had laser for left eye which was my worst cataract. I could have had the Medicare covered surgery but the doctor had a new facility and offered several folks laser at no charge. I got lucky. I chose intermediate site for that eye and now don’t need glasses I’ve worn since middle school for distance. But I can’t read close up with that eye. I can with my right eye as is so would like it the same after surgery. I’m just having Medicare covered procedure this time.

  2. leaves are changing fast around here now. I have noticed that
    the colors are NOT so vibrant. We have a bunch of maples around here that are usually very vibrant. Not so this year. They are sort of a dull orange and that is about it. No Reds and yellows interspersed. And to boot, leaf drop has commenced.

    1. Lots of leaves that fell here are just dry and burnt orange. My front yard tree is the most brilliant I’ve seen it but it is in the minority.

    1. I was shocked to look out and see if now along with a blue cloud dotted sky. Now I wonder if we will see more rain. I cannot turn outside Halloween decorations on when it rains. It blows a breaker

      1. Heat here stays set at 62-64 all winter. I don’t go by temp but by how it feels. Colder air had never bothered me. I prefer to hot I think everyone regulates differently

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