Tuesday Forecast


DAYS 1-5 (MAY 10-14)…
Broad but disorganized high pressure will dominate through Thursday, varying its center from southwest of southern New England today to north of New England Wednesday to southeast of New England Thursday. These varying positions of the center of high pressure will mean different wind directions daily, and this will have some impact on temperatures. On Friday, an approaching front from the west will bring cloudiness and an eventual shower threat. Most of this activity may occur Friday night and then get out of the day for a decent daytime Saturday between disturbances departing to the east and approaching from the west, the second of which would bring another round of showers Saturday night.
TODAY: Mostly sunny. Highs middle 60s to lower 70s. Wind W 5-15 MPH with a few higher gusts.
TONIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows in the 40s. Wind light NW.
WEDNESDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs middle 60s to lower 70s but may cool to the 50s eastern coastal areas. Wind light N shifting to E.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Mostly clear. Lows in the middle 40s to lower 50s. Wind light SE shifting to S.
THURSDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs upper 60s to middle 70s interior, upper 50s to middle 60s coast. Wind light S to SW except coastal sea breezes.
FRIDAY: Mostly cloudy. Chance of showers especially late day and night. Lows in the 50s. Highs middle 60s to lower 70s.
SATURDAY: Variably cloudy. Shower threat returns at night. Lows in the 50s. Highs middle 60s to lower 70s.

DAYS 6-10 (MAY 15-19)…
Any showers should be gone by early on May 15 with fair weather returning and lasting into May 16. Chance of rain May 17. Fair weather returns May 18-19 as systems begin to move more progressively. Temperatures near to below normal.

DAYS 11-15 (MAY 20-24)…
Fair and warmer early to mid period followed by increasing rain risk later in the period.

52 thoughts on “Tuesday Forecast”

  1. Thank you TK. Sitting out with coffee and waiting for a POD delivery. It is a glorious morning.

  2. Good morning and thank you TK.

    I still don’t see long lasting decent weather in the forecast, even though this
    week looks fine. Looks like we wait until June or BEYOND, eh?

    1. Amazing, isn’t it? Shows how we can get it done if we put in the effort (and are forced by regulation).

  3. This should, in theory, be the final week of the blocking pattern. Next week is transition week. Not sure if transition will go on a little longer than that but we will see. End result will be progression with mean ridge in eastern Plains to western Great Lakes and a lot of NW flow here.

    1. NW flow is fine this time of year, just do whatever you can to keep it
      from being a NE flow! 😀

      That should promote many days in the 70s, worst case mid to upper 60s with a cooler air mass and perhaps a 80 Degree day here and there as air masses warm up.

      We can handle that. We don’t need to rush right into 90 Degree weather.
      I fear that is coming by mid-late June and continues into September.

  4. I think were going have a lot of days this summer which we saw at the beginning of September last year. Good news for those of you who like that 3 H weather which there has not been a lot of the past two summers.
    I want to start tracking thunderstorms soon. I see on the meteocentre site they have there maps now in summer time mode with regards to CAPE Lift and EHI for thunderstorms.

    1. I sure hope we get a lot of thunderstorms – they’ve always been my favorite, especially at night. The last few years, we really didn’t get a ton. We did get a lot in the summer of 2013 and that was fun 🙂

  5. We already had one round of severe weather here back in February during the night time hours. First time I have seen severe thunderstorm watches and warnings in my life during the winter.
    Last year June 23rd with that weak tornado in Wrentham was really the only day we had some good thunderstorms to track.
    I know TK was saying a few months ago he thought there could be a derecheo some time early in Summer. I don’t know if he still feels the same as he did back a couple months ago.

      1. I was thinking the breeze is a tad too strong and too cool. I’d give it a 2 – perhaps a 3 😉

          1. hehe – you know I was kidding right? Every day is a 10 in my corner of the world.

            The problem is that, as soon as I posted that, I got an email saying I could complete my biblical degree online. Teaches me not to be a wise guy…someone is always watching.

            1. Actually, I thought it was pretty damn funny. I got a good chuckle out of it.
              And yes, I know you were joking around.
              No way you would assign a day like today a 2 or a 3. You wouldn’t even assign a dreary dismal day that rating. 😀

              1. 🙂

                I’ll let you know when I get my biblical degree…..not sure I have been given a choice!

  6. I evidently didn’t go high enough on my Boston Harbor water temp projection, which has already hit 52F today !!

    1. Hmm, I am surprised at that with a pretty decent land breeze.
      I’d only expect that with a light to moderate sea breeze.

      That is outstanding news. Let’s keep watching that this week.
      What I like to do is check it in the morning and see how much warmth is
      lost overnight. 😀

      Stellwagen is 48.7

      Gulf of Maine 46 and change. I forget the exact decimal. 😀

      1. It is neat to see the overnight water temp changes.

        We have a seabreeze in Marshfield and it’s not as biting compared to last week. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. Regarding the query about derecho chances: Yes, we’ll run that risk late Spring and early Summer in the pattern we’ll be in. Mean ridge to our west at first means a lot of over the top energy. These tend to pop derechos in the Great Lakes, Upper Midwest, and at times in the Northeast to northern Mid Atlantic.

  8. And since sometimes we like to gaze way into the future, you’ve heard me hint about upcoming La Nina and after a hot summer and warm early autumn, that we’ll likely dive into the freezer early for next winter. Here is a good representation of what is likely to happen, and note the La Nina showing up quite vividly and the corresponding chill in this area of the US.


  9. I’ll be in Orlando from November 2-10, so at least I’ll be warm for a week 🙂

    1. We will be in Bermuda for 10 days in Jan, 8 days in Aruba in February, and 12 days from March 2-14 back in Bermuda. Might add another vacation to limit seeing any winter.

  10. I’d rather see a front loaded winter for a change. As long as it’s not backloaded too 🙂

    1. I’m not sure we’ll be loading up on snow next Winter. May be quite a dry one.

        1. “May be”, not “will be”. Long way to go.

          We had near normal total precipitation during the snow attack of late January and February 2015.

          1. We will be out of town for 30-40days between Jan1st-March 1st, so hoping we miss most of the winter 🙂

            1. Well if you’re out of town for the majority of the winter, and you’re not in a location that has the type of winter weather you dislike, then it’s pretty obvious that you’ll miss most of winter. 😛

              That means with your limited time in the area during the winter, you won’t need to complain about how bad the weather is, as you’ll either be about to leave, or just come back and not have long to wait until spring. 😀

              Nice and easy.

  11. Ramirez hit a 468 foot bomb to left center.
    Zi watchex the video. He really launche thst one. Sox ahead 8-0.

  12. Boston should sea breeze mid to late afternoon tomorrow and may sea breeze by the middle of the day on Thursday. Much cooler at Logan than the interior.

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