Wednesday Forecast Update


DAYS 1-5 (SEPTEMBER 23-27)…
One high pressure area today gives way to a new one from the north Friday into the weekend, with only a weak cold front passing by on Thursday between the two of them, noticeable only by a few clouds and a wind shift. We’ll be talking more soon about the expected sky conditions for a total lunar eclipse on Sunday night.
TODAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 68-75. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.
TONIGHT: Clear. Lows 46-53. Wind light NW.
THURSDAY: Partly cloudy to mostly sunny. Highs 70-77. Wind NW shifting to NE 5-15 MPH, higher gusts.
FRIDAY: Mostly sunny. Lows 45-53. Highs 64-72.
SATURDAY: Mostly sunny. Lows 39-47. Highs in the 60s.
SUNDAY: Mostly sunny. Lows in the 40s. Highs 65-73.

Low pressure from the south may get close enough for cloudiness later September 28 and possibly some wet weather September 29, but this is uncertain. Cold front from the west may bring a few showers September 30. High pressure builds in with dry and cooler weather to start October, based on current timing.

DAYS 11-15 (OCTOBER 3-7)…
A system brings a shower risk early to mid period then back to dry weather. Temperatures mostly above normal.

50 thoughts on “Wednesday Forecast Update”

  1. Thanks TK !

    Previous days in my neighborhood because of the NNE wind off of the ocean have had a 5F diurnal temp change at most, from a low of 60F to a high of 65F.

    Not this morning, calm and clear, probably down to 45F.

  2. I wonder what the percentage of sunshine received record is for September at Logan and if this particular September is challenging that record ?

  3. Good morning and thank you TK.

    Thought for the day:

    Earliest snow for Boston is October 9th.

    Eric showed the Snow Guns making snow at Sunday River (ME) sometime during yesterday. (I assume early morning? But I don’t know for sure)

  4. Sad to hear of Yogi Berra’s passing. He was from my era of baseball when the game was great and the players greater. His yogiisms were part of our vocabulary. I wish him Godspeed. As he would say, “It ain’t over till it’s over.” Or for this group “It ain’t the heat, it’s the humidity.”

    Some more of his Yogiisms. You cannot help but smile.

  5. Regarding the duplicate posts last evening.

    I was on an Android mobile device, So I think it has something to do with
    the 4G signal where I was and a delay in the service transmitting the action of the
    send button. I would hit the button and nothing would happen and then
    I would wail on the button until the damn post was sent. You saw the results.

    I doubt very much I could do the same from my desktop computer.
    😀 😀

  6. Regarding the duplicate posts last evening.

    I was on an Android mobile device, So I think it has something to do with
    the 4G signal where I was and a delay in the service transmitting the action of the
    send button. I would hit the button and nothing would happen and then
    I would wail on the button until the damn post was sent. You saw the results.

    I doubt very much I could do the same from my desktop computer.
    😀 😀

  7. Regarding the duplicate posts last evening.

    I was on an Android mobile device, So I think it has something to do with
    the 4G signal where I was and a delay in the service transmitting the action of the
    send button. I would hit the button and nothing would happen and then
    I would wail on the button until the damn post was sent. You saw the results.

    I doubt very much I could do the same from my desktop computer.
    😀 😀

  8. Regarding the duplicate posts last evening.

    I was on an Android mobile device, So I think it has something to do with
    the 4G signal where I was and a delay in the service transmitting the action of the
    send button. I would hit the button and nothing would happen and then
    I would wail on the button until the damn post was sent. You saw the results.

    I doubt very much I could do the same from my desktop computer.
    😀 😀

  9. Regarding the duplicate posts last evening.

    I was on an Android mobile device, So I think it has something to do with
    the 4G signal where I was and a delay in the service transmitting the action of the
    send button. I would hit the button and nothing would happen and then
    I would wail on the button until the damn post was sent. You saw the results.

    I doubt very much I could do the same from my desktop computer.
    😀 😀

  10. Hmmm

    Looks like I did the same thing with my desktop.

    Now I KNOW the problem is with WORD PRESS. TK you have to have
    them fix this. It is now beyond funny and getting irritating. 😀

    There is a HUGE delay in transmitting the “SEND”, so if one keeps hitting the send button because it was not transmitted, it takes it multiple times.

    1. I am not getting the delay today but that is exactly what caused my duplicate post yesterday. But I only had one. Do you keep hitting send or just wait?

      1. I am one of the most impatient persons on the planet.
        If I hit the button and it does not transmit, I WAIL ON IT!!!!!

        I won’t now, because I see what it does.

        1. I’m fairly certain that is what I did yesterday when I double posted. I really do not think the delay was the blog’s fault. My computer had been acting sluggish. I’m back to the idea of looking for a new computer.

