In the short term (tonight), a disturbance moving southward from Maine and eastern NH has fired off some showers and thunderstorms and they will be advancing southward into southeastern NH and northeastern MA. I expect them to weaken, but one or 2 cells may hold together enough to produce local downpours and some lightning/thunder. Something to watch out for. Not expecting any severe weather if storms due hold together.
Broad but weak low pressure offshore of southern New England brought cooler air to eastern coastal areas along with some fog and low clouds during Wednesday, and this will expand as low clouds push inland and fog envelops much of coastal NH, eastern MA, and southeastern RI overnight into Thursday. The marine air should prevent showers from forming though there will be some in the warmer air located far west and north of southeastern New England. By Friday, the low pressure area will be far enough offshore so that high pressure building in will develop a land breeze over most of the region and warmer air will arrive on Friday. This should last into Saturday though a few spot showers cannot be ruled out as a disturbance slides through from the northwest. The remainder of the Labor Day weekend will see a slightly increasing risk of showers and a few thunderstorms but no wash-outs are expected. Despite the warm-up on Friday, there is no significant heat in sight through the weekend.
Forecast for southeastern New England (southeastern NH, eastern MA, and RI)…
TONIGHT: Fog spreads and thickens across coastal NH, east coastal MA, southeastern MA, and southern and eastern RI. Otherwise mostly cloudy with isolated showers mainly in southeastern NH and northeastern MA early then dissipating. Lows 59-65. Wind NE to E 5-15 MPH.
THURSDAY: Cloudy coastal areas, mostly cloudy inland. Foggy areas remain, especially near the coast. Highs 65-70 immediate coast, 70-75 inland. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.
THURSDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Lows 60-65. Wind variable up to 10 MPH.
FRIDAY: Partly to mostly sunny. Highs 80-85 except 70s some coastal areas. Wind SE shifting to SW 5-15 MPH.
SATURDAY: Partly cloudy. Slight chance of PM showers inland. Low 60. High 80.
SUNDAY: Partly sunny. Isolated showers/thunderstorms. Low 62. High 80.
MONDAY – LABOR DAY: Variably cloudy. Scattered showers/thunderstorms. Low 63. High 77.
TUESDAY: Partly sunny. Isolated showers/thunderstorms. Low 63. High 81.
WEDNESDAY: Mostly sunny. Low 61. High 83.
Thanks TK!
Thanks TK
Thanks TK!
Thanks TK.
RE: those T-storms you mentioned.
Watched Eric Fisher of channel 4 tonight. And yes, he really said this.
He said the t-Storms will Rain themselves out before reaching the Boston area
Ok, Mr. Fisher. Barry, Harvey or Matt would NEVER say that.
They would say something like the Marine layer will knock down the storms
OR the storms will be moving into a stable atmosphere with the marine layer in place etc. etc.
WHY OH WHY can’t these Mets tell it like it is?????????????????
hey, this ain’t no stinken Atlanta. 😀 😀 😀
I have heard more people question where Mr. Fisher came from and why. I wish the stations could see that they really do shoot themselves in the foot with some of these moves. It isn’t that I don’t wish him well but they have more than capable mets on staff.
Yes, like Barry who is absolutely the best.
I nearly fell off the sofa last night when he blurted that out.
The Boston audience is a little more sophisticated than his previous audience.
His presentation is decent. He has a very pleasant on air personality. He seems to know his stuff. BUT he needs to
modify the language and terms he uses. In other words,
I don’t want a DUMB DOWNED version of a weather broadcast.
I don’t disagree OS, and to be honest, i think he’s smarter than that and can really dissect the weather if he wanted. Give it time, im sure as he gets more comfortable in his new role he will open up. Remember, he has a boss too, and even though he’s the new chief they ultimately tell him what to say. I think what we as well informed eager bloggers forget sometimes is the forecast on local news outlets are geared toward the general public and what 99% of them will understand. We require more than just the “it’s gonna rain” part of the forecast, that’s why we are all here, but for most people, that’s all they need to and want to know. As long as he’s accurate in his forecasts and doesn’t give in to the hype, I think he’ll be just fine.
Ace – I agree and would like to add, if you do not mind – because you are absolutely correct that he has a boss, that in addition to gearing the forecast toward the public, it is geared toward ratings. I don’t know about 4 but do believe that is the #1 priority on 7.
I also wonder if perhaps Barry didn’t want the job. But that’s just a wild guess.
I agree Ace, give him time.
Eric Fisher came from The Weather Channel. He is from New England. It will be interesting with the first winter storm threat comes how he does forecasting it especially when trying to pin the tail on the rain snow line.
I have never heard rain themselves out said. I have heard things like the thunderstorms will weaken as they move into a more stable atmosphere or the breeze off the water will weaken the thunderstorms as they approach the coast.
I gotta admit though, “rain themselves out” is totally a Weather Channel phrase, lol
Well he was 100% correct about not raining in Boston (well there were a couple of drops). The term used, well……
I agree, he will probably be just fine as it is pretty clear he knows what’s what.
I also agree, give him time. It’s only been 3 days.
But, last night was the first hint of something. I don’t dare venture a guess as to how that might translate to Winter Storm forecasting. We shall see soon enough. 😀
what ever the case be he better not call it a name like the weather channel or im switching the channel until the others come on.
I can’t wait till were starting to track winter storms again! I am hoping for a few good Noreaster’s.
ABSOLUTELY………oh did I yell?? Sorry 😉
Thanks, TK.
I’d like just a few more thunderstorms – maybe a weak tropical system and I am ready for fall/winter and Snow! 🙂
Like your thinking! Just enough to spice things up, but not too much to cause severe property damage/personal injury!!!
a few more weeks of summer weather will be nice 😉
I sure hope that I haven’t missed out on any further planning for a park get-together? If so, could someone please bring me up to date. Thanks 🙂
I try my best to check comment updates daily, but some days I’m not able to make it past TK’s forecast.
Hope everyone’s had a great summer!!!
Hi shotime, I looked into Larz Anderson in Brookline. Its $80 for a choice of 2 different 4-hour windows ($40 if a resident of Brookline books it). Either 10:30am – 2:30pm or 3:00pm-7:00pm. Its for one picnic site with a grill and 1 picnic table (we can bring chairs). No alcohol but ranger said if we use secondary cups they wont give us a problem.
Do we know if anyone interested in attending is a Brookline resident ? I’m a neighbor of Brookline, but reside in Brighton. I’d be more than happy to help out with initial booking cost! Keep me posted. Thanks 🙂
If the almanac for some miracle is correct we will get a good dumping of snow this upcoming winter.
I just don’t want to have cold and not get a good snowfall because to me that is wasted cold air.
im ready to call that this winter will not have snow do to them saying that 🙁
Did anyone see this? Would love to see this young man on this blog.
He’s awesome! I think he would LOVE it here. I think he would beat out Scott as youngest ever blogger here since the creation of WHW.
Or would it be matt?
I of course was not on this blog, but i started around 2003 so around 11 i was starting to teach my self about the weather and stuff and looking and acting like a little weather man. started posting stuff on the wbz blog around then asking questions and stuff and been learning ever since( might minor in it)
Also sad that Barry is retiring after a great streatch and even getting to know him in person and meeting him., the weather community will not be the same with out him.
i blieve i joined a a few months after scott on this blog.
Not a certainty he is going that soon, just speculation and probably somewhat unfairly so on my part. It’s based only on what I know of the business end of the TV stations. If I had any say, BB would be granted immortality and made to be chief met for all time. 🙂
I know – how do we get him here? It would be incredibly interesting to have the input of a 10 yr old.
Total yuck out there right now!
That was for you OS 😉
Hmmm, keep thinking it will clear at least slightly out there, but i keep looking out and seeing fog and drizzle
Greetings all!
I’m only going to address this once because normally I wouldn’t comment much on this particular subject, but given all the changes in recent local TV weather-casters, I offer the following observations and predictions with all due respect to those I mention (by name or otherwise):
-Fox: No big changes coming.
-7: No big changes coming.
-5: Stable for now, Harv retires in 2015, then some big shifting takes place
-4: Eric is the next BB or HL, give him a chance. BB retires at end of contract UNLESS one of the other current on air mets decides to move on, and this would not surprise me too much.
Ok enough about that. We’ll see how it all goes. My main concern about the TV stations is I hope that the news directors don’t make these guys show NAM, Euro, and GFS runs for snowfall amounts this winter. All that did was confuse the hell out of people. Let the METS do their job – digest the model info and come up with a best educated guess. They may not be right all the time, but it will be better than being bombarded with 4 snowfall total maps (3 models and the met’s forecast – UGH!).
I not-so-secretly like when we have a day that feels like this in the Summer. Tomorrow’s going to be a completely different world anyway, so if you hate today, hang in there.
Thanks TK, i dont hate days like today, I actually do like a cloudy day with some drizzle, its the temp that i hate, wish it was warmer. Looking forward to tomorrow!
Absolutely agree and wondered of BB and retirement came into play. Station politics does and I know you understand that. You won’t hear me criticizing a met. But that’s not a surprise either. I think the discussion here centers more on wanting to be sure BB is not slighted or “hurt” than anything else. He is one of the greats and he sure is an everyday good guy on top of it
TK – When is the end of Barry’s contract? I hope he stays at least one more winter season. When the time comes I am really going to miss him.
