14 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – April 13 2020”

  1. Thanks TK.

    I have yet to see a jogger wear a face mask. I believe Salem is making them mandatory for everyone there, especially if a public building is entered.

  2. So wonderful – I got in to work today and didn’t see any of the masks they were handing out to employees last week (I wasn’t in on the one day they were handing them out.) But I did get to see them and they looked CHEAP. They are made of a fabric… ok that’s fine. But then I did the lighter test. This tests how efficient a mask is. Light a lighter near your face (an inch or two away) and try to blow it out. The masks I have that I secured for myself all work wonderfully. Can’t blow it out. My coworker who had one of the ones they handed out was able to blow out the flame. This is the state. How do you hand out ineffective masks to people? Masks are mainly to protect others from you – but these masks are effectively worse than sneezing or coughing into your arm. (Doing it into the crook of your arm there’s a barrier of cloth AND your arm.)

    Just wanted to vent somewhere about it. lol

      1. Probably, indeed.

        Good numbers from NY and NJ. Still a lot of new cases and deaths, but some real improvement.

        Still seeing inconsistencies in data reporting across many states, which is likely a result of weekend effect. I think our best gauge of the week will be tomorrow.

    1. With today’s weather, I am actually surprised the numbers are this high. Probably not a good sign.

  3. Massachusetts changed the timeframe for counting. The most recent numbers were collected over a shorter number of hours than previous days.

    Once again you have to be careful about how the data was collected, over what time period, and were there any changes in definitions. Any changes in methodology will affect the outcome.

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