          1. I don’t think that it’s all of our collective computers
            acting up at the same time. It’s word press and it’s their Slow server, Inadequate internet bandwidth or their software screwing up.

    1. Wonderful article. Thank you. Brought smiles and tears but then I’ve been a bit teary since I heard of his passing. I truly believe that was the era of the real sports greats.

  11. I always liked one of his lesser known quips. When asked about a certain restaurant, he said “Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded.”

    1. To me it is simple and just my opinion.

      1. We are relatively certain the climate is changing
      2. We know for certain that we are polluting every corner of this earth
      3. We do not know for certain that 1 and 2 are related
      4. We do not know for certain that 1 and 2 are not related
      5. We know for certain that we have to stop pollution
      6. If 1 and 2 are related and stopping pollution somehow slows or reverses warming, there is nothing lost but a lot to gain
      7. If 1 and 2 are not related, we have not altered climate change but we have, at the very least, cleaned up our mess on earth

      It is a win win

      1. The only thing I have disagreement on is #1.
        We do not know for certain climate is changing.
        It could very well be climate acting as it always does.

        However, that being said, it is CERTAIN that what ever
        is happening, even IF normal cycling, we are indeed ADDING
        to it with the mess we are making of this planet. IF (I do say IF, because “could” be we are totally responsible for what’s happening) we are in a “normal” cycle of warming, we are clearly exasherbating the situation!! Of that there is no dispute.

        The proper action regardless is to keep our house in order.
        Respect our planet and CLEAN UP THE MESS!!!!

        Yes indeedy!!!

        1. I debated that one, JPD. I decided to defer to some who have pointed out that we have perhaps not tracked trends for long enough to know for absolute certainty. That was the reason for “relatively.” I was hoping TK would also give some input on that because it was what I seem to recall his comments that gave me pause.

  12. Thanks tk 🙂

    Side note: this past Sunday’s game against Buffalo pulled a 72.4 share with a peak share of 76!!!! More New Englanders were watching game 2 of the Patriots season over the 07 and 13 Red Sox World Series! Unfreakingbelievable!!!!!

  13. After those most recent duplicates, I received this:

    503 Service Unavailable

    The requested website is temporarily not available due to a resource limitation. The most common reasons for this are:

    A script or program running on the site is taking too long or is nonresponsive.
    An external resource the site needs, like a web service or database, is slow or nonresponsive.
    The site is currently being spammed or spidered in a way its programming is not designed to cope with.
    A programmatic error on the site is preventing locked resources from being released.
    These sorts of problems tend to go away as soon as the underlying problem is corrected, which sometimes happens automatically, so please try your request again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please contact the site administrator for assistance.

    If you are the site administrator:

    Enable and check your site’s error log for more information.
    Check to make sure scripts run to completion in a reasonable time.
    Make sure any external dependencies are up and running.
    If your site uses a database, check for slow queries or locking issues.
    Make sure you do not have rewrite logs enabled if you aren’t currently using them.
    (The site administrator email has not been set.)

    1. I just hung up posting my last comment. Uncharacteristically, I sat quietly and waited for it to post and it did. You and I may be seeing it more than others because I think you and I may be the ones who post the most. You because you have info to share, me because I am chatty 🙂

      Might be a temporary glitch that Word Press is working on. I have not received Service Unavailable.

    1. I hope its ok to throw in a response ….

      It looks like its backing away some on the rain potential for early next week and given the persistence of the pattern we’re in, that’s probably a reasonable way to lean 5 to 7 days out.

    2. My take is if the ECMWF and the GFS are not showing the same thing right now, then don’t go with the GFS. I’m not saying we can’t get some rain from the south in here, but I think the GFS makes things happen too quickly.

  14. Just an observation on the behavior of “cool airmasses” throughout September ….

    It seems as though cooler air has been able to move into central areas of the US, but then has been hitting a wall of high pressure along the eastern seaboard. It is held at bay for a while, until the ridge breaks down and then a modified form of it moves into the northeast.

    It may be fair to say that this very recent airmass was quite cool and to a point, I’d agree. However, I’d argue that with the position of the high, while the resulting surface airmass may have been cool, Mt. Washington has still be in the mild 40s to low 50s, as opposed to the 20s and low 30s.

    So, I wonder if there is anything to read into about early winter. Will the low level cold air invade from the north and northeast, while the upper levels of the column stay above freezing or ….. will we get some typical cold pushes of air with a northwest blast of air that has the whole column cold ?

  15. 52.3 with 48 DP. On the porch and it feels like a year old memory. I love these nights. Listening to Tim Janis Waters Edge.

    By the way, the crickets are more chatty than everyone here 😀

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