At least we have a couple more years of Harvey! 🙂
Not sure. 🙂 All of it was pure speculation. As I said above, I’d keep Barry & Harvey around forever if I had a way to. It’s just that the TV industry is not always a very fair thing. I just hope when the times does come for both of them to retire they are able to do so with the respect they deserve and on their own terms. They have given so much to the viewers over the years, and taken a lot of crap by people who are too ignorant to understand what they have to deal with.
Hmmmm didnt see this before I posted above. I sure do agree….on all counts
Regardless of when both Barry and Harvey retire, it is going to be a very sad day for Boston television and weather enthusiasts like us.
It sure is
Tiger woods is at the pats game tonight
The PGA Tour is Norton, MA for the Deutsche Bank Championship which starts tomorrow and ends on Monday.
Rory Mcliroy is the defending champion.
Son caddied pro am deutche several years ago. Can’t remember which pro player he caddied for…..but missed Freddie by one group. Darn. He said the pros were really great to be with
Tiger wanted no part of the Ouimet caddies.
It will be interesting how Tiger’s back is. He was in a good amount of pain and despite all that came within
in one shot of the winner Adam Scott.
Mac said he’d heard tiger wasn’t playing this weekend because of his back. He was surprised when he came in from golf and I said tiger was at the pats game. Of course I’m not positive he is. I read it on BZ
Mac said he knew at 19 tigers back would not hold up. Freddie’s either. My guess is the golfers here knew it too. Son has a swing like Freddie’s….not good for the back
Mac just said tiger is listed to go off at 8:40.
I thought Tiger was going to skip this tournament and wait to play the BMW Championship
He has won this tournament and will see what happens and how the back holds up.
Mac agrees. Odd
I love this type of weather in late August. It’s a little taste of Fall…but then we go right back to being warm tomorrow 🙂
I don’t mind wearing a light jacket and capri pants for a day 😀
Its a taste of england, lol
I like it too. I’m getting into the fall mode and trying not to get ahead of myself. Part of that is that fall starts the holidays and I absolutely love them
I will miss them both when thet retire.. Behind them Matt Noyes is up there for me as a good forecaster.
I wonder if we could see Matt Noyes taking over for Harvey at WCVB when he retires. Matt has always spoken how Harvey is one of his mentors.
Could be.
A little bit of tropic activity though I don’t give much of anything a chance these days given the drier air out there.
Al (Today show) mentioned it. His graphic shows the area furthest west as heading into what he had outlined as a dry slot, giving it little chance to strengthen. The one to the east has a 40% chance. I was more interested in the area he had circled as a dry slot.
Can you say “poof”
Because that is what will happen to both. 😀
Did anyone see the waterspout in Croatia? Beautiful.
Nice Vicki. Thanks for sharing!
Cool! Thanks
Re: The Tropics 😀 😀
Not even the GFS has anything for the next 16 days. The one the NHC has a 40%
chance for, even it it briefly becomes a minimal TS, it is destined to go poof anyway,
so what’s the point.
This season, the Eastern Atlantic is a Graveyard for Tropical Systems! 😀
The Eastern Pacific has been active. I wonder if theres any correlation.
Almost always.. If EPAC is active, Atlantic is not, and vice versa.
No complaints with the tropics being so quiet.
I never looked at the Canadian today. Look at last nights 0Z run:
Ah ha ! You solved the mystery OS ! Elliot Abrams on his blog today at accuweather had one of these frames above his discussion, but did not identify the specific model it was from. I should have known it was the Canadian. 952 mb, that would be fairly strong.
Yes, indeed. I was just doing some research.
At that MB reading, in general it would EQUATE to a full blown
Category 3 Hurricane!!! 😀
Waiting to view the 12Z run to see IF it is still there and if so, does it have it closer? Or more off shore?
BTW, Euro and GFS do NOT have this feature.
Odd, that one model would develop a 952MB system, while the others don’t even have a hint of a system???
It will be interesting to see the 12z run.
That wave coming off of the Africa Coast lost a lot of its convection, but it sure did have some spin to it.
Here it is:
And up here later:
Interesting …..
Our good friends from the Almanac said during that time period a hurricane threat for the east coast. That won’t happen even though that model depicts it. Better luck next time Farmers’.
Ah, but even this model has it OFF SHORE. Therefore there is wiggle room. 😀
OS am I correct that this is “projected” for 9/8 and 9/9??
and thank you for the links!
Yes, indeedy. 😀
hmmmmm – dare I say we may have a watcher…….
Blog is updated!