61 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – May 1 2020”

  1. I heard on WBZ radio as my alarm was going off that the case #’s will “go way up” because of taking into account many previously not-taken-into-account cases and a new way they are counting them to make up for missing asymptomatic and virtually no symptom cases. The idea is to pain a more realistic picture of what has been going on, not to indicate there are suddenly that many more cases. We already knew this anyway.

    1. Heard he same. Not sure if the jump will be reflected in today’s numbers or if they will try to true up over the weekend.

      I am still not so sure about the 18th either.

  2. There are so many positives that come from such difficult times. My friend who lives in NYC but whose family is in Sweden said that this is a huge day in Sweden. They celebrate spring with bonfires and bbqs etc. Of course they cannot do this now. Instead 700 people used Zoom to all sing together. She said it was truly beautiful to listen to.

  3. Another day in the life of us Pandemic sufferers.

    On a positive note, received another food delivery yesterday and it did contain
    some meat. Also received a carton filled with 36 Kleenex boxes, so we’re good there.
    I also have some more tp on the way that has already been shipped. I also have all sorts of other items on the way from Amazon. I chose Amazon over CVS because
    of convenience and availability of products. Over priced? Don’t thinks so. In any case,
    At least we are getting what we need.

    My food delivery service, SHIPT, has added so many additional shoppers that it
    is now quite convenient to obtain a delivery slot. A VAST improvement over
    a couple of weeks ago. This is now quite manageable.

    We shall see what today’s numbers look like.

    My wife has been shut in since March 3rd. Me, since March 13th.

    Crazy times!!

    1. I started isolating because of an immune problem I was having in early December. I thought I’d be clear after flu season. Silly me.

      I began more in depth isolation around the first week of January when I realized this might not just go the way of other pandemic scares. I am trying to remember the last time I went to hannaford. I’ll have to check my amex invoices. I’m thinking mid February when we began using Instacart and picked up at market 32 in Sutton? But time seems to all run together now.

      Can you be with your son, JPD? Daughter?

  4. I have figured out the Governor’s pattern. His stay-at-home orders are always on “Mondays”.

    Next extension – June 8th?, June 15th?

    1. That is because it’s designed to start with the beginning of a “work week”, should that date hold.

  5. I am happy to see NY Govenor Cuomo having distance learning continue through the rest of this academic year. Give the school systems in NY enough time to come up with a plan for when the new school year starts in late August early September.

    1. I bet school start dates (in person) will be all over the place. Anytime between August and early January. I highly doubt that there will be any uniform start time.

  6. Masks required in all public places in MA for anyone over the age of two. It is amazingly reassuring to listen to Baker. He has an excellent grasp of information but is not the least bit afraid to defer to experts. The media needs to stop asking foolish questions like the ones about the golf courses. But I see them do this to Trump also. Baker simply can handle it better. I need to repeat that I was so wrong at the start to underestimate his ability and plan. I’ve said for years I would love to see him as president. I didn’t listen to myself.

    Also, his words on reopening and what criteria MUST be met as outlined by professionals gives me confidence that he will reopen at the right time with the right information and guidance from his team of experts.

      1. Thanks Vicki. Let’s hope the joggers finally get it.

        I saw a jogger in Copley Sq. today w/o mask. What else is new? 😉

        1. I sure hope so. It is now a requirement. Sad that we have to regulate something so obvious and even more simple. But his point that we cannot reopen unless and until everyone is wearing masks so get used to it now was spot on.

          1. I wonder if this would be the first state to require it…or is it New York already?

  7. The real question this weekend is not going to be “will there be huge crowds of people outside?” It’s going to be how well the social distancing and mask guidelines are followed. And we’ll see, I don’t know. I’m sure there will be some issues but hopefully the majority step up to the plate.

      1. Well many won’t be wearing a mask if they can social distance or keep their distance from others. In the city, yeah this can be tough to keep your distance. Out in the quieter burbs and country most people outside exercising are not wearing masks. I don’t see an issue with this unless your in groups or crowded amongst others.

        1. Agree. But the problem is that common sense seems to have taken flight. So we shall see

    1. I have not looked at the #’s myself yet but someone I know in health care who follows closely said Georgia is starting to experience a big spike. I’ll confirm that before I comment further on it.

      1. My daughter just said CA had to recluse beaches. I’ll also look for a link. And whoda thunk.

    2. It looks like Illinois is not doing well. They reported the most new cases of any state today.

  8. One positive is the test positivity in Massachusetts is around 15% today. When that gets below 10% and preferably in the 5% range (in Italy they’re down to roughly that) we’ll know we’re doing better.

    Another positive is that the U.S. will likely not exceed 2,000 deaths for the first time since Monday. It’ll get close to 2,000, but I believe it’ll be in the 1,850-1,900 range. Obviously a bad number, but I’ll take any improvement I can.

    In spite of this we’re headed towards 100k by Memorial Day, and perhaps 125k by the end of June. I don’t believe the 1st wave will be over until the end of August. Even then there will be plenty of new cases and dozens of daily deaths. Unfortunately, a second wave is coming in the fall. Let’s hope it’s not as bad and that we’ll have adequate treatments by then and the prospect of a vaccine.

    The biggest negative today is in spite of an overall plateau in numbers of tests across the nation, the confirmed cases will probably wind up over 32,000. That’s a bad sign. And yes, Georgia (with a relatively low testing rate!) is one of the states seeing a spike.

    Virginia and Maryland are also seeing increases, though the latter is due in part to more testing.

  9. So the mask out in public saying outside on the street is only when you can’t social distance correct . I know it’s mandatory in any business. Like in Quincy & Brookline you need a mask outside period but the state is only if you can’t social distance is this correct

    1. I believe you are right but mandatory inside any business including grocery stores, etc

      1. It is right the only question is the street . You do not need to wear a mask outside unless you are Surrounded by people & can’t social distance. In some places you need a mask to be outside period

  10. Continued good news in CT….ninth consecutive day with a significant drop in the number of hospitalizations. Expiration of stay at home order on May 20 still looking good. Per Gov Lamont, openings of businesses can take place after the 20th including restaurants with outdoor seating, hair salons, some retail and offices etc. In addition, dentist offices and elective surgeries can resume immediately.

    1. Is he doing a phased system sure does not look like the ones I’ve seen .

      1. Thanks Mark. I’ll read in am. I am very impressed with RI and am sure even from little I have read that CT is taking same approach.

    1. Won’t be business around here for sone time . They just cancelled the Plymouth 4th of July fireworks & parade in Plymouth ( it’s well known event ) guaranteed the pops 4th concert is next .

      1. As I think you know, Im on the Sutton parade committee and in charge of the fireworks portion. TK will tell you the company we use is one of the best in the country. All are canceling or postponing. But it doesn’t mean portions cannot be held later in the year

  11. Discovered a site called boxed.com which is essentially warehouse type of shopping from your computer screen. They even currently have hand sanitizer and toilet paper in stock. I didn’t need either but built a box of stuff we did need and I just got an email today it was being shipped out and the email included a “selfie” of everything in the box! lol. Love it.

    1. THANK YOU!!!
      There are definitely some items I may order from this site.
      You have been quite a resource for us all!

      1. I have been looking over the site. I love it. It doesn’t have everything, but can stock up on items, allowing grocery deliveries
        to have less items and thus less stressful. Thanks again.